July 2018  |  Issue 44
Staying current is a must even when you're busy so we've put together the most popular content shared over the last month on our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn channels. On the left, we've also included a list of free webinars being offered this month. Throughout the month we will continue to update the MyNCWWI National Webinar Calendar.
Accessing Leadership Activities for Staff at all Levels
July 25

During this 45-minute webinar, our team will help you explore the Learning & Living Leadership Tool Kit to determine how it can be used for the professional development of your self and/or team. 

Upcoming Webinars 

For additional webinars, view our National Webinar Calendar on MyNCWWI.
Details of our September 20th live event under Workforce Development below
Community Context
Evidence-Based and Trauma-Informed Practice
Incentives & Work Conditions
Racial Equity
Have resources you'd like to share with the community? Just send us a private message through any of our social media channels.

National Child Welfare Workforce Institute, University at Albany, School of Social Welfare, 135 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12222