Announcing “What MetaCartel Did” — Episode #1, Wednesday, April 8th, 5:00pm–5:30pm EST

Lou Kerner
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2020


Click here (or use this link watch the show live, the password is 605257

For those who aren’t familiar with MetaCartel, it’s

an ecosystem of DAOs, working groups, media productions, and teams attempting to build and discover Web 3 use cases. — Peter ‘pet3rpan’

In a recent ecosystem update posted on Medium, the MetaCartel universe includes:

Some detail below on key projects:

  • 🌶 MetaCartel DAO: DApp grants fund with over 60+ DAO members and has deployed over 60,000 USD in funding now to over 16+ projects.
  • 🐙 MetaGame: Massive online coordination game with the aim of incentivizing positive-sum value creation and onboarding newcomers into the greater Ethereum community.
  • 🤖 MetaFactory: Cryptonative eCommerce store platform that lets anyone sell items on a bonding curve with FOMO3D mechanics.
  • ⚔️ RaidGuild: MetaCartel’s community-run dev-shop that goes on raids together with a community member to help other projects build dapps.
  • 🏡 DAOHaus: Moloch DAO clone factory that helps you deploy and manage your own Moloch DAO fork today.

It’s an ambitious global endeavor that’s iterating and evolving at a rapid pace.

The idea of this show is two fold.

First, to give an update on the latest in the MetaCartel universe. While there are other channels (e.g. the MetaCatel Telegram group) to keep you updated, this show will provide a live interactive forum for the community.

Second, each week we’ll highlight one of the projects in the MetaCartel universe.

For our first show, we’re excited to have James Waugh, who will provide an overview and update of the latest in the MetaCartel universe. James will be joined by Drew Harding, who is leading the MetaFactory initiative. Per a recent post:

MetaFactory cultivates new brand economies where creators and their communities share aligned incentives through vested interest in success.

We’re looking forward to an engaging show, including opening up the webinar so members of the audience can ask questions or otherswise share some thoughts.

The MetaCartel Ethos: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together

Click here (or use this link watch the show live, the password is 605257

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Lou Kerner

Believe Crypto is the biggest thing to happen in the history of mankind. Focused on community (founded the CryptoOracle Collective & CryptoMondays)