Robin Hill's Reviews > Free Hostage

Free Hostage by S. Ann Cole
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it was amazing
bookshelves: f-beta, d-swoony, a-romance, b-romcom, h-1st-person-present

I can just imagine Ms. Cole sitting back with her feet propped up sipping a Mai Tai trying to come up with a title for this book.
Cons Conning Cons
The Con and the Con Who Loved Him/Her
We'll Always Have Paris
Your Heist or Mine?

Thank God all of those were tossed because Free Hostage is an absolutely perfect title, and I didn’t realize it until I was completely absorbed. Engrossed. Hostage. <-- Ha! that totally wasn’t planned!

Willing captive/reluctant captor. Seriously, that’s all you need to know. Cole is a natural when it comes to compelling, heartwarming, laugh-out-loud love stories that keep you on the edge of your seat. And, her heroines have heart. Timber is strong, beautiful, and fearless. A broken girl who’d never admit to being broken, hidden beneath a mess of bangs and a willful pair of glasses constantly sliding down her nose. Timber is fast at work ripping the "adorkable" title from Zooey Deschanel’s grabby little fingers (I’ve been out of the loop. Deschanel does currently hold the title, yeah?).

Considering the nature of the plot, I questioned everyone all the time, especially Jaxon. But when I finally felt like I had a grasp on things, when I finally thought, huh, maybe Jaxon is the real deal, I had an honest to God “My So Called Life” moment. You know, when Jordan Catalano grabs Angela’s hand while Buffalo Tom wails in the background? I grinned. I giggled. I swooned. I emailed Cole to see if it was OK to give a status update. I waited. I filed my nails. I waited some more. Finally, I gave up and gave a status update anyway.

The feels are strong with this one.
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Reading Progress

January 7, 2017 – Started Reading
January 7, 2017 – Shelved
January 7, 2017 –
69.0% "I'm beta reading this and I don't know if I'm even allowed to mention that, but holy crap I don't care. I'm so hardcore swooning right now. I love her humor, I love her characters, I love her brand of romance. So unique and so, so fun."
January 8, 2017 –
January 8, 2017 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by T. (new)

T. Rosado How did I not know about this book sooner and that you have already read it? It all sounds like something I would LOVE!

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