Can You Use Garlic for a Yeast Infection?

Research shows antifungal medications like fluconazole are typically effective treatments for yeast infections. Many people also try alternative therapies like yogurt, vinegar, and garlic. Garlic, in particular, may have antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Some evidence suggests garlic is useful for yeast infections, but more research is needed.

Yeast infections develop if the yeast (fungus) Candida overgrows, which may occur in the esophagus, mouth, or vagina. Vaginal yeast infections are pretty common, with about 70% of women developing one at some point in their lives. Read on to learn if garlic is a safe, effective yeast infection treatment.

Close-up of person's hands peeling garlic.

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What Is a Yeast Infection?

Candida is usually present in your body in small amounts. A yeast infection develops if the natural balance of microbes changes and the yeast overgrows.

Vaginal yeast infections are a common type of yeast infection. Symptom include:

  • Burning, swelling, and redness of the vagina and vulva (external female genitals)
  • Pain while urinating and during sex
  • Severe itchiness in and around the vagina 
  • Soreness
  • Thick, white, and odorless discharge that often looks like cottage cheese

Some people are likelier to get vaginal yeast infections than others. People at risk include those who are pregnant, use birth control pills, have diabetes, or have recently taken antibiotics. 

Can You Use Garlic for a Yeast Infection?

People have used garlic to treat infections for thousands of years because of its antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. You might use oral or topical garlic supplements to treat a yeast infection. These supplements are sold over the counter.

Make sure that you only use topical treatments externally. Do not insert creams into the vagina. Wash away the cream right away if you develop adverse side effects, including itching and redness.

It's best to consult a healthcare provider before trying at-home remedies, including garlic supplements. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) minimally regulates supplements. The effects of garlic supplements depend on the dosage, frequency of use, and interactions with other medications. Talk to a healthcare provider or pharmacist before starting any supplements.

What the Research Says

One study published in 2015 compared the effects of oral garlic tablets to fluconazole, an antifungal. The researchers found garlic tablets a good alternative for treating and reducing yeast infection symptoms. However, not enough research exists to know if garlic tablets and creams can safely replace conventional yeast infection treatments.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) still recommend fluconazole and other similar antifungal agents for standard treatment.

Side Effects

Make sure to see a healthcare provider for a diagnosis if you have yeast infection symptoms before trying oral or topical garlic supplements. Garlic may cause side effects and interact with other medications. Consuming garlic, especially when it's raw, may also cause body odor, heartburn, and upset stomach. 

Other risks of oral and topical garlic supplements include:

  • Can result in misdiagnosis and delayed treatment: Two out of three people who buy yeast infection medicine do not have an active infection. This can delay treatment of other concerns, such as a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or bacterial vaginosis (BV).
  • Increases bleeding risk: This can be an issue if you take blood thinners like Coumadin (warfarin) or are about to have surgery.
  • Is possibly unsafe for pregnant people: Researchers have also not examined the safety of oral and topical garlic supplements in people who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • May interact with medications and other supplements: Oral garlic supplements may interact with saquinavir, which treats human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Garlic can also interact with other herbs and supplements.
  • Might weak contraceptives: Creams and suppositories made with garlic are oil-based. Those topical treatments can weaken latex condoms and diaphragms, increasing your risk of pregnancy and STIs. 

How To Prevent a Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are not always preventable, but you may be able to reduce your risk. Here are some ways to prevent a yeast infection:

  • Avoid hot tubs and baths.
  • Avoid wet or tight underwear, pantyhose, and pants. Cotton underwear can help keep you dry. 
  • Change out of wet swimwear or workout clothing as soon as you can. 
  • Change tampons and pads often. 
  • Do not douche or use scented products in or around the vagina. 
  • Wipe front to back after using the bathroom. 

A yeast infection is not dangerous but can have a significant impact on your life. Effective antifungal treatments are available over the counter.

Treatments include creams, tablets, ointments, or suppositories that you insert into the vagina. A healthcare provider can prescribe oral medication if you are not pregnant. They might recommend prolonged antifungal use if you develop four or more yeast infections per year.

A Quick Review

Yeast infections are common, but they are not the only cause of unpleasant vaginal and vulvar symptoms. People often mistake a more severe health condition, such as an STI, for a yeast infection and try at-home remedies like garlic. Misdiagnosis and unapproved remedies can delay proper treatment, which can be dangerous.

Talk to a healthcare provider first if you have itching or burning in or around the vagina. Getting medical help can be useful even if you have previously had yeast infections. Effective antifungal treatments are available for people with one-time and repeat infections.

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  1. Jeanmonod R, Chippa V, Jeanmonod D. Vaginal candidiasis. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2023.

  2. Felix TC, de Brito Röder DVD, Dos Santos Pedroso R. Alternative and complementary therapies for vulvovaginal candidiasisFolia Microbiol (Praha). 2019;64(2):133-141. doi:10.1007/s12223-018-0652-x

  3. MedlinePlus. Yeast infections.

  4. Office on Women's Health. Vaginal yeast infections.

  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vaginal candidiasis.

  6. Ebrahimy F, Dolatian M, Moatar F, et al. Comparison of the therapeutic effects of Garcin(®) and fluconazole on Candida vaginitisSingapore Med J. 2015;56(10):567-572. doi:10.11622/smedj.2015153

  7. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Vaginitis.

  8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC).

  9. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Garlic.

  10. MedlinePlus. Vaginal yeast infection.

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