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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Study of Work Life Balance in Woman

Employees Strategies for Sustainability in
Information Technology Sectors
MBA Student, MBA Student,
Amrita College of engineering and technology, Nagercoil. Amrita College of engineering and technology, Nagercoil.

Abstract:- In this modern world economic crisis plays a II. LITERATURE REVIEW
vital role to decide the human work life. Due to sudden
rise in economic condition, it is mandatory for both men Rebbecca (2009) quotes in “Work life balance- Men
and woman to work to manage their routine needs.One and Women” Women and men generally have a different
of the key factors in achieving woman success is work- view of balancing work and life. He says that women spend
life is an accepted fact that woman face more more time in his family and men spend more time pursuing
challenges than men to sustain in working environment his personal interests. Balance is work and personal He
also to balance the family life by adopting important cites not only the separation of time spent in life but also
strategy.In order to sustain woman have come up with harmony that reflects the individual's priorities
different Strategies, plans, policies and programs to
sustain their work duties and family responsibilities. Peter (2009) in his study on “Work life balance and
Some strategies are legal, others are voluntary. The subjective well being” Explains work-life balance and
study focuses the factors which cause problem for employee well-being. In this research, the tested hypothesis
working woman to maintain balance their work and is that having enough time increases employee well-being
life. This study existing strategy adopted by working because it helps meet individual needs. The discovery of
woman to sustain in their work place to provide this research is that there is a sufficient amount of time
suggestion to improve the present situation. available for personal life and works. The level of well-
being can only be stated if the individual's needs are met at
I. INTRODUCTION a particular time.

Day to Day the world get update in industries and R Baral and S Bhargava (2011) in their research
educational levels thus the opportunities for women also titled “HR interventions for Work life balance” Work-life
upgrades. Due to economic factors. There is an human balance is a view of technological, statistical and
needs that both men and women must work together for organizational changes associated with it for both research
live normal lives. The modified world increasing the scholars and business leaders. They explained the
employment create a harmonious environment where challenges HR managers face when implementing policy
employees can balance their professional and personal effectively in their organization. Companies work life
lives. Only when an employer has a positive work-life balance they suggest that policies should be implemented
balance, can it produce and give great for organization. So and incorporated into the organizational culture that ensures
businesses create impressive projects to satisfy their employee commitment and productivity.
employee needs.. Art, Literature, Sports, women like
corporate are ready to take on challenges. People want to Sarah Holly and AlwineMohnen (2012) in their
get a good one Quality of life, an interesting work life and study titled “Impact of working hours on Work Life
career advancement, training and development, good balance” Their main purpose is to examine the influence of
Healthcare, affordable child care or big care, overtime employees' work hours on their job satisfaction. They
education, more money, time to travel, time for friends and explain that the overall number of employees wants to
family, sports and entertainment reduce their work hours, mainly due to overtime
More production and more achievement leading to
more industry success. Many responsibilities effectively it  Objective of this study
is possible to work in community and flexible ways without  To identify factors which included in woman
guilt or regret, thus generating income and managing Employees work life balance.
family / other duties is easier, leading to improved  Identify strategies adopted by woman employees to
recruitment Retention and Reduced Income If an sustain in working environment.
organization with successful and productive women is to  Learn the woman Employee's work and its impact
succeed, it needs to donate plans and strategies. Personal life of the woman employee.

IJISRT20APR926 901

Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY sampling technique and analysis was carried out with the
help of statistical tools.
The present study is empathically in human resource
based on survey method. The study mainly focus on IV. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION
difficulties faced by working IT women employees to
balance their work life and to sustain in it for that the The woman employees focus on their work and family
structure questionnaire was prepared using 5 liquored scale liabilities, one of many times they outperform the other
rating from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The sample imbalance in family life and work. Therefore the present
is collected from 60 respondents using simple random study analyzed woman work life balance enforces their


Particulars No of Percet
8 hours 14 23.3
8.5 hours 8 13.3
9.2 hours 32 53.3
>10 hours 6 10
Total 60 100
Table 1:- Number of working hours in a day

We can observe 14 from the table above Respondents 8 hours, 8 respondents Working 8.5 hours, 32 respondents work 9.2
hour and 6 respondents work too much More than 10 hours a day at IT Field.

working hours in a day

8 hours 8.5 hours 9.2 hours >10 hours




Fig 1

Particulars Number of Percentage

Happy 42 70
Very happy 8 13.3
Indifferent 6 10
Unhappy 4 6.6
Total 60 100
Table 2:- The time you spend at work daily.

We can observe 42 from the table above the respondent is happy with the timing sent in daily work, 6 respondents feel
indifferent about time when it comes to day-to-day work, 4 Respondents are unhappy with the time he spent the day.

IJISRT20APR926 902

Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Time spend at work daily

Unhappy Unhappy, 6.6

Indifferent Indifferent, 10

Very happy Very happy, 13.3

Happy, 70

Fig 2

particulars Number of Percent

Yes 38 63.3
no 12 20
don’t know 10 16.6
Total 60 100
Table 3:- Organization Strategy on Work-Life Balance

We can observe those 38 from the table above 10 on the principle of work-life balance the respondents do not know whether
they are the company has a working life policy balance.

organisation policy on Work-Life

organisation has a
20 policy on Work-Life

Fig 3

Particulars Number of Percent

YES 35 58.3
NO 25 41.6
TOTAL 60 100
Table 4:- Employees That Cant Able To Balance the Worklife

We can observe those 35 from the table above respondents say they can able to balance their work-life balance, 25
respondents Say no to their work-life balance

IJISRT20APR926 903

Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

balance your work life

42% Yes

Fig 4

Particulars Number of Percentage

Frequently 6 10
Sometimes 4 6.6
Occasionally 30 50
Rarely 12 20
never 8 13.3
total 60 100
Table 5:- Do you work for long hours or over time and even on holidays?

We can observe 8 from the table above respondents never work for long hours, 12 respondents rarely over time, 4
respondents sometimes over time, and 6 respondents frequently work for long hours and 30 respondent feels occasionally over

you work for long hours or over time

and even on holidays

13% 10% 7%
20% Occasionally

Fig 5

Particulars Number of Percentage

Less than 2 hours 2 3.3
2-4 hours 38 63.3
4-6 hours 8 13.3
More than 6 hours 12 20
total 60 100
Table 6:- How much time you spend on domestic activities?

IJISRT20APR926 904

Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
We can observe 2 from the table above Respondents less than 2 hours, 38 respondents spend 2-4 hours, 4 respondents spend
4-6 hours and 12 respondents spend too much More than 6 hours a day.

Fig 6

Particulars Number of Percent

Happy 2 3.3
Very happy 3 5
Indifferent 35 58.3
Unhappy 20 33.3
total 60 100
Table 7:- Feeling Satisfied

We can observe 2 from the table above the respondent was happy, 3 respondents very happy, 35 respondents feel indifferent,
20 respondents are unhappy .

Satified by the company

Happy Very happy Indifferent Unhappy




Fig 7

IJISRT20APR926 905

Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Model summary

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.914042537
R Square 0.835473759
Adjusted R Square 0.753210638
Standard Error 9.607248376
Observations 4
Table 8

Assumption: Since r = 0.914, there is a very strong relationship Between Predictor the dependent variable under study.


df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 937.4016 937.4016 10.15612 0.0085957
Residual 2 184.5984 92.29922
Total 3 1122
Table 9

Since the significant value is 0.008, this is less than a woman employees related to the company strategies and
fixed value of 0.05; we reject Ho and decide it is quality should be encouraged. There must be a timely and flexible
time missed with family, job demands, meetings after extra time it has to be accepted, and thus woman employees
hours and office hours one of the good predictors of work don’t feel stressed about overtime they can spend a quality
negative effect on personal life. time with their family and they can too time to complete
their family duties and Commitments.
This study indicates there is a a negative side of
overtime work, the important of the job, the quality time Work life balance can be said to be a most important
the staff missed out with their family due to work and problem issue in human resource management field and it
conducted meetings after office hours. We know from the has a major impact with regard to the productivity and
tests conducted woman employee work has an impact their growth of both organization and personnel. Work life about
personal life. The vast majority of woman agrees with them a measure of control when, where and how things work.
get their immediate support and help supervisor or More factors act as sub-components woman employees to
manager. Most employees at IT feel that the principle of achieve balance between work and personal life. Some
work-life balance provided the system is negligent most elements as employees participate in shaping it is useful to
employees agree the organization provides an opportunity make strategies and important decisions correlation of
family members of the employee to participate company company strategy be strengthened to do work and personal
celebrations or other activity this is a good sign that the life of the employees is very balanced.
employees will feel good about the organization and their
family members to help build good relationships. This is REFERENCES
seen from the majority analysis staff feel happy about the
time they spend their day at work. [1]. Mohammad niaz,Journal of Vocational Behaviour
(2003) – “Relation between work family balance and
VII. SUGGESTIONS quality of life.” Page 510- 531
[2]. Rebbecca,Journal of Nursing Management (2006) -”A
The survey found it the organization has realized the mechanism for improving job satisfaction and work
need for work woman life balances and provides strategy life balance.” Page 282 - 288
and programs are the focus growth of employees and its [3]. Peter,Family Relations, Vol. 50, No.1 (jan 2001) Page
family friendly. Because of that, balancing work and family 49-58
roles one of the major issues in the coming years the system [4]. Sarah Holly and AlwineMohnen (2012) in their study
needs to improve and find ways to satisfy employees there titled “Impact of working hours on Work Life
are different requirements and these should be integrated balance”
but not optional for the core business. You have to be very [5]. R Baral and S Bhargava (2011) in their research titled
focused on picking results in acceptance and “HR interventions for Work life balance”
implementation strategy affects both the employee and the
employee system. There must be proper communication for

IJISRT20APR926 906

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