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Macau to reduce Hong Kong reliance, target Greater Bay Area to expand tourism industry in 2020

The Macau SAR government is planning to strengthen tourism development in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic by reducing its reliance on Hong Kong International Airport.

The Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Ao Ieong U, presented at the Q&A session at the Legislative Assembly on Monday. She reiterated that Macau is pushing the mutual recognition of its health code system with mainland China, but highlighted that preventive measures against COVID-19 might become a “new normal” and would sustain over a period of time.

A series of limitations on Macau’s tourism industries were outlined due to the impact of the pandemic, such as the reliance on visitors from mainland China and flights into Hong Kong.

“Macau recorded double-digit growth of international visitors in the first half of 2019. However, international visitors significantly dropped in the second half of last year, influenced by the situation in Hong Kong,” said Director of Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO), Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes.

“We have to review our current civil aviation network to expand our international markets, which is a long-term goal for us.”

As a result, Macau is looking at utilizing the GBA’s aircraft networks to promote joint-tourism products with cities in the GBA. The government expects travel styles and trends will be significantly changed around the world following the COVID-19 pandemic and also needs to review its civil aviation planning for long-term development.

To help the SAR’s languishing tourism industry recover, more measures will be launched soon after the pandemic is over.

The annual “Explore the Light” festival for example, will now be held in September 2020, three months earlier than usual. Local tour operators, travel agencies and hotels will also receive support and subsidies in the near future. The government even plans to hold international sporting events every month in order to promote “sports tourism” in Macau, it said.

Zhuhai to accept Macau’s COVID-19 test results

The Zhuhai government has revealed it will now recognize test results from COVID-19 tests conducted in Macau for residents living in Zhuhai City – another small but significant step on the road to easing border restrictions.

Currently, Macau residents holding Zhuhai residential cards are the only group able to enter Zhuhai without undergoing a mandatory 14-day medical quarantine. However, until now they have had to receive COVID-19 tests at the Gongbei border, imposed by the Zhuhai government.

The Zhuhai government announced on Wednesday that Gongbei port will no longer provide the virus test service from 8 April, with the tests to instead be administered by Macau’s health authorities and six designated hospitals in Zhuhai.

The Health Bureau in Macau will provides tests from 9am to 9pm every day at the Taipa Ferry Terminal, with the test results to be confirmed on the spot and shown on the individual health code system after 24 hours.

About 15,000 Macau residents are estimated to be living in Zhuhai. However, the daily test quota in Macau is 4,000, so residents must book their tests online. Residents' first test is free of charge, but they will have to pay MOP$180 for each subsequent test.

Macau is still requiring non-resident workers from mainland China to undergo a 14-day quarantine before entering the city, however health officials said a further notice on the arrangements for Chinese non-resident workers will be announced soon.

Macau officials deny border restrictions set to ease this week

Macau health officials stated on Tuesday that there is still no confirmed date for the easing of border restrictions between Macau and mainland China, with some key details yet to be finalized.

Downplaying rumors circulating on social media claiming border restrictions would be removed by the end of this week, the Health Bureau clarified that Macau is still negotiating with the mainland Chinese government.

In particular, mutual recognition of each government’s health code systems and current capabilities for virus testing must be determined before any progress is made. Officials instead urged the public to be “patient.”

The update comes as it was revealed several foreigners trapped in Macau for several months now have requested assistance in returning home.

The Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) has received a number of inquiries seeking help to leave Macau, having previously assisted several non-residents from Thailand, Portugal, Italy and Indonesia in doing so.

Meanwhile, just 87 people remained in medical quarantine in Macau’s Pousada Marina Infante Hotel as of Tuesday.























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