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본 연구에서는 터키의 직업교육훈련 체제 및 특성을 파악하고, 현재 터키가 직면해 있는 직업교육훈련 과제와 이슈들을 분석하여 우리나라 직업교육훈련 발전을 위해 시사하는 바를 논의하였다. 터키의 교육체계는 크게 ‘형식 교육(formal education)’과 ‘비형식 교육(non-formal education)’으로 구분되며, 이들 교육활동은 교육부(Ministry of National Education)가 담당하고 있다. 형식교육은 학령전 교육, 초등교육, 중등교육, 고등교육의 4개 수준으로 이루어지며, 비형식 교육은 공공교육, 도제훈련, 그리고 원격교육을 통해 시행되고 있다. 그리고 터키의 직업교육훈련은 정규교육 영역에서는 중등교육 단계와 중등교육 이후 단계에서 이루어지며, 정규교육 이외의 영역에서는 비형식 교육 형태로 주로 도제훈련을 통해 실시된다. 또한 최근 터키는 직업교육훈련과 관련하여 인력의 경쟁력 강화를 위하여 노동시장의 요구에 부응할 수 있는 양질의 인력을 양성하고, 유럽연합 (EU) 기준에 상응하도록 직업교육훈련 체제를 개혁하였다. 이러한 노력에도 불구하고 터키는 성별 및 지역간 교육격차 문제점 해결, 여학생들의 중등교육 참여율 제고 및 중도 탈락률 억제, 직업교육의 활성화, 교육과 노동시장간의 연계성 부족, 직업교육훈련의 질 제고 등의 문제에 직면해 있으며, 이를 해결함으로써 직업교육훈련을 발전시키기 위하여 노력하고 있다.

Turkey is receiving a great deal of attention as one of emerging economies due to their growing importance in the world economy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the features and practices of Vocational Education and Training(VET) system and discuss implications for Korean VET. The study describes major features of Turkish VET system, including Turkish education system, the governance system of VET(financial and administrative system of VET), the delivery system of VET(VET institutions), curriculum development, and career guidance. In addition, it discusses major issues Turkey faces with respect to building a national VET system and other human resource issues which are crucial to sustainable growth of this country. Turkey has paid attention to modernize the VET system. However, many issues needed to be solved remain: the gaps among gender and regions, the low enrollment rate and high drop-out rate of girls, a relatively low percentage of student in vocational high schools, the lack of linkage between education and industry, and a low quality of VET. Turkish government tries to solve these problems, thereby improving VET system and practices.

Turkey is receiving a great deal of attention as one of emerging economies due to their growing importance in the world economy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the features and practices of Vocational Education and Training(VET) system and discuss implications for Korean VET. The study describes major features of Turkish VET system, including Turkish education system, the governance system of VET(financial and administrative system of VET), the delivery system of VET(VET institutions), curriculum development, and career guidance. In addition, it discusses major issues Turkey faces with respect to building a national VET system and other human resource issues which are crucial to sustainable growth of this country. Turkey has paid attention to modernize the VET system. However, many issues needed to be solved remain: the gaps among gender and regions, the low enrollment rate and high drop-out rate of girls, a relatively low percentage of student in vocational high schools, the lack of linkage between education and industry, and a low quality of VET. Turkish government tries to solve these problems, thereby improving VET system and practices.