The Most Read Books on Goodreads in August

Posted by Hayley on August 23, 2019
What's popular right now? Memoirs, books available on Kindle Unlimited and Prime Reading, and the latest from big authors, including Colson Whitehead, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Taylor Jenkins Reid.

Here at Goodreads we like to know what people are reading. From peeking at the books of our fellow commuters to not-so-surreptitiously checking out the stacks on our coworkers' desks, we embrace our curious nature. That's why we're rounding up what Goodreads members around the world are currently reading. These are the top books, ranked by the number of people who have read them this month.

Browse the books below and add what looks good to your Want to Read shelf.





















Comments Showing 1-50 of 113 (113 new)

message 1: by Kim (new)

Kim Lansing Currently reading Time's Convert by Deborah Harkness. Loving it!

message 2: by Claudine (new)

Claudine Suor I am currently reading an ARC of Chilka's Journey by Heather Morris - just started it. Am hoping it is as good as her previous book.

message 3: by Claire (new)

Claire Hong I’m reading the “Not that Bad” anthology

message 4: by Beldryn (new)

Beldryn I'm reading the Da Vinci Code and have recenty finished Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor

message 5: by Jason (new)

Jason The spider by leo Carew

message 6: by Jud (new)

Jud I'm reading The Dark Stone, it's fab :o)

Εvdokia Veloudou (velvetreads) I’m reading Tidelands

message 8: by Millystargirl (new)

Millystargirl Lanny by Max Porter i have to keep pausing otherwise i'd finish it and its just so wonderful i don't want to yet also started reading the Midwich Cuckoos yesterday which is by John Wyndham, so getting a double serving of the inherent creepiness of English villages.

message 9: by Lara (new)

Lara I'm just finishing Eragon and starting on my reread of Harry Potter and the Prisioner of Azkaban!

message 10: by Maria (new)

Maria CR A Darker Shade of Magic and Voyage of the Dawn Treader

message 11: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Morales I just finished Good Omens. SO GOOD and really quite hilarious. TV show was great, too.

Currently reading The Goldfinch. A masterpiece so far.

message 13: by Ripa (new)

Ripa Biswas I'm currently reading eragon by Christopher paolini. Can anyone suggest me some adventure based fantasy genred books.. except Circe n inheritance cycle

message 14: by Terri (new)

Terri Just finished The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See - excellent historical fiction!

message 15: by Emmeline Joy (new)

Emmeline Joy Ripa wrote: "I'm currently reading eragon by Christopher paolini. Can anyone suggest me some adventure based fantasy genred books.. except Circe n inheritance cycle"

Three of my favorite fantasy adventure series (in no particular order) are:

Misborn by Brandon Sanderson (first book: The Final Empire)
Riyria Revelations by Michael Sullivan (first book: Theft of Swords)
Shattered Sea by Joe Abercrombie (first book: Half a King)

Enjoy! :-)

message 16: by Kasiaott (new)

Kasiaott Otterbein Just finished WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING. The ending blew me away!

Lady Caroline de Bourgh Ripa wrote: "I'm currently reading eragon by Christopher paolini. Can anyone suggest me some adventure based fantasy genred books.. except Circe n inheritance cycle"
Oh yes! This book is not widely known at all, its actually just been released by a local author, but it is tremendously amazing! Its called The Caretaker, by April C. Royer.

message 18: by Leslie (new)

Leslie I just finished Arcadia by Lauren Geoff. Wonderful. Now embarking on Neal Stephenson’s huge book, Fall.

message 19: by Liz (new)

Liz Davaine I am currently reading Bayou Myth (ebook) and listening to Bonobo Handshakes on audiobook

message 20: by Barefoot (new)

Barefoot Alex The Nickel Boys

message 21: by Sara (new)

Sara Hufnagle The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson. Very good and very informative.

message 22: by Sylwia (new)

Sylwia I'm just about to finish The Twisted Tree by Rachel Burge

message 23: by Niloy (new)

Niloy Kumar Das I am reading "Missing Microbes". I must say that a book that enlightning me a great deal.

message 24: by Wes (new)

Wes Have read 3 and 1 is on my TBR. No interest in the others.

message 25: by Brenda (new)

Brenda Gerry I am reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I am totally hooked on these books.

message 26: by Jan (new)

Jan I've read 5 of these, but none of them this month! Now reading The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish. Excellent historical fiction.

message 27: by Heather (new)

Heather I just started "Gavin" by Bradley Biggs. This is the second book by him that I will be reading. I enjoyed his "The Triple Nickles" so I'm looking forward to this one.

message 28: by Lauren (new)

Lauren The Facts of Life by Graham Joyce

message 29: by Alison (new)

Alison Read Where The Crawdads Sing and started Good Omens this month haha

message 30: by Kelley (new)

Kelley I am reading Hell's Princess: the mystery of Belle Gunness, butcher of men. It is so interesting and creepy.

message 31: by Deb (new)

Deb Jan wrote: "I've read 5 of these, but none of them this month! Now reading The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish. Excellent historical fiction."

I loved this book! Enjoy!!

message 32: by Tucker (new)

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) Little Fires Everwhere is one of my favorites.
Right now, I'm reading Ninth House

message 33: by Amy (new)

Amy I am reading Becoming Queen Victoria by Kate Williams and The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

message 34: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Kingdom of Gods by N.K. Jemisin. So good!

message 35: by Elena (new)

Elena Buscaroli Currently reading Kallbrand by Cilla & Rolf Börjlind - book 5 in the Rönning & Stilton thriller series!

message 37: by Angel (new)

Angel Courtney wrote: "I just finished Good Omens. SO GOOD and really quite hilarious. TV show was great, too.

Currently reading The Goldfinch. A masterpiece so far."

I finished watching the TV show and it was wonderful. I can't wait to see how much better the book is.

kittykat AKA Ms. Tortitude Read 2, 12 others on my TBR, heard of all bar 2 of them.

message 39: by Vivienne (new)

Vivienne Currently reading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell as part of book club challenge.

message 40: by Aubrey (new)

Aubrey I'm waiting on an article being published here that's devoted to August being Women in Translation Month, but I guess that's not a big enough cash cow for GRAmazon.

message 41: by Jane (new)

Jane De vries Kasiaott wrote: "Just finished WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING. The ending blew me away!"

That is on my list!

message 42: by mahra (new)

mahra  alneyadi currently reading queen of shadows by sarah j mass. and its by far the best book i have read in this series.

message 43: by Susan (new)

Susan Reading Salman Rushdie, Midnights Children.

message 44: by Ellen (new)

Ellen Seeing the 2 Harry Potter books here makes me think that some kids (and adults) are finishing up their summer reading lists before school starts!

message 45: by Susan (new)

Susan Schiller Currently reading Circe.

message 46: by Mariellen (new)

Mariellen Defort The poison wood bible

message 47: by Andie (new)

Andie I am reading Paper Towns and the Percy Jackson series.

message 48: by Kelly (new)

Kelly Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Great summer read!

message 49: by Belinda (new)

Belinda Clive Barker's "The Scarlet Gospels". I forgot how graphic his books were; not complaining though.

message 50: by shawana (new)

shawana Brenda wrote: "I am reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I am totally hooked on these books."

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