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An increase in international students from outside of the EU is witnessed by The Republic of Ireland recently.

Through this article, let us understand why Ireland has become the latest popular study abroad destination.

Why Ireland is appealing to international students has many reasons like cosmopolitan cities and stunning countryside, not to mention the world-class universities but what else might have led the international students to study in Ireland. Let’s take a look


For the international students coming from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, the use of English as the main language of tuition at the university level in Ireland is what attracts students offshore speaking English, and to those who wish to improve their English language skills as well. Ireland maintains links with other nations that speak Gaelic-based languages and Irish is spoken around the country. However, only to study Irish culture and language the Irish is usually used. To study all other subjects English is generally used. You can find a big list of universities in Ireland that teaches courses in English.


An attractive part of being an international student in Ireland is the student visa conditions. Ireland allows those who have completed their degree to remain in Ireland for up to 2 years after graduation, unlike many European countries. For 20 hours per week, all the international students are allowed to work outside of their studies, however, to support themselves the international students must have €7,000, but they can supplement this too.


In areas such as Midwifery in Ireland, there is an excellent international reputation for Medical and Health Care training, and 31% of international students are concentrated to pursue Medicine or Health Care in Ireland thanks to this. This attracts students from all over the world, especially the developing world, to access training that then allows them to return home to use their skills to support their communities.


Many countries from Europe and around the world can fly directly to Dublin Airport as Ireland has several international airports and fly directly Dublin Airport. The road and rail infrastructure also allows easy movement around the country as the connections are all-new, making it easier to get back home for international students.


Ireland has experienced many young people spend time abroad before or after studying at university thus the country has seen massive emigration in the past. This means that many international students will have met Irish students before and many cities around the world have Irish communities that have been settled there for years, thus before the international students head to Ireland they have an experience of Irish culture that they will enjoy living in.

Aren’t these reasons amazing? Why won't any international student want to pursue his study in Ireland?

Are you keen to do so? If yes, then you can start off by taking free overseas education counselling online to get complete details about higher education in Ireland as the courses taught, the universities, application process, eligibility criteria, visa process, and every minute thing related to Ireland studies. Go for it!

Tag(s) : #study in Ireland, #how to Study in Ireland, #Ireland Universitites
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