The non conformer's Canadian Weblog

February 21, 2019

The still Useless CRTC

Due to pressure from the Government NEXT THE STILL CLEARLY USELESS  CRTC REPORT finds that the  Canadian telecom companies still use misleading sales tactics,

The CRTC in an inquiry has confirmed allegations Canada’s telecommunications industry used unacceptable sales practices that misled consumers and harmed vulnerable members of the public. The commission says the misleading and aggressive practices exist in all types of sales channels, including in stores, online, over the telephone and at homes when companies conduct door-to-door sales campaigns. The report said many Canadians stated that they have been subjected to misleading or aggressive sales practices by the service providers, with many of them reporting that these instances occurred recently.“It also said the record shows the most vulnerable members of the public are seniors, people with disabilities and Canadians whose first language isn’t English or French, But the 41-page report didn’t identify the main perpetrators  by design.

Telecom regulator looked into the issue after the CBC reported the misleading, high-pressure tactics by Telecom firms.

Why did  it takes YET months  and months even  for the CRTC to deal with a clearly open and shut case.   Bell Canada gets the most complaints to the industry’s ombudsman, and Rogers usually gets the second-largest amount . Still  there are valid concerns about how quickly, or ever the CRTC will act on   the issues identified by the inquiry.

THE FINAL RESULTS,  a call to hold a public inquiry into sales practices at Canada’s major telecommunications service providers on the heels of more and more past  allegations of wrongdoing inside the industry was next falsely fulfilled by the CRTC with no real positive tangible results because the definitely corrupted CRTC clearly sleeps with the enemies of  citizens is not anew unacceptable norm, where Corruption is still a normal operational manner of the Liberal governments now too in Canada, They all first should get their own houses in order, and stop the lies, false misleading advertising, bribes, kickbacks and pirating software, films themselves as   do   as well..

TekSavvy Solutions Inc. has lodged a complaint with the CRTC, saying that critical statistical information compiled by the federal telecommunications regulator was omitted from last year’s edition of an annual industry report. TekSavvy says the 2018 Communications Monitoring Report issued Dec. 20 didn’t follow the CRTC’s usual practices for reporting things like consumer appetite for faster Internet, capital spending by independent ISPs and their market share.

TORONTO — The country’s independent Internet service providers were hit Tuesday by a regulatory ruling allowing major network owners such as BCE Inc. to charge “significantly” higher rates for wholesale Internet access. Though affecting less than 10% of Canadian retail Web users, the decision holds broader implications for competition in the sector if some smaller Internet Service Providers (ISPs) cannot afford the hikes and are squeezed out of the market.

“Canadians have been very clear in expressing their concerns about earlier UBB decisions,” Paradis said.


The first thing we Canadians need to do is get rid of the CRTC . They serve no purpose at all for us Canadians , its tell to get rid of them   It is about time the consumers are protected from greedy ma Bell too and we get real Competition, close down the useless CRTC  too.

It is too often clear as to how many corporations, politicians, civil servants, public servants   at the municipal, provincial, federal levels now are corrupt, and do lie, slander, they do even distort, twist the truth basically trying to win elections or to stay in power at all costs. It is  very despicable how many politicians.corporations still  do not only lie but they falsely think that because their own lies are now in the past they are forgotten and forgiven and they wrongfully deny any personal accountability, transparency thus. ..You can tell what a corporation or a politician is really like by not what they do, even say or the promises they say rather by what they do actually next, now, and once a liar and slanderer they will always be a liar and a slanderer next as well. A good tree brings forth good fruit and a bad tree brings forth bad fruit next still as well.

See also

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the truth revealed as to he really is.

The crisis centres on Canada’s former justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould who was allegedly pressurised to drop planned charges against a large construction company, SNC.

It is too often clear as to how many corporations, politicians, civil servants, public servants   at the municipal, provincial, federal levels now are corrupt, and do lie, slander, they do even distort, twist the truth basically trying to win elections or to stay in power at all costs. It is  very despicable how many politicians.corporations still  do not only lie but they falsely think that because their own lies are now in the past they are forgotten and forgiven and they wrongfully deny any personal accountability, transparency thus. ..You can tell what a corporation or a politician is really like by not what they do, even say or the promises they say rather by what they do actually next, now, and once a liar and slanderer they will always be a liar and a slanderer next as well. A good tree brings forth good fruit and a bad tree brings forth bad fruit next still as well.

SNC-Lavalin is accused of paying nearly $48 million to public officials in Libya between 2001 and 2011 to influence government decisions. The company is also accused of fraud and corruption for allegedly defrauding various Libyan organizations of roughly $130 million. The Liberals want to help SNC avoid full prosecution it seems.

When the Liberals came  back in power, and thanks to their recent introduction of Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs), corruption has made a clear come back, and bribes, paybacks becomes again an acceptable manner in commercial businesses, This Liberal governments blesses bribes that facilitated exports, commerce expansions, increase of employment. Canada passed the too often still unenforced Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act in 1998  that had deemed bribery illegal, and all in Canada had no choice but to comply, Still   “Allegations of bribery go back to the late Bernard Lamarre, former head of Lavalin Inc. (now SNC-Lavalin), who boasted to Maclean’s in 1991 that whenever he did business in the Third World, he never handed out bribes without first demanding a receipt”.

Trudeau is making Canada safe for corruption again with his failure to properly deal with the  SNC-Lavalin corruption case.

The SNC-Lavalin mess now also showed Trudeau for who he really is; unethical, liar.

Gerald Butts Trudeau’s high-profile adviser close friend sudden, unexpected resignation Monday amidst the Jody Wilson-Raybould/SNC-Lavalin mess,   now places the Liberals in a perfectly good position to lose their majority next fall.

Two Liberal Ministers Wilson-Raybould the demoted ex justice minister included had resigned their postitions in the Liberal Cabinet within a short Period even though that Trudeau denies that he or anyone in his office “directed” Wilson-Raybould to abandon the SNC-Lavalin prosecution.

The Jody Wilson-Raybould/ Gerald Butts/ SNC-Lavalin   affairs showed that the Prime Minster Trudeau still   Leads a Canadian Liberal government government  that is anti-feminist, anti -Indigenous, anti transparent, slanderous, dishonest, and lying. Justin Trudeau lied when he had promised his politics would be done differently. Two resignations sealed it all.

Stupid Prime Minister Justin Trudeau  still thinks he can  treat us all a fools and lies his way out of his mess, It is also undeniiable that SNC-Lavalin is corrupt, run by corrupt  Engineers.

OTTAWA—Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has asked the RCMP to launch a criminal investigation into allegations Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his officials tried to politically interfere with the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin.

The RCMP acknowledged receipt of Scheer’s formal complaint to Commissioner Brenda Lucki, but would only say she is “reviewing” Scheer’s written request based on explosive testimony by former attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould.

Do not forget that the same Liberal prime minister of Canada had  swan off on to an inappropriate  fully paid by others vacation to the the Muslim’s Aga Khan’s island without so much as consulting the integrity commissioner.   JUSTIN Trudeau’s popularity has taken a battering in Canada as he faces a backlash over allegations of government corruption, so Canada fallen out of love with its prime minister.  Mr Trudeau’s popularity with voters has sunk to very low levels. The Canadian PM – a vocal gay supporter,  anti-Christ,  and an extreme feminist – had already fallen out of favour amid claims of hypocrisy between his words and actions.He has the tendency to impulsively act first   and reflect on the decision later.  Mr Trudeau has a “fear of disapproval” and is “sensitive to criticism”, which is a sign that he is truly immature for the job. He   makes his own decisions and does not rely on any advisors.and too often makes bad  decisions, decisions  based on his childish instincts and his own perverted values. He is next trying to compensate for his inadequacies, failures, guilt so he “works hard for praise and recognition” of those close to him, his family, friends and political allies and others ,  “He wants people to see him positively but not really know him in the public eye, thus “he really cares about the positive way he appears in public”.  All a very poor substitute to avoid facing his own negative realities that he is a loser.

My own real Canadian personal experiences has been that when politicians too are wrongfully hesitant to prosecute the crooks, they personally tend to be firstly protecting themselves, they are likely committing the same crimes, or their close friends, relatives now are.. sound familiar? and that is why they wrongfully hesitate to prosecute the others and this is still really unacceptable.. it next still makes me and many others take a closer look as to why the politicians now are hesitating to prosecute drunk drivers, drug users and pushers, bad cops , tax evaders, etc.,, and instead wrongfully firstly abuse the homeless, social welfare recipients, the poor persons, those most least able to speak out against it, to defend themselves

Some of the most immoral professionals I dealt with as an adult in my life in the last 35 years were pastors, lawyers and cops, accountants, politicians.. The police bar used to be be next door to the Calgary church that I went to for many years.. on Wednesday night the bar was full of drunken police officers.. how many drive home still drunk.. do we have a special police patrol outside of the police bars now too insure this law of no drunk driving now is being observed as well? By the way I am an abstainer. not that it matters. I never have touched the stuff..

Want to find out how really really crooked, abusive even many of the cops are do write a letter of complaints about the cops and they will visit you.. I only have had about 6 visits to my home so far from them in regard to my past letters of complaints to news editors, others, the police and others obstructing justice, and objecting to my letters and me next writing about their further unlawful use of their authority to try to suppress my freedom of speech firstly too. Never mind the pretentious police complaints board reviews. But I never accept their bad acts quietly next still.. I still let us all know the whole truth even on the radio, in public too. I rightfully do not accept even any the bad acts of bad cops as well.

The Laws need to be enforced in reality. Exemplary public exposure and prosecution of all of the guilty persons serves everyone’s best interest still now includes the so called Professionals now too., Exemplary public prosecution of all the guilty persons, be they terrorists, tax evaders, drug users, drug pushers, human rights abusers, drunk drivers, tax payers money abusers, even bad cabinet ministers too now, is still basic common sense and need in Canada too .. and so is the well known fact that the RCMP are poorly managed, very much cost ineffective, and too often incompetent,.. plus the well known he fact that all police complaints need to be dealt with by honest, external, fully independent, citizen based review boards.. and not by masturbating police biased groups. It is the well known he fact that all police complaints need rather still to be dealt with by honest, external, fully independent, citizen based review boards.. and not by masturbating police biased groups.

One other thing that has now rightfully upset me for about 25 years even was the too often crooked, self serving cops in Canada and in the US, including those immoral quota oriented cops, RCMP now too who give out revenue generating traffic by law enforcement tickets to hopefully get a reward, a pay raise, promotion, and are really not serving the good welfare of the public now too, and which is becoming more common of a perverse practice by too many municipalities across Canada and I rightfully also am not about to stop writing on this too but I have already now seen changes by provincial justice ministers across Canada in this area due to my past writing on this too.. but still not enough.

While the governments save money by not prosecuting the bad guys with their slap on the wrist programs they thus won’t cure anyone of anything.. but it is still the tax payers in one way or the other, through thefts, taxes, increase of insurance costs who end up paying for it all still mostly, an increasing costs now too.

see also

February 13, 2019

The Reality

Filed under: Christianity — thenonconformer @ 8:06 am
Tags: , , ,


1 Peter 4 –17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

Yes there are all sorts of personal abuses, slanders, violent persecutions taking place today. The followers of Jesus as still “indisputably” the most persecuted religious body on the planet. Sadly some of this persecutions is coming from within the Church today as well There are much too many abuses elsewhere as well.

The Devil wants you to suffer the most.. God temporarily allows it and it is not for everyone, 1 Peter 1=6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:

The faith is an ongoing battle,.. against wicked persons, demons, sicknesses, false accusers, pits, etc., and God can help us to overcome all of it, and he does for me.

Some of the problems we all seem to face are due to our own stupidity.. such as cancer caused by our eating processed meats, burnt food, alcohol consumption, smoking or diabetes caused by our by skipping meals, sugar excess, even our high cholesterol caused by eating fatty foods, and our lack of exercise, our being ignorant of what food is bad or good for us, plus over indulgence, Sadly many persons are too lazy. Too cheap, or fearful to go see a doctor when they need too as well.

Yes also ther hardships we encounter are caused by the much too many sinful other persons, the devil and his followers.

Revelation 12-9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Democrats, John 8 -44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

1 Corinthians 10-21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.

James 3-15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.

James 4-7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

1 Peter 5-8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

1 John 3-8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

1 Timothy 4-1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Timothy 2=26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

Mark 16 -17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils;

Acts 10-38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him

Revelation 20 -2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Christians still are too often also Persecuted by Liberals, Democrats, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, as 80 percent of religious freedom violations worldwide are targeting Christians. Any Western, liberal democracy where Christianity is the major religion hat is where Islamic terrorism represents a significant threat. .Australia and Britain are also facing problems with Islamic fundamentalism. In addition to the London bombings, a number of Muslim schools and teachers in Birmingham have been investigated for undermining British values, Judge the motivations of each Islamic attack as you may, but they are not simply because the only good Westerner, Christian is a dead one. Muslims their negative behavior is both rational and predictable.

Islamic mosque goers have persisted in breaking the law, and as shown by the recent Islamic attack in Philippines , which targeted a Catholic Church and led to the death and injury of more than 100 people, there is no room for complacency. Among the deadliest groups operating outside the main terrorist hot spots of Africa and the Middle East is The New People’s Army in The Philippines.

An Australian Army engineer Steve Driver is on a beach teaching Philippines marines how to blast through doors and walls so they can hunt down Islamic State-linked terrorists. Hundreds of militants aligned with the Islamic State group laid siege in the southern Islamic city of Malawi in May last year, sparking five months of intense fighting and military airstrikes that left more than 1,100 mostly militants dead and displaced hundreds of thousands of villagers. Sergeant Driver is part of an Australian Defense Force mission that has quietly trained more than 7000 Philippines troops to beat back a smoldering Islamist insurgency in the country The majority of Filipinos, including leading constitutionalists and jurists, remain outright opposed to Muslims.

President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered government forces to destroy the Abu Sayyaf after the bombing last Sunday of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral in the Sulu provincial capital of Jolo that killed 22 people and wounded more than 100.The Abu Sayyaf, which has about 300 to 400 armed fighters, has been blacklisted by the United States and the Philippines as a terrorist organization because of years of bombings, kidnappings and beheadings in the predominantly Roman Catholic nation. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, denounced the attack. A statement from the president’s office read, “We will pursue to the ends of the earth the ruthless perpetrators behind this dastardly crime until every killer is brought to justice and put behind bars. The law will give them no mercy.”

Of the 18,814 deaths caused by Mostly Muslims terrorists around the world last year, well over half were due to the actions of just four Islamic groups: Islamic State, the Taliban, Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram. In Pakistan, the most active groups include Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and the Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State, which is also active across the border in Afghanistan.

In the modern welfare state Islamic immigrants are more dependent on the welfare state than the average citizen. Because of a lack of higher education and the lack of non-skilled jobs, immigrants absorb a higher part of unemployment and social security payments than the average citizen. As a group, they receive more money than they pay in taxes. They also show up much higher in crime statistics than their numbers would justify. Why would Muslims choose to stay in societies that showed such deep disrespect for them? Because they realize that an unemployed citizen in a welfare state run by infidels has a better material life than an employed citizen in the Muslim Countries

Meanwhile the devil is still also busy in all areas persecuting innocent persons. Sadly innocent persons ate being victimized, abused, even sexually in and outside of the Church,

Jeremiah 5-25 Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you.

Apostle Paul also next firstly was punished by God because he had persecuted Christians in the past, as you reap what you sow, as King David found out too, and for Apostle Paul this punishment was in the form of demonic buffering, a messenger from Satan specifically, 2 Corinthians 12 -7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.


Most people think of adult rape as the crime of great proportion and significance, and are unaware that children are victimized at a much higher rate than adults. Drug consumption, Alcoholism, Rape and Adultery are sinful acts, not approved by God

Those who molest children look and act just like everyone else. There are people who have or will sexually abuse children in churches, schools and youth sports leagues. Abusers can be neighbors, friends and family members. People who sexually abuse children can be found in families, schools, churches, recreation centers, youth sports leagues, and any other place children gather. Abusers often form relationships with potential victims and their families prior to the abuse. This is called “grooming.” Not everyone who sexually abuses children is a pedophile.

Numbers 32-23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.

Mat 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! 8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire. 9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. 10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you,

Isaiah 59-2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

2 Peter 2:1-2—“But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.” Pray “…That they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will” (2 Timothy 2:26).

I have seen often the shocking surprise on many people’s faces here on earth when they had refused to repent and they are now even facing an earthly judgement from God..

and they mow knew that they were lied to when they were told there is no personal accountability here on earth.. . they knew they were reaping the bad things they had sowed now.. for not all accountability is in heaven

Romans 3 – 12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one’

2 Peter 2 -14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:

2 Peter 3 -16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

1 Corinthians 10 -21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.

One of the soberest warnings in the New Testament concerns the manner in which we approach and participate in the Lord’s Supper. Following the apostle’s repetition of Jesus’ command to regularly “do this in remembrance of Me” (1 Corinthians 11:23-26), he exhorts:

27 Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. 28 But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself if he does not judge the body rightly. 30 For this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number sleep. 31 But if we judged ourselves rightly, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord so that we will not be condemned along with the world.

This warning to take God’s judgment seriously was prompted also by the reality of the Corinthian’s self-exaltation, which was manifested by sinful living, pride, divisions, self-satisfaction, and contempt for others and sexual sins too. In fact, things were so bad that God’s judgment had already begun, and some were experiencing illness and even death. Therefore, in response to the warning of God’s judgment upon those who eat of the bread and drink the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, and it all applies today as well


Taken from

January 28, 2019

Medical services in Quebec is still crap

To the current Premier of Quebec, the Honourable  François Legault of the Coalition Avenir Quebec

I got exceptional Rolls Royce Medical Services from the Cardiac Unit at the Montreal Hotel Dieux Hospital in the last year sadly this is rarely the case elsewhere.

 Why do I get   poor medical services else where still?

Medical services in Quebec is still crap including too many poor family Doctors, Dermatologists, Triages, and you can read all about it here for years mow too, just do a search on my site for CHARGE CARD HAPPY INCOMPETENT DOCTORS, DOCTORS, Health, Health Minister , Hospitals, MISDIAGNOSED SICKNESS.

To  date  I have visited many doctors,   dermatologists,  Triages as well about even an infection on my right foot and not one  of them  had diagnosed the cause.

I had to learn on the Internet the infection was caused by an ingrown  toe nail and when I went  to the Notre Dame hospital Triage to have it dealt with  the buck passing Doctor there  she next said I should go to my family doctor, one of those sad  incompetents too. She  said she was afraid to remove the toe nail as the infection  might get worse.

Doing nothing will make it worse as well

I had even waited months too have an appointment date to see some of these incompetent doctors.


You can easily get sick when you visit a Hospital and most people do and they do not know why? Not all sicknesses are due to Doctor’s diagnostic errors, Medical malpractices or bad medication substitutes by the Pharmacists.

C Difficile ( Shit disease) and Norovirus are still the too common illness you can get

The Quebec government spent millions of dollars building now a new 772 bedroom CHUM St Luc hospital and yet their Emergency services are worse now than before even. The Emergency department accepts about 3 patients every hour, and has at least 30 patients wanting to get seen by a Doctor.  Quebec’s pretentious FREE medical services



Premier of Québec

Minister of Health and Social Services

CBC Montreal

Montreal Gazette

December 8, 2018

Visiting a Hospital can be bad for your health

Visiting a Hospital can be bad for your health.  You can easily get sick when you visit a Hospital and most people do and they do not know why? Not all sicknesses are due to Doctor’s diagnostic errors, Medical malpractices or bad medication substitutes by the Pharmacists.

Visiting a Hospital can be bad for your health but the alternative may be much  worse, but Doctors, Hospitals  pills are a real necessity in real life

C Difficile ( Shit disease) and Norovirus are still the too common illness you can get

Norovirus is a highly contagious viral illness that often goes by other names, such as viral gastroenteritis, stomach flu, and food poisoning. “It is extremely infectious and spreads very easily in public places, such as nursing homes and schools, and it is usually brought into hospital by visitors once it becomes prevalent in the community. Researchers have found that noroviruses can survive on surfaces for as long as 42 days.

The symptoms include nauseavomitingdiarrhea, and some stomach cramping some which in turn causes dehydration. It can be accompanied by a raised temperature, aching limbs and a headache, chills,headache, muscle aches, and a general sense of tiredness. The illness often begins suddenly, and the infected person may feel very sick.

Norovirus is spread person to person particularly in crowded, closed places.  is typically spread through contaminated food and water, touching surfaces or objects contaminated with norovirus and then putting your hand or fingers in your mouth and close contact with someone who is vomiting or has diarrhea. Norovirus  is the leading cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks.

There is no medication to get rid of the virus and there is no vaccine. Like all viruses, noroviruses don’t respond to antibiotics,   People can transfer Norovirus to others for at least 48 hours after symptoms go away.The most important steps to prevent the spread of Norovirus is to stay home if you are sick for another 48 hours after symptoms go away and for everyone to regularly wash their hands.

The spread of Norovirus can be prevented by practicing proper hand hygiene. Important strategies include washing hands with soap and water, especially after using the toilet and changing diapers, and always before eating, preparing or handling food. “Avoid contaminating food by practicing good food hygiene – wash your hands after visiting the bathroom and before cooking, keep kitchen surfaces clean and ensure food is prepared properly and not cross-contaminated before cooking. Chopping boards are a breeding ground for germs!”

Norovirus is a year-round bug, but you’re more susceptible in winter. All “because people are indoors, in closer proximity to each other with the heating on, which makes it easier for the virus to spread person to person,”There is no specific treatment for norovirus, although it’s recommended you remain hydrated and help yourself rehydrate from the fluid and electrolyte loss resulting from diarrhoea. Gastritis is a common medical problem. Up to 10% of people who come to a hospital emergency department with abdominal pain have gastritis and yet most hospitals still tend to respond very poorly to it. Why?

A hospital emergency room might not be the best place for the sick  and elderly. The risk of acute infection – mostly respiratory and gastrointestinal viruses – following a trip to the emergency room is three times higher among the  elderly, according to a study published Monday in the Canadian Medical  Association Journal. Long-term care patients who spent a few hours in an emergency facility were  more likely to get sick in two to seven days after returning to their nursing  homes.

Do see

Infections- old problems in Hospitals

This has been going on wrongfully for ages, unchecked still

Shit disease, C. difficile-related deaths highest in recent years is still totally unacceptable



Nurses and female Doctors are more likely to admit errors, mistakes over the Male doctors

December 7, 2018

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all

Filed under: Computer,free,HAPPY NEW YEAR,Merry Christmas — thenonconformer @ 10:06 pm

Free Posters

December 5, 2018

DSL ISPs still lie about providing advertised high speeds.

The truth is that the DSL providers, Bell included,  for decades now too often provide their  minimum speed and not their advertised high speeds and why as it is all still downright unacceptable ?

The Internet has become an   essential tool for every consumer in the digital age. The public deserves better from the providers, truth in their advertising even still.

Undeniably the DSL still can’t provide promised speeds profitably.

The median speeds provided by cable and fiber networks are still generally at least 100 percent of their advertised speeds. But DSL networks   still aren’t providing the “up to” speeds they promise to consumers., the promised download speeds.

“DSL shortcomings aren’t a surprise, as speeds over copper degrade with distance, so homes farther from a DSL provider’s plant get lower speeds. DSL ISPs can boost speeds by laying fiber deeper into their networks, reducing the distance that data must travel over the old copper telephone lines. But also  the providers’ continued poor performance indicates that they haven’t added enough fiber to their networks to eliminate the discrepancy between advertised and actual speeds.

So instead of advertising “up-to” rates like other DSL providers, many of them to the   ignorant consumers  “advertises a speed range for DSL performance and often meets the minimum advertised speeds but didn’t provide the maximum speeds they had  promised.


do see also

November 28, 2018

The Liberal Control Freaks



Fake news is a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate disinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. The Lying Press, distorted, false information is misinformation in social media, band the mainstream Liberal media as well.

Fake news is written and published usually with the intent to mislead in order to damage an agency, entity, or person, and/or gain financially or politically, often using sensationalist, dishonest, or outright fabricated headlines to increase Liberal support, readership, online sharing, and revenue. Intentionally misleading and deceptive fake news is immoral as it mislead its audience.

Canada is condemning Russia’s seizure of three Ukrainian naval vessels near Crimea, but many are also divided on what this escalation of the  conflict will mean.

The Trump-Russia False, negative Liberal news Media explained.

It should be obvious to any news reader there is the truth and the big lies among the news media firms. It is not by any coincidence that the same news media that falsely, clearly hates Trump tends to hate Putin, and one of the reasons is they cannot force them to do what they want done. Trump and Putin are uncontrollable. So the Liberals are continuing “ to lie” to implicate Trump and Putin and clearly show to all what they really are like, “Liars”, “Oppressors”. “The Phony Witch Hunt continues”. “Their stories are totally false and deliberately libelous,” and so we shouldn’t take their words for much of anything.

US President Trump’s “lethal force” authorization at the border could escalate the conflict against migrants at the southern border even more. White House Chief of Staff John Kelly issued a memo expanding the military’s authority to include protecting border agents — even if that means using deadly force. A recent memo states that troops may “perform those military protective activities that the Secretary of Defense determines are reasonably necessary,” if there is “credible evidence and intelligence,” including “a show or use of force (including lethal force, where necessary), crowd control, temporary detention, and cursory search.” Trump has the power to authorize the military to act as law enforcement at the border in case of a violent uprising, under the Insurrection Act, which allows the president to activate the military to act like law enforcement in the case of “insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy.” There is a national security threat and full-blown crisis at the southern border.

The Guardian published a stunning report alleging that Manafort had secretly met WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the 2016 campaign. But the story been vigorously disputed by WikiLeaks and Manafort, and has not yet been confirmed by any other news outlet. It’s best to treat it with caution for now. it has long been known that Manafort traveled to Ecuador in May 2017 to meet with the incoming president-elect Lenin Moreno. On Tuesday, however, CNN reported that Mueller has been investigating whether WikiLeaks or Assange came up at that meeting — The Phony Witch Hunt continues, but Mueller and his gang of Angry Dems are only looking at one side, not the other. Wait until it comes out how horribly & viciously they are treating people, ruining lives for them refusing to lie. Mueller is a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue.… — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 27, 2018

RUSSIAN armed forces are preparing for the deployment of US nuclear missiles in Europe following Washington’s planned withdrawal from a weapons treaty amid warnings of a dangerous new arms race. Deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov said Moscow did not trust the reassurances of European and US leaders who insist additional nuclear weapons will not be rolled out and confirmed the Russian military was planning for a “worst-case scenario”. He vowed Moscow’s response would be “effective” and “relatively inexpensive.” The Kremlin has previously warned Russia will target any European countries that agrees to host US nuclear missiles. Russia is indeed a democracy that operates with the support and consent of the people. Putin unlike Trump is ready to use his armed forces as well, Putin’s ratings soared with the euphoria over Crimea’s annexation and the success of Russia branding the new Ukrainian government as fascist extremists. Ukraine’s Sunday provocation in the Sea of Azov was a violation of Russian sovereignty in the waters off Crimea despite repeated demands to cease their hostile actions. Russian border forces had no choice but to act, wounding three Ukrainian sailors and commandeering the military vessels. It’s another triumph of Russian forces against the dark forces controlling Ukraine. Putin is not constrained as he has a massive cash flows from energy and minerals to build up a modern army and expand the frontiers of the hybrid warfare of cyberattacks, internet trolling and financial support for Kremlin-friendly politicians abroad.

Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko in an upcoming election recent polls suggest he will lose. It’s unclear how Ukraine can naively strengthen its defenses against any Russian attack on it’s own, and the West is reluctant to get involved. With the his martial decree curtailed, there’s little political benefit left for Poroshenko. The Kremlin would gain little by invading and, besides, the election provides a much better opportunity for Putin to go on destabilizing and weakening his neighbor. If Poroshenko hoped for a robust international response, he got only a belated and muted reaction from the Trump administration. Trump tweeted Sunday his usual refrain urging European allies to pay more for their national defense. But he has yet to use his preferred platform to condemn Putin. Ukrainians have four months, to pick a more competent leader over Poroshenko.

There is nothing that the control freaks Brussels, NATO, UK, Israel, Liberal News Media, Democrats will not do on behalf of starting trouble. These verbal and mental abusers as well often known as control freaks, is a sign of a mental sickness,a Control freak It is a serious personality disorder and is a derogatory term for a person who attempts to dictate how everything around them Control freaks do often have a terrible personal, social life too and these people manifest Psychological Disorders ,

These Persons who if not in control of many aspects even in other’s lives will go ballistic. This ensues telling, demanding,and a control freak likes to claim the successes of others as their own. These people obsessively try to dictate how you’re supposed to be and feel. They have an opinion about everything; disagree at your peril.


Control freaks rarely know that they are the sick ones. They believe that they are helping people with their “constructive criticism” or taking over a project because “no one else will do it right.” They spout, dictate unsolicited advice and use anger often to put you in your place. You cannot tell them what to do.; Being a Control freak is a big, bad unacceptable disease.. and it must be treated as such.. Control freaks do often make all life terrible for those they live with, marry, work with, come in contact with.

“Arguing with the control freak seldom works. Why? Because they are an expert at justifying to themselves and everyone else why they are right. They are world authorities in being “right”. Control freaks or Bullies, abusers, wrongfully do cause others stress so they can maintain a false sense of order.

If you are a Control freak you are not only still an unrealistic, immature, immoral person but you have a serious personality disorder.You are a menace, plus a real danger to yourself and to others, for you are an abuser, a human rights violator too. They have spent whole lifetimes practicing “being right”. So trying to out-argue them can be nigh on impossible.”

These bad control freaks and their sad present development it now has too often been a long time in the making now, for they did not arrive to this disturbed state of mind likely even over night,

Do readily now Tell them to get help, and the sooner the better, to deal with their much too many fears due often to their personal unresolved guilt, and/or fears of negative resulting possible consequences, or the fear of dying, getting hurt, being fired, mugged, becoming poor, or whatever..

Beware always of men and women, bullies, tormentors, control freaks, persons, civil and public servants, politicians, pastors, leaders, elders, who falsely do, will try to enslave you, oppress you, exploit you even while they claim they are proclaiming the truth, democracy, trying to help you, etc.,

Is 51:23 ..your tormentors {and} oppressors, those who said to you, Bow down, that we may ride {or} tread over you; and you have made your back like the ground and like the street for them to pass over Is 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have love, pity, {and} mercy for him, and to our God, for He will multiply to him His abundant pardon. 8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.
Is 56:10 watchmen are blind, they are all without knowledge;

Do see also


July 31, 2018

Canada’s health care system

When speaking to one of the experts used by The New York Times in the study,   an  analysis conducted by The New York Times that pitted the health care services of countries against each other in a formal competition found Canada to be a major loser,   the National Post reported that Canada’s super-long wait times were the reason why the nation’s health care system did so poorly in the competition.

Long wait times have become the defining characteristic of Canadian health care.

The medical expert said only 43% of Canadians are actually seeing a medical professional on the same day they seek help, half of Canadians wait 2+ in emergency rooms, and the wait time to see a specialist is 2-3 months.

Canada’s health care system doesn’t leave us wanting so much as it leaves us waiting. The wait to see a doctor in the ER may stretch for hours, but if you need to be admitted to hospital, it can jump to days. The wait for home care services often stretches for months, and a patient needing a long-term care bed can languish in limbo for years.

Why are Canada’s health-care wait times the worst? How to Reduce Wait Times in Canadian Health Care?

Canadian patients who suffer the reality of long delays, which may lead to deteriorating and irreversible harm, and a private health care system is not any better in reality. Canadian patients   frustrated by long wait times – too often  go to the United States, other places for diagnostic and surgical procedures. and they are giving profits to other  hospitals and reducing employment to Canadian   health professionals.

The real challenge we have is not waiting times. It is more fundamental: It is better management of our hospitals, physicians, medical professionals. We should  be using our medical resources much more efficiently.  More air traffic control is needed,  not just more money. The health care system, like any industry, has a natural resistance to change, so what? Everyone deserves timely, quality care. There are proven steps we can take to shorten wait times for care, and they must be taken immediately.

Canada has more physicians, in absolute numbers and per capita, than ever before, with seemingly little impact on access.   And we under use nurse practitioners, occupational therapists and the like . For a start our physicians  should all be  required to work a minimum of  30 hours per week.

Too many Canadian operating rooms, medical treatments are closed for prolonged periods over Christmas, spring break, and in the summer as doctors like  to work 9 to 5 hours, and take holidays at the same time as many others, thus Hospitals or under utilized and wait times therefore continue to increase, to be unresolved. A medical patient with a severe illness this week called his doctor for medical help and was told the doctor was going on his vacation.

Too many Canadian surgeons considered themselves under-employed, and they cited poor access to operating rooms. All operating rooms should run on a 24/7 basis as well.

“Too many long-term care and nursing home beds are full and as a result, thousands of patients who no longer need serious medical care can’t leave hospital. Because these patients are not discharged and beds are scarce, elective surgeries are cancelled, and those waiting for admission spend days on gurneys in the ER. The congestion this causes means that ambulances sometimes can’t off-load patients. Providing care to those in hallways slows provision of care to those in the waiting room. And many of the patients in the waiting room are there because they are unable to see their doctor promptly. ”

In April 2016, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives released an analysis of solutions that could be used to address wait times. The full report is available here  

The answer is simple, but profoundly frustrating. It’s because Hospitals, physicians  medical policies have not changed. Of course, there are those heartless persons who falsely choose to ignore the plight of Canadian patients.

Sadly most oral health care is exempt from provincial and territorial health-care plans (some dental services are covered by government dental programs, but working-class people lacking employer coverage are on their own).  It’s also a glaring omission that’s both illogical and a public-health concern. We know that periodontal disease affects heart health; that an untreated tooth infection can be fatal; that mouth pain can lead to drug addiction and force people to stay home from work; that dentists and dental hygienists can spot precancerous or cancerous lesions, as well as diabetes and gastroesophageal reflux disease; and that hospital emergency rooms are flooded with people with untreated dental problems.


see also

July 18, 2018

Failure to count the costs

Lacking experience, hot headed, foolish Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau  is falsely escalating a war with Russia and the US and it is always the same reason.. Money, I am sure that Justin Trudeau is going to make KGB Putin tremble with fear and trepidation” or not.. “Its like taking a knife to a gunfight….crazy. Justin Trudeau should first note that Us President Donald Trump threatens to close down NATO. So who is going to war against Russia with no arms, money next?

Liberals, and Ukraine as well  do now bring to an end all of the orchestrated professional campaign of incitement to hatred, discrimination, violence, misinformation etc., that many can see you doing anyway.

The Arctic is believed to hold up to 25 percent of the planet’s untapped oil and gas supplies, and Russia, the U.S., Canada, Denmark and Norway have all been trying to assert jurisdiction over parts of the territory.

Russia’s had submitted a bid for vast Arctic territories that could contain large quantities of oil and gas to the United Nations. In 2007, Moscow staked a symbolic claim to the Arctic seabed by dropping a canister containing the Russian flag on the ocean floor from a submarine at the North Pole. The Kremlin also has moved to beef up Russian military forces in the Arctic. The effort has included the restoration of a Soviet-era military base on the New Siberian Islands and other military outposts in the Arctic. Moscow has justified the activity by claiming that the new facilities are vital to protect shipping routes that link Europe to the Pacific Rim. Earlier this year, the military conducted sweeping maneuvers in the Arctic that involved 38,000 servicemen, more than 50 surface ships and submarines and 110 aircraft. As part of the drills, the military demonstrated its capability to quickly beef up its forces on the Arctic

” With estimates putting billions of square feet of natural gas and countless barrels of oil lying in the Arctic crust, Russia and other so-called Arctic states are circling the potential revenues at their doorstep. Putin, who presides over a major petro-economy in Russia, has made it his national and fiscal plan to conquer the Arctic. The Arctic is his gem and Russia is prepared to defend its claim.. Prime Minister Stephen Harper,  had made plays for the Arctic too. He was dreaming of  Drones for the Arctic are at the top of his wish list, too, along with new fighter aircraft to patrol the frigid skies. In the Canada’s ongoing obsession also with Arctic sovereignty the Harper government  deployed two icebreakers to the Arctic on a scientific mission to collect data for Canada’s official continental shelf submission to the United Nations: trying to prove the vast northern expanse is mostly its own. Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Conservative MPs have been a false vocal critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin for months. Now that Donald Trump is a Russia supporter will the Conservatives change their tune?

Liberals openly punishing Russia   seem  to have inflicted more pain on the Canadian  people instead. THE OIL PRICE DROP HAS HIT CANADA SEVERELY

US , Canada, Australia,  NATO ,  EU have falsely laid all of the blame for the conflict’s escalation on Russia, and disregarded Kiev’s intensified assault on rebel-held areas.  Why?

Trudeau had harsh words for the Russian president when asked by reporters about the Helsinki summit during a media availability in Nova Scotia Tuesday.

“Canada has been unequivocal in our condemnation of Vladimir Putin and Russia,” said Trudeau in Sutherlands River, N.S.

“Whether it’s their illegal annexation of Crimea, their incursion into the Donbass in Ukraine and the fact that we’re glad to have 200 Canadian soldiers there helping to train Ukrainian armies. Whether it’s their interference in Syria and the support for the murderous Assad regime, whether it’s what they were responsible for in the chemical weapons attack in Salisbury on U.K. soil against British nationals. Canada has always been clear.”

By the way the Ukrainian Conflict is also still a religious conflict between Catholicism. Orthodox, and western Christianity, Judaism now  too..   and they have not directly talked to each other for over a thousand of years too.

The Ukrainian government for 25 years and more has long been hobbled by deep-rooted  internal corruption and  governmental mismanagement.  With Ukraine’s economy  undeniably collapsing, the officials  desperately are looking for diversions, someone to blame.  The myth the West spreads Ukrainian forces are defensive in nature; they are not combat combative is still a myth. The crisis in Ukraine supposedly began in November 2013 when pro-Moscow President Viktor Yanukovych’s government abandoned a deal with the European Union in favor of stronger ties with Russia. Fighting broke out between the Ukrainian forces and the pro-Russian Ukrainian rebels and not between Ukraine and Russia. The Ukrainian military operation has it’s headquarters in Kramatorsk, an aerodrome that serves as the Ukrainian HQ! ” Images Appear to Show Russian Artillery Targeting Ukrainian Town” Weapons Systems Belong to Russian Military, Not Separatists, U.S. Ambassador to OSCE Says” ” Vladimir Putin had attempted to delay the truce by a full 10 days to allow the Russian-backed forces time to seize the town ” , “Russian-backed forces launched a sustained assault to capture a strategic railway hub “, or “Western officials have become increasingly worried that Mr. Putin is .. ” “We are confident that these are Russian military, not separatist systems” and ” the United States under Obama  had reliable reports that Russia was preparing a large shipment of supplies to pro-Russian forces” all are merely still claims that could not be verified, propaganda, unsubstantiated journalism, an opinion only.

HOW OTHERS SEE IT… INFORMAL POLL RESULTS .. Should Ukraine accept the result of a referendum to allow Crimea to join Russia? Yes, let the people decide  73% No, this is not constitutional 26% .

”  Putin calls Canada’s stance toward Russia’s policy regarding Ukraine hard to justify citing the fact Canada is too far away from the region to justify its interference.  ”

The Ukrainian Government called  for a mass mobilization due to a supposed Russian Invasion are all designed to distract attention from Ukraine’s own Corruptions, Holocaust, Nazisms, Mafia preparations for a massive pruning of Ukraine own Russian speaking citizens who now are rightfully  defending their own families and life only.  Broke, Bankrupt Ukraine vows to escalate the war against the Ukrainian separatist, and why the hurry to war? What would Jesus do? Seek peace.

 AS LONG AS THE FALSE UKRAINIAN LEADERS, WESTERN AND EU LEADERS CONTINUE TO LIE, DISTORT THE REALITY, SHOW ANTI RUSSIAN RACISM the relations between the Kremlin and the West are likely to remain immensely complicated and volatile for a long time.  As expected without the Russian government’s direct support nothing will succeed in Ukraine..  The West and the Europeans are now also  playing a dangerous role  through their false sharing in exacerbating the Ukrainian conflict. They  should choose firstly peace instead of choosing  Crimes Against Humanity now too. The Ukrainian conflicts and resulting Russian-Western tensions may widen further for a long time to come. If so, this  is likely to lead to substantial geopolitical changes.   There is still a big amount of public opinion in the US calls for a reduction in The NATO, US  military involvement in international affairs. The West has falsely accused Russia of breaking international law by annexing Crimea. This implies that the US and the  European Union respect international law – which never was true.. And the  EU association policy is still the root cause of the Ukraine conflict. The big lie  that Russia is NATO’s “adversary.” This expression was used by NATO’s Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow  and it increases the tensions unnecessarily.. While Putin is a Russian nationalist. It would be absurd to claim that he aims for a global ideological conquest now too. 

Western false Accusations towards Vladimir Putin traditionally start with the fact that he worked in the KGB. And therefore what he is a cruel and immoral person? Putin is next blamed for everything. But Putin does not lack intelligence. and has an ability for quick analytic thinking and makes clear, balanced political and economic decisions. he present government in the Ukraine is a government THAT over threw a democratically elected former government! And the West supports this government? Amazing how the West is falsely trying to re-write history standing on the sidelines and bad mouthing everybody.
What no one in the West can face the reality that Vladimir Putin is a Russian hero? Vladimir Putin’s popularity in Russia and elsewhere is undeniable . Vladimir Putin has always pursued whatever he believes to be in the best interests for Russia including the acquisition of Crimea. The Russian people have always viewed Crimea as part of their homeland because of centuries of shared history and the region’s mainly ethnic Russian population. Russia annexed Crimea in March following the ouster of a Russian-backed Ukrainian president in Kiev, prompting several waves of Western economic sanctions. Mr Putin’s popularity rather has surged at home thanks to his tough stance on the Ukraine crisis. Putin’s minor opponents are not really more effective a fact the West dreaming would likes to distort as being untrue. Putin’s various successes have gained him popularity at home, and have restored his confidence when acting abroad. China has proved a good friend when its interests align with his, and this has continued with the signing of thirty year gas deal earlier this year. Half the Countries abroad do support him too, including India. Whilst European Union and the Anglo-sphere have imposed false sanctions against Putin because of his supposed Russian actions in Ukraine; Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Central/South America haven’t.

From the very beginning of the manufactured civil war in the Ukraine, the Western powers have also revealed their intentions of creating a new “European Israel”.  Removing the Russian language and substituting Hebrew as the second official language of the Ukraine is just one quite obvious move next toward the establishment of a new Israeli enclave. The Anglo-American Axis is distinguished by one pursuit above all, it is its unquenchable thirst for oil and natural gas and Ukraine has it as well and it needs to buy it too. Russia is it;s present supplier rather so the West tends to opposes Russia.  I sincerely also don’t believe all this crap about Russia and Putin perceiving themselves as Adolf Hitler,

Recently we have seen disinformation and outright lies! As the credibility gap is widening and people in Europe and even in the US are increasingly seeking alternative news media  to find out the truth  a war of ignorant, negative words being played on the internet from Obama and PM Stephen Harper, Ukrainian ministers, etc., on the subject of Russia.. and no we do not have to believe all of their lies and spins..  such as  NATO Commander Paints Dark Picture of “An Imminent Russian Threat” as US-NATO Move to Further Isolate Russia  as  it seems they also do believe they alone now are right and everyone has to do it their way…  Threat to Russia? Ukraine-NATO Military Drills … nuts, dream on, but one day you all  will see the reality.  Both have concluded that even if there is a resolution to the current standoff over Crimea and eastern Ukraine, they  will never have a constructive relationship with Mr. Putin, cause he does not bend his will to their liking that easily. .  

Australia, Canada and Japan were unexpectedly  blocked by the Russians  from attending a diplomatic summit in Vienna NEXT which laid the groundwork for a possible future UN Security Council resolution, ceasefire and transition government in Syria,   blocked from attending a diplomatic summit  due to  their one sided support of a Obama, US vs Russia power  play. A proxy state of war between America and Russia now exists.  Putin has now  outwitted Obama in Syria anyway.

President Donald Trump “rightfully” threw his own very poor, war mongering intelligence community under the bus in favour of Russia notwithstanding. Predictably and not unexpected the biggest immediate loser may be Ukraine – a country the western media has pretty much abandoned, for good reasons. Ukraine is regularly ranked among the most corrupt countries in the world and allegations of double dealing, inflated contracts, bribery, and other claims among business and political elites are common.

Trump’s main contention with NATO is that smaller members expect to be defended by the U.S. but don’t want to share their burden financially.

While the NATO meeting in Brussels was an acknowledged triumph, with billions of dollars more being put up by member countries at a faster pace, the meeting with Russia may prove to be, in the long run, an even greater success. Many positive things will come out of that meeting.. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 18, 2018

Many others including Barack Obama have argued the same point, and many experts agree to the principle that other countries should pay more.

President Trump did not explicitly endorse the mutual-aid clause of the North Atlantic Treaty at the NATO summit.

NATO has a reputation for being a war monger, a European job creation program paid for by the USA,and Europe is making loads of money of the USA as well.

Trump objected to them of their not meeting their spending obligations. “Twenty-three of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what they are supposed to be paying for their defense,” Trump said. “I never asked once what the new NATO headquarters cost,” Trump said. “I refuse to do that. But it is beautiful.” he also said.

Europe responded that “ We have to invest in defense”, mere cheap words, actions speak louder than words.

“Trump’s comments weaken NATO, give Russia a license to cause trouble and thereby actually increase the risks of renewed conflict in the Balkans,” Wesley K. Clark, a former NATO supreme allied commander tweeted.

As former NATO Allied Commander, I know NATO’s Article 5 exists to PREVENT war. That’s why it’s only been invoked once – after 9/11. Montenegro is still sending troops to Afghanistan, for us. Worrying to hear Trump use Russian talking points with Tucker Carlson, about Montenegro.— Wes Clark (@GeneralClark) July 18, 2018

Canada suffers indirect economic blow back from sanctions against Russia: — Canada is experiencing indirect economic fallout from the sanctions it and other countries have imposed against Russia, federal Finance Minister Joe Oliver acknowledged Tuesday. June 02, 2015

Is Russia invading Ukraine or are the US, Ukraine invading Russia?

When specifically asked about Trump, Trudeau reiterated his views on Putin.

“As I said, we condemn Russia and the way Vladimir Putin engages in international affairs,” he said.

During a high-profile meeting in Helsinki on Monday, Trump said he didn’t see “any reason why” Russia would have interfered in the 2016 U.S. election, despite the findings from his own intelligence agencies.

When asked directly on Monday if he held Russia “accountable for anything,” Trump said he held “both countries responsible.”

That’s sparked controversy around the world, including in Trump’s own Republican Party.

Trump’s meeting with Putin came just days after a special prosecutor in the United States indicted 12 Russian agents for stealing Democratic Party documents to help him win the vote.

Trudeau’s comments come during one of the most tense periods in Canada-U.S. relations in recent years due to an ongoing trade war that has seen the U.S. impose tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum and Canada bring in retaliatory tariffs on dozens of U.S. goods July 1.

The U.S. served notice this week it was launching complaints against Canada and other nations at the World Trade Organization over their retaliatory tariffs.

Why NOW  is there such an obvious need to lie on the part of Western reporters, where else do they lie now.. can we trust now any of them? NO! IT SEEMS! Note . the crappy English, Western, Great Britain – BBC reporting are totally biassed against the Russians now  and note this especially when it seems to be a Jewish reporter.. I did Notice that too easily too.. The Jewish media such as Times   seem to really hate Russians, and not just the Muslims and it is mostly because of the Orthodox Christianity   which differs significantly,  and the Catholic eastern Christianity, from the mostly North American Judaic influenced  Protestant Christianity too. I was also now surprised how much the Irish Times falsely hates the Russians too and so much hate in the media reporting.. this is crappy.  Russia has it has nearly always been, the target of US hostility. and this cold war all started by General Eisenhower who hated it that the Russians did not submit to him, his authority.. many Americans do falsely hate others who do not worship them.. SADLY WE MEET OFTEN IN REAL LIFE THE PERSON WHO CANNOT SEE THE TRUTH, THEY CANNOT FACE IT, BUT CAN ONLY SEE AND HEAR WHAT THE DEVIL ALLOWS THEM..

The defining characteristic of the new liberal elitist ideology   is hatred of President Trump and Putin. Their brand visibly is selfishness, bigotry and hate. Under they guise of globalization, automation, centralization and uncontrolled immigration they don’t really care about democratic norms. The elites also  don’t really care about the rule of law, or love, as they just hate. There is nothing – not more jobs, not higher incomes, not even less risk of nuclear war – that matters more to these elitists then domination and hate.This Liberal elitist ideology brought enormous benefits to the elite themselves: even their own astonishing increases in wealth, booming urban centers, a fabulous quality of life for those fortunate enough to be a critical part of the elites while the rest of persons were the negative victims of the elites.  The Liberals, Liberal media have not been successful world wide in their clearly expression of  hatred towards others, Trump and Putin world wide.

First, the very people who have been loudest in attacking President Trump about his performance at the Helsinki summit are the people who failed to protect America from Russian meddling in 2016. The very intensity and nastiness of former CIA Director Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence Clapper is an attempt to distract attention from their failure to protect America. It was their duty in 2016 – not candidate Trump’s.

Second, the Trump administration has been far tougher on Russia than President Obama ever dreamed of being. The Trump administration is taking real actions designed to weaken Russia and force Putin to change his aggressive behavior.


July 3, 2018

It is always the same old complaint about the Montreal Police

SPVM, Montreal’s police force

For the last 2 decades, every time I called the Police in Montreal , they first tell me they are really busy and cannot come shortly and when they do come they find false  reasons why it  is not their job, they pass the buck, and say that is the courts jurisdiction, that is  your Bank Manager'”s. Rental Board concern, your property manager’s  problem, etc, including even my complaints  my identity theft, phone harassments, etc,

The RCMP, Montreal police and Sûreté du Québec have allegedly become reluctant to investigate stolen vehicles found by Canada Border Services Agency officers at the port of Montreal, effectively allowing them to be exported overseas by crimes group., as the   police have argued  that costly, time-consuming investigations   and they had more pressing priorities. The Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal said the RCMP was responsible for investigating federal crimes at the port.


Maybe It’s Time to Hold Montreal Police more Accountable personally


In Quebec, the Police are too political—and that’s a big problem as well


Racial profiling is a systemic problem for the Montreal Police


Montreal Police  infiltrated protests


Montreal police accused of fabricating evidence to silence whistleblowers


Quebec  Public security minister calls inquiry into ‘systemic’ problems in Montreal police service


We had a damning report on the Montreal Police

Quebec’s Public Security Minister Martin Coiteux has suspended Montreal’s chief of police Philippe Pichet in the wake of a damning report outlining serious irregularities and shortcomings in the Montreal police force’s internal affairs division.  







June 21, 2018

Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors, the obscuring or embellishing of the truth of a situation with misleading or irrelevant information


Recreational marijuana will officially become legal in Canada on Oct. 17, 2018, Majority of Americans oppose it.  Nearly 40 percent of Canadian adults—more than 11 millions people—intended to consume pot. Consumers of legal age (set at 19 everywhere except Quebec and Alberta, where it will be 18) will also be able to purchase legal weed online, but Canadians will face strict  regulations surrounding where they can consume the drug. Canada’s bill Bill C-45, also lets provinces entirely handle the distribution and sales of marijuana — up to letting provincial governments directly manage and staff all pot stores by themselves. Provinces will be able to impose tougher rules, such as raising the minimum age.


Growing pot at home in Manitoba,  Quebec  could land you a ticket from police,  it will be illegal under the prevailing provincial cannabis law.Quebec’s bill applying the law, Bill 157, does not permit it.“If your neighbour denounces you, you will get a ticket,”


Premier-designate Doug Ford, Ontario  Progressive Conservatives  says he will focus on selling in government-run stores and the province plans a ban on recreational pot consumption in public spaces and workplaces, allowing it only in private residences, though medical marijuana use will be permitted anywhere that cigarette smoking is allowed.  Pot remains illegal in Canada until the new law goes into effect in October.


Canada, like the US, is part of international drug treaties that explicitly ban legalizing marijuana.  Canada will be, in effect, in violation of international law  by legalizing marijuana. Canada, signed on to three major international drug policy treaties: the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, the Convention on Psychotropic Drugs of 1971, and the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988. Combined, the treaties require participants to limit and even prohibit the possession, use, trade, and distribution of drugs outside of medical and scientific purposes, and work together to stop international drug trafficking. Canada could face diplomatic backlash by legalizing pot.


Meanwhile, alcohol still is linked to 88,000 deaths each year in the US. In Canada as well.


American border officials will start engaging in “extreme vetting” of Canadians “in relation to consumption of cannabis.” Canadian travelers will face heightened US border scrutiny and that they should expect to see more drug-sniffing dogs at high-traffic ports of entry post-legalization. .


Canadians Who’ve Used Pot Can Be Forever Barred From Entering the United States.  There has already been  an increasing number of Canadians being put on the inadmissibility list simply for admitting to past use. It’s illegal to cross the border with pot, even when entering into a state where the drug is now legal. Under the US federal immigration law, foreigners can be refused entry or even permanently barred from the States for attempting to enter with a controlled substance, for violating the drug laws of the US or any other country, and even for admitting to past drug use. Canadians on the no-entry list who want to visit the United States can apply for an inadmissibility waiver, but each waiver costs about $585 (US) and lasts one to five years, and so the process is a lifelong headache and a significant financial hurdle for the people who cross frequently for business, vacations, personal or family matters.


Americans also do feel U.S. relations have a better chance at improving in the year ahead with traditionally hostile nations such as North Korea and Russia than they do with allies such as Britain and Canada. Russia’s changing role in world affairs, a modernized armed forces along with China’s world wide growing influence, and friendship with Russia is at the root of the irrational Russophobia being peddled so passionately in Canada, UK. Western Liberal ideologues that cannot conceive of any relationship with Russia other than as a deadly or defeated foe, their condition of achieving a semblance of stability and peace in the world, is off to a false premise that will fail. No one has ever conquered Russia, and supporting the war by Ukraine is undoubtedly just a pretext.  Do they  really believe that Crimea means less to Russia than Alaska to the U.S.? The United States still does needs cooperation with Russia and China in many of the most pressing global issues of the day . And Europe and Russia go back together for centuries, back to the times of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

Russia expressed disappointment over Canada’s decision to impose more actions over it. Additionally, Moscow vowed “revenge” against such decision saying that Canada is not improving international cooperation rather it is increasing the tensions.  Moscow recently said that it will result to retaliatory measures following Canada’s sanctions.

The basic, central or critical point of why many like Trump, Putin, Russia and others do not.  Is the Christian religion, Matthew 12- 30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.


The Canadian government is risking making pot more accessible to kids and people with drug use disorders.  It could lead to more use and misuse by making pot cheaper and more available,  easier access could also pose a risk for people who can’t control their cannabis consumption. Marijuana   does carry some risks: dependence and overuse, accidents, nondeadly overdoses that lead to mental anguish and anxiety, and, in rare cases, psychotic episodes.


More than half (52 per cent) of Canadian employers said they’re concerned or very concerned about the implications of legalized marijuana on the workplace, according to a report by the Conference Board of Canada.Among those concerned, 57 per cent cited workplace safety, followed by impairment or intoxication at work (39 per cent); increased use of the drug in and out of the workplace (21 per cent); testing for impairment (20 per cent); managing needs related to accommodation and disclosure (15 per cent); and the cost, including covering medical marijuana and other financial affects on the organization (15 per cent).


Canadian military also is concerned about the  cannabis use. Marijuana use raises safety and operational concerns.The military has restrictions on use of alcohol.   Alcohol has been banned on certain Canadian overseas missions, marijuana may face the same restrictions and marijuana restrictions could be similar and even wider ranging in some functions, such as pilots.


The Canadian Bill C-46, which was tabled at the same time as the main pot legislation, includes new powers for police and harsher penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.The new law will strengthen the impaired driving laws to help better protect Canadians from alcohol and drug-impaired drivers.The police can require a roadside breath test for any driver. The crucial change is they will no longer need reasonable suspicion the person has been drinking. Drivers who refuse this test face a criminal charge with similar penalties to an impaired driving conviction. Canadian police officers can now use roadside screening devices that test saliva for the presence of cocaine, methamphetamine and THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.Canada will now be setting a “per se” level for THC in the blood within two hours of driving, meaning police can lay an impaired driving charge based solely on the blood test results without needing to further prove impairment.The per se levels are set through regulations, not the legislation itself. The government has already proposed its levels, based on nanograms per millilitre of blood:

  • A THC level between 2 and 5 ng would be a lower-level offence with a fine of up to $1000;
  • A THC level above 5 ng would come with the same penalties as an alcohol-impaired driving conviction, including mandatory minimum penalties of a $1000 fine on a first offence, 30 days imprisonment on a second offence and 120 days imprisonment on a third offence;
  • A mixture of a THC level above 2.5 ng and a blood alcohol concentration above 50 mg per 100 mL would have the same penalties as above.
  • .

The Provinces may add additional penalties on top of this.


Consuming even small amounts of cannabis shortly before driving could put someone over these limits. The government has said that  it is taking a “zero-tolerance” approach.


The Liberals see legalizing marijuana as a lucrative opportunity, increased tax revenue too..

Many people will tell you marijuana is not dangerous. Consider who is telling you that. Are these the same people who are using it or are trying to sell you some pot?
Most ostrich alcoholic  drinkers rarely admit they are alcoholics , that they are heavy drinkers or that they will suffer any negatives side effects such as cancer due to their drinking. In other words  Most ostrich alcoholic  drinkers are liars. Alcohol’s negative health impacts are undeniable.
The Cost of substance use in Canada tops $38 billion, with booze and tobacco presently on top.with a staggering toll of 67,515 deaths. The study by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction and the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, was based on health, justice, lost productivity and other costs. We do need to think more carefully as we move toward legalizing recreational cannabis. Canadians need to be  aware of the ongoing and escalating human and economic costs.  More than one alcoholic drink a day could take years off your life. According also to  other researchers, roughly 20 per cent of all violent crime would not have occurred if the perpetrator was not under the influence of or seeking alcohol. Alcohol ‘directly causes’ seven forms of cancer. Governments across Canada, all put together, got roughly $10.5 billion in revenue and taxes from the sale of alcohol in 2013-2014, according to Statistics Canada, still much less than the $14.6 billion that the researchers estimate alcohol cost. Reports also do  says alcohol harm on the rise for Canadian women.
The Holy Spirit works in the lives of  Christians and empowers them to begin changing as their sinful burdens are released by the power of God’s forgiveness for their sins.
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