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Sri Aurobindo


  • Born
  • Parents
  • Primary Education
  • Higher Education
  • Became I.C.S
  • Professor At Baroda College
  • Joined Revolutionary Movement
  • Wrote Many Books
  • Died
Sri Aurobindo

India has produced many great saints. Sri Aurobindo was one of them. Like Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo had great knowledge in western education and he built a bridge between it and India's traditional spiritual culture and heritage.

Sri Aurobindo was born on August 15, 1872 at Konnagar in Hooghly district. He was born to Krishnadhan Ghosh and Swarnalata Devi. His father was a great physician. Aurobindo was sent to England for education at the age of only seven. He became an I.C.S. there and then came back to India.

Sri Aurobindo

Aurobindo Ghosh started his service career as professor of English at Baroda College. Then he came to Bengal and started editing the Bande Mataram!

Aurobindo then joined a revolutionary party to fight against the British. He was arrested, as the police thought he was associated with a bomb manu facturing factory. This was the turning-point of his life. During his stay at the Alipore Central Jail, he had a vision. Then Aurobindo went to Pondichery and began his spiritual life there. Soon he became Sri Aurobindo. He wrote many great books like Life Divine', 'Mother' etc. Mira Richard, a French lady who later became known as Sri Ma was his great disciple.

Sri Aurobindo left his mortal frame on 5th November, 1950. But his thoughts and ideals will always be with us.

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