Jeremy Foran

Jeremy Foran

Technology Specialist – CoE Data, BAI Communications

Jeremy Foran is a technology specialist with BAI Communications with ~10 years of data systems integration, mostly in the rail sector. He has spoken at various conferences and meetups, most notably Elasticsearch (NYC/Toronto/Melbourne/Sydney).

Talk Title: Detecting Subway Overcrowding in Real Time Using InfluxDB

BAI Communications has built a public Wi-Fi offering in both the Toronto and NYC subway systems, where roughly 2 million unique devices totaling 14 million log-ins per month use the service. Using InfluxDB, we can notify rail operators when platforms reach dangerous levels in near real-time.

The team has been using InfluxDB since v0.8 and love the tech. To deliver this solution, they collect metrics from the 1000+ wireless APs in their network and push them into InfluxDB. Passenger flows create various distinct patterns in the wifi data. Using InfluxDB, the team can tease out patterns and notify appropriate parties when those patterns change.