Continental Car Hire

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Start Your Car Accident Claim Journey with Fee-Free Support

The Continental Car Hire team is dedicated to provide you with the best car accident claim management solutions you deserve. Let us handle the complexities of your claim, allowing you to move forward with confidence and peace of mind.

Have You been in a car accident?

Fee-free Claim Consultation

Receive assistance for your accident claim without any burden. We’re here to prioritise your well-being.

Prompt Accident Claim

Experience the difference with our traffic accident claim handlers, to provide swift services for every claim.

Reliable Credit Hire

When it comes to having reliable credit hire, we are experts in our field and offer the optimal solutions.
Car Accident Claim

Get Set for the Next-Level Car Accident Claim

At Continental Car Hire, we understand the importance of returning to the road after a collision. We’re here to provide you with a suitable replacement vehicle and guide you through a stress-free, non-faulty claim process so you can focus on getting back to normal.

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Wonderful Acheivements

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Fully Regulated Services For Non-Faulty Accidents

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When it comes to having reliable credit hire while your vehicle is off the road due to a car crash, as we are experts in our field.
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Our experienced claim professionals confidently determine best strategies. We understand your challenges and empower you with solutions.
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When unexpected events occur on the roads, we deliver a quick vehicle recovery to take off your stress of being stranded on road.
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The best unintentional repairs are made in our approved and highly dedicated garages. You can also get real-time support for repair monitoring.
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Don’t have space to park your damaged car after an accident? Consider our highly reliable & secured vehicle storage services.
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Call & discuss your claim with our solicitors. They will cover your claim with expertise and protect your rights to get you back to health.

Urgent Non-Faulty Accident Claim & Recovery

We understand the stress of being stranded with a damaged vehicle and injuries after a car accident. It’s a challenging situation to handle. At Continental Car Hire , we aim to offer prompt, reliable car accident and injury claim assistance with a promise to be there within the next 90 minutes.
Your Satisfaction, Our Priority

Contact for a Prompt Replacement Car After a Non-Faulty Accident

Car accidents, whether your faulty or not, are frustrating experiences. In such moments, taking a deep breath and focusing on positive outcomes is essential if you are a crash victim. Continental Car Hire offers the expertise of a dedicated solicitor to assess your non-faulty claim. If you feel that your insurer is underrating your claim and you need a skilled negotiator, we’re here to provide the support you require.

Transparent Accident Evaluation

Contact our in-house team to secure our expert solicitor for clear and strategic guidance throughout the accident claim process, or enlist their expertise to negotiate with your insurer.

Fast-Paced Claim Process

Discover seamless & hassle-free claim process at Continental Car Hire. You can confidently start non-faulty accident claim , even in cases where legal assistance may not be required.

Free Consultation Service

We provide free consultation to reduce your stress. Our company provides you support with your accident claim which means no upfront charges for discussion.

Continental Car Hire protects
Hundreds of Drivers Across England

Continental Car Hire has a wide range of cars and fleets covering hundreds of drivers on the road, providing like-for-like replacement car solutions across England after non-faulty accidents. We cater to various business types dealing with road traffic accident claims, offering a top-notch alternative to insurance companies. Our cost-free legal assistance services, including credit hire and other non-faulty claims, serve as a lifeline for non-faulty drivers.

Continental Car Hire is Here as a Trusted Car Accident Claim Partner

At Continental Car Hire, we go beyond credit hire services; we restore your peace of mind after a car accident. As your trusted partner, we offer customised accident claim management services following an unexpected road incident.

Are you thinking about contacting your insurer for compensation services? Are you unaware of non-faulty accident claim processing through an insurance company? Contact Continental Car Hire. We provide solutions for non-faulty car accident claims and offer our business partners a wide range of fleet quick fixes in their time of need. If your company’s car is out of grant, we’re here to help.

And if a company deals with accident claims and needs like-for-like replacement cars, they can rely on us for credit hire services.
We provide reliable vehicle assistance to our business partners who need replacement cars for their clients after any sudden incident or damage due to accidents.

GET PRESTIGE Like-for-Like Replacement Vehicle

We’re proud to be the trusted vehicle supplier for companies handling accident claims. At Continental Car Hire, we keep our fleet updated to provide reliable service until your claim is settled. With a fleet of 200+ vehicles, we’re here to fulfil your vehicle needs after an accident and offer top-notch customer service.
Our friendly and experienced claim handlers will give you the info you need to start your credit hire with us. We know that dealing with car collisions is challenging and always stressful.


Don’t know how to process an accident claim with your insurance company for personal injury or accidental repairs? That’s why our accident management company is here to reduce your stress with our top-quality fleet. At Continental Car Hire, we provide you with the following like-for-like replacement vehicles:

Please view our fleet page to look at the extensive range and categories that meet your requirements for credit hire after an accident. Book your credit hire claim with us today!


Continental Car Hire Ltd is a claims management company regulated by Financial Conduct Authority and is paid a recommendation fee from its Solicitors. Whilst we do not charge you a fee, the solicitor we recommend will charge you a fee of between 25-35% (inclusive of VAT) off your compensation. 

By making a claim with our company it does not resolve your complaint quicker or with a better outcome then if you claimed yourselves. You are not required to use our services to pursue your claim, you can either go directly to your own solicitor or make a claim yourself.

Please note: The solicitor may charge a termination fee if you cancel your agreement with them after the cancellation period, please read their Terms and conditions for more information.


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Get some insights into our business through our customer reviews and satisfaction in their own words. It reflects us as a trusted and transparent brand for credit hire problems.