Georgia Southern University Students Receive Four Emmy Nominations

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences has recognized Georgia Southern University’s Multimedia Development Center with four Student Emmy Award nominations. The MDC student production teams received two nominations for Sports – Live Events, Fairfield vs. Georgia Southern in Men’s Baseball and Georgia State vs. Georgia Southern in Women’s Basketball. Also, student Holden Galatas received a nomination in the Talent category for his anchor work of these events.

“I’m so excited to have received this honor, I never really thought this would be occurring in this stage of my career. This has been a team effort since we started. If I win this, it is a trophy for the team not just for me,” said Galatas.

Students Shelby Head, Bradon Holder, Jayden Moss, Sterling Mattison and Robert Ross received a nomination for Arts and Entertainment/Cultural Affairs for the production of the “Strings at Southern Chamber Music Festival.”

“The experience working at the MDC has provided me with an unsurpassed professional experience in the broadcast and video production field. I have been presented with numerous opportunities to grow and really augment my major of Electrical Engineering with this educational experience. I can’t thank Georgia Southern enough for this opportunity,” said Holder.

Moss also received a nomination in the Arts and Entertainment/Cultural Affairs category and has been hired to produce videos for Disney Theme Parks upon graduating from Georgia Southern.

“Thank you Georgia Southern, it’s because of the experience at the MDC that I was able to be hired in my job at Disney and then be nominated for this award,” said Moss.

The student Emmy winners will be announced in Atlanta on June 9.