LEDU Now Trading on Livecoin, Mercatox and Exrates

Education Ecosystem (LEDU)
Education Ecosystem
1 min readJun 25, 2018


LEDU is now available for trading on three more exchanges: Livecoin, Mercatox and Exrates.

Livecoin has trading available with both LEDU/ETH and LEDU/BTC pairs. Mercatox also has LEDU/ETH and LEDU/BTC pairs. Exrates also has LEDU/ETH and LEDU/BTC pairs.

We are continuously working towards making LEDU coins available on more exchanges. As always, check our blog for further updates.

Get LEDU Coin

Get LEDU coins now on Exrates, BitForex, Livecoin, Mercatox and IDEX or join the LEDU OTC Trading program for large purchases. Read more about LEDU coins on our project page and ask any questions you might have in our Telegram group chat.



Education Ecosystem (LEDU)
Education Ecosystem

Education Ecosystem (LEDU) is a decentralized project-based learning platform that teaches people how to build tech products, https://www.educationecosystem.com