反對政府無理禁止加熱煙 剝削選擇權變相推煙民落火坑; YES to IQOS Regulation; No to Choice Deprivation

反對政府無理禁止加熱煙 剝削選擇權變相推煙民落火坑; YES to IQOS Regulation; No to Choice Deprivation

26 June 2018
Petition to
Professor Sophia Chan (Secretary for Food and Health, Hong Kong SAR Government) and
Signatures: 8,065Next Goal: 10,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Joe Lo

反對政府無理禁止加熱煙 剝削選擇權變相推煙民落火坑; YES to IQOS Regulation; No to Choice Deprivation





施政報告題為「堅定前行 燃點希望」。其實依份報告又豈止係「燃點希望」咁簡單,直頭係將一眾加熱煙用家、煙民、報販乃至飽受二手煙困擾嘅廣大非煙民嘅希望燃燒殆盡。我哋在此呼籲大家支持依個聯署,走出黎發聲,向政府,同埋一班身在高空樓閣嘅人反映我哋嘅訴求。我們喺不久嘅將來會有更多行動加強大眾對加熱煙的了解,希望政府可以聲到大家嘅聲音。

We will resist till the end. This resistance is not for ourselves, but for all Hongkongers.

The HK government proposed in the latest Policy Address to ban the import and sales of e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco products. We think that this approach is very insensible and would like to express our disappointment and fury about it. The complete ban neglects the real situation, views of smokers, scientific evidence and international trends and overturns the earlier rational decision to regulate. This decision to ban is also depriving us of the right to choose less harmful products and forces us to go back to traditional cigarettes or go for the illicit.

This resistance is not just for Hong Kong’s 600,000 smokers, but for the remaining 6.7 million non-smokers who do not want to be bothered by second-hand smoke anymore.

The HK government must know that there are many ways other than a ban to address public health and teenage issues. A total ban is against Hong Kong’s free market principle. Is it not more effective forbidding sales to teenagers than to impose a complete ban? We don’t need a public health policy that’s hypocritical and double-standard. We urge the government not to marginalise smokers, approach heat-not-burn products based on common sense and science, have a look at the anger in the society (not just “certain individuals and merchants”) about the decision, and understand why we switched to these products.

The Policy Address is themed “Rekindling Hope”, but the hope of heat-not-burn product users, smokers, newspaper merchants as well as those non-smokers who benefited from nearby people switching has already been burnt to ashes. We therefore call on all to support our petition and make our voices clear to the government. We will take further actions in the future in the hope that the government can listen to us.

全禁無視世界趨勢:加熱煙在全球已有超過40個國家可以合法購買,例如日本以及南韓和歐洲各地。甚至有愈來愈多國家強調控煙政策應該因應危害高低作差別監管 ( https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-45212444 ) 甚至積極以新型煙草產品鼓勵煙民戒煙,難道這些地方的政府都是罔顧市民健康,又或者「落後於」新加坡、泰國、澳門?香港已有眾多的煙民希望轉用或已轉用,當中更有不少人停止吸食傳統香煙。香港作為自由貿易都會,消費者為何不能得到同樣的選擇權利?

全禁無視現實情況、煙民心聲:稅率高低當然是用家考慮轉用因素之一,但歸根究底,市民為何需冒風險以非常規方式購買加熱煙 (https://hk.appledaily.com/hit/daily/article/20180808/20471438 )早前有議員指可能已有一成煙民轉用。全禁這些產品,這只會迫我們用家重返傳統香煙,又可能會有人以身試法,留下案底,或淪為網購受害者。我們當然希望香港相信大部份用家都是奉公守法的良好市民,更不用說無火無煙灰的加熱煙的出現將對周圍環境的影響降至最低,既然不少煙民已因此完全轉用,政府及一眾醫學教育界人士又為何要欺人太甚?

全禁無視科學證據:加熱煙危害及對周圍影響絕不會比傳統香煙高,愈來愈多科學證據證明此一觀點,當中更不乏權威機構 (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/e-cigarettes-and-heated-tobacco-products-evidence-review/evidence-review-of-e-cigarettes-and-heated-tobacco-products-2018-executive-summary )。政府乃至一眾醫學教育界人士,何以堅持不肯正視這些科學,並以事實作為政策制訂的基礎?既然加熱煙危害比傳統香煙低,香港人可在街頭街尾買傳統香煙,卻要畏頭畏尾買加熱煙,又甚至在沒有選擇下被迫重返傳統煙,這是甚麼道理、邏輯?

聯絡 Content:
盧先生 Mr Lo - iqoserhk@gmail.com

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Signatures: 8,065Next Goal: 10,000
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  • Professor Sophia ChanSecretary for Food and Health, Hong Kong SAR Government
  • Professor Joseph LeeMember of the Legislative Council, Hong Kong SAR
  • Dr Kwok Ka-kiMember of the Legislative Council, Hong Kong SAR
  • Professor Gabriel Leung DeanThe Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
  • Legislators