Life’s 5 Biggest Bullshifts™, Busted!

Megan Smith-Gill
5 min readFeb 13, 2018

Have you ever wondered why no matter how hard you work, it seems like nothing ever changes?

An admitted recovering workaholic, I lived most of my life chasing a mirage; a mirage of what I thought success looked like. Actually, the mirage is what society tells success looks like.

But here’s the problem: The mirage is nothing but a bunch of bullshift™!

And what’s worse is that our unwavering belief in this mirage is the very thing that prevents us from ever becoming truly successful, from ever living our best lives. And the only way we can actually create the life of our dreams and live in a peak state daily is to remove the mirage from our belief system entirely and replace it with a new set of beliefs designed to help us create the life we know we were mean to live.

It’s time to bust these bullshifts™ once and for all!

Bullshift™ Number One: Your life is based on luck.

Most people believe that their lives consist of a series of either good- or bad-luck events that they have very little — if any — control over. They go through each day as passengers, not captains, of their own ships of life. They react to situations rather than creating and manifesting their desired outcomes. And I am here right now to call bullshift™ on this.

Reality Check: You have an amazing power within that, when understood, gives you the amazing ability to create a life bigger and better than you ever thought possible. Each person comes into this life as an individual being who is merely a single expression of something much bigger, like a single wave that, although unique, is connected to the whole ocean. It is from this source that comes your inner power to design and live the life you have only dared to dream about before. But when you understand how to tap into this internal power you will realize that it is easier than you ever knew how to make it happen.

Bullshift Number Two: Competition is a necessary part of success.

Society has led us to believe that there are a limited number of opportunities available to each of us and so we must compete fiercely with one another to claim victory before someone else gets there first. This too is bullshift™ !

Reality check: There are an infinite number of opportunities available to everyone everywhere on the planet, and competition only exists because people falsely believe that everyone is vying for their piece of a very small pie. Letting go of the competitive mindset has been one of the most liberating and freeing things I have ever done, and it has been a huge part of transforming my life in more ways than I ever imagined.

Bullshift™ Number Three: Frugality means the same things as nobility.

This belief stems from the fact that somehow along the way, living a life of sacrifice, lack, and limitation has become noble. It has become revered. It’s as if sacrifice has mistakenly gotten confused with sharing or generosity. To dream big and want abundance in our lives is perceived as selfish and greedy so we set mediocre goals and get mediocre results. Bullshift™ again! Nothing could be further from the truth.

Reality Check: Abundance is our birthright, and creating as much abundance in our lives is in line with the very highest level of universal consciousness. The universe wants you to be abundant, wants each of us to be abundant, and then share our abundance with our families, relatives, friends, societies, and the world! The more abundant you are, the more you have to give and share with others. Sacrifice and limitation regress humankind. Abundance makes the world flourish!

Bullshift™ Number Four: To succeed you must keep adding information into your conscious mind.

This stems from the belief that it is our conscious mind that creates our results. But I am calling bullshift™ on this right now as well. In fact, this may be the single most important belief to change if you really want to change your life.

Reality check: Your subconscious mind is actually more important in shaping your reality than your subconscious. No matter how much information you keep stuffing into your conscious mind, if your subconscious is telling a different story you will never change your results. To get the results you want, you must first change the paradigm programmed into your subconscious.

Bullshift™ Number Five: You can have money OR happiness but not both.

For some reason, society has led us to believe that it is an either/or option, but having both is not possible. We have been taught to believe that you can be poor and happy or rich and miserable. Think of the countless examples in popular stories we’ve seen over and over again that are passed down from one generation to the next like the classic Ebenezer Scrooge. And without our knowing it, we’ve engrained this belief in our mind but this is, without a doubt, absolute bullshift™ too!

Reality Check: It is absolutely possible to have money AND happiness and it is your duty as a human being to pursue both! We must lose the story that super rich people are stingy, unhappy, and overworked. We must learn to turn our attention to creating wealth and not merely earning money. We must make money the means to the end but not the end. When we do this we will inevitable end up with more freedom in our lives and it this freedom that will increase our happiness exponentially.

This really is the first step in achieving your goals and dreams, whatever they may be. Because as long as you hold onto any of these false beliefs, your dreams will always seem to elude you no matter how hard you try.

Bottom line? If you change your paradigm, you can change your life.

Call To Action And Next Steps

If you want to discover the secrets to having more clarity, more happiness, and more freedom in your life, and get results 10x faster than most people, grab your FREE copy of my book, Give A Shift now!

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Megan Smith-Gill

Personal Growth Ninja. Life Hacker. Spiritual Warrior. Entrepreneur. Kindness Activist. Wife. Momma. Human Being.