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Man on Fire in Front of White House

Auriga – the Charioteer

A man sitting on an "electronic wheelchair-type scooter" set his jacket on fire in front of the White House Friday afternoon, the U.S. Secret Service said. The U.S. Secret Service and D.C. Fire and EMS went to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW about 3:15 p.m. The Secret Service put the fire out and provided aid to the man. A suspicious package was found near the man. D.C. Fire medics treated the man, who is in Secret Service custody. He was taken to a hospital with injuries that don't appear to be life-threatening.Apr. 12

In the last few days, I have posted several examples of how the current Moon Wobble is manifesting in events. The event in the news will serve as one more. But before that let us recap a few important astrological rules. 

1.       The angles (i.e. the horizon and meridian) are extremely important in astrology.
2.       Events happen only when angles at a place are involved.
3.       Any mundane event chart  (e.g. an  exact planetary aspect, ingress or station chart)  can bring significant planetary combinations to the angles. An event will then occur that in principle is symbolized by that combination.
4.       A chart drawn for the exact time of the event is likely to involve aspects from the angles to planets.

With the rules out of the way, let us examine the chart for Jupiter station retrograde on April 10, just two days before the incident. At Washington DC, this brings the Moon Wobble to the meridian axis. We have seen that Moon Wobbles can bring about “personal upheavals” with “suppressed energies in people coming to the surface, erupting and disrupting”. The man in the wheel chair who set himself on fire was obviously going through a personal upheaval.
But why was the man in a wheel chair and why a fire?  Notice that the Moon [24ge] is conjunct rho Aurigae [23ge] – a star in the constellation of the Charioteer, which among other things Diana Rosenberg links to disabled people in wheel chairs!

Ara – the Altar

Then we notice that the Moon is opposite the stationary Jupiter [24sa] which is conjunct the star beta Arae – in the Altar’s flame!

The chart offers details that can be stunning if only we will care to look.

Finally we look at the chart for the reported time of the event. Here we can see the elements of  Moon Wobble Cross aspecting the meridian.
