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Astrology of the G7 summit

As leaders of countries that control 40 percent of the world’s GDP gather at a French resort to discuss economic inequality and other issues they consider pressing, the rest of the world wonders if the G7 still has a purpose.

The 45th G7 summit is being held on August 24–26, 2019, in Biarritz, France.  In this post we shall see how the July 16 lunar eclipse describes the nature of the challenge being posed to the G7 nations. But first notice that the eclipse axis  makes hard aspects to the horizon at Biarritz. This means that it has a significant message for the place. But when do the heavens blare out the message? Well whenever the progressed angles align with the eclipse axis.

Here is the eclipse chart progressed to Aug. 24 when the progressed meridian axis aligns with the eclipse….meaning that the heavens are trying to get the eclipse message across on approximately that day and the couple of days that follow.

What then is the message of the eclipse.  Remember that the eclipse Moon is conjunct the South Node – Pluto – Saturn. The South Node of the Moon symbolizes past patterns of behavior that have outlived their usefulness and need to be discarded. Here the South Node is conjunct Saturn-Pluto amid stars of the Archer and the Eagle both easily recognizable symbols of war. More broadly the term includes  trade war, go-it-alone mercantilism and predatory capitalism.

On the other hand, the North Node, which represents the way forward  is amid stars of sidereal Gemini (see image) linked to co-operation, trade and commerce. "If there is  a genuine commitment to improve global economic outlook and uplift the wellbeing of ordinary people around the world then the leading nations should be working together in a collegiate planned fashion, and with as much outreach to others as possible". (the Twins hugging each other!).

The English astrologer, Alan Leo was fond of saying that the stars incline, they do not compel.  The star maps indicate that  the eclipse is providing an opportunity to shift the focus from the South Node to the North Node….but is anyone listening?


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