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The Best Books To Gift College Graduates This Commencement Season

Updated May 24, 2019, 01:04pm EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.


Though classes and exams are over, life for new graduates is just beginning in many respects. In order to make sure they're as prepared as possible for their next chapter, or you are terrible at thinking of gifts, this list of books is full of questions, answers, advice and insights that will help graduates prepare for their life as a working professional and living on their own: 

The Gifts Of Imperfection: Let Go Of Who You Think You'e re Supposed To Be And Embrace Who You Are by Dr. Brené Brown

New York Times bestselling author and professor Dr. Brené Brown writes how we compensate for what we believe is "not enough" by, “pleasing, performing, perfecting.” She describes how so many people go through life trying to be who we think we’re supposed to be, doing and saying what we think other people want to hear and it wears us down. Brown explains through her excellent storytelling and research to choose discomfort over resentment, and cushion our self-esteem and sanity by setting boundaries.

How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Though much of networking and job searching is online nowadays, one’s ability to carry on small talk and make a good impression in person has never been more valuable. Dale Carnegie’s tried and true, classic advice for how to build meaningful relationships in a climate where it is difficult to meet people and easier to avoid intimate, difficult conversations has never been more applicable. If you know how facilitate and navigate difficult conversations and know how to graciously and sincerely socialize with others, it is an enormous asset in the job market and as a human being. Technology evolves, but the importance of knowing how to build relationships and maintain them will never change.

Educated by Tara Westover

Tara Westover was 17 the first time she set foot in a classroom at Brigham Young University, and was forbidden to see a doctor or go to a hospital. Born into a survivalist Mormon family in the mountains of Idaho, she taught herself math, history and grammar to get accepted to BYU. Westover’s defiance of her family’s faith and wishes to pursue her education transformed her, Westover excelled and went on to study at Cambridge and Harvard. It’s an extraordinary story of the power of education inside and outside of a classroom, and how having the courage to stand by your convictions and live on your own terms can completely change your life.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

Warren Buffet has famously said that picking up this book was one of the luckiest moments of his life. A big part of growing up is learning how to manage money: how to spend it, how to save it and how to invest it. One of the keys to building wealth (or at least more financial stability) is creating multiple income streams, and Graham teaches his readers how to reach their financial goals and mitigate the inherent risks involved in investing.

The Power Of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life And Business by Charles Duhigg

Award winning business reporter Charles Duhigg explores the scientific research behind habits: why we have them, how we can get rid of them and how we can develop better ones. Duhigg uses examples from the boardrooms of Procter & Gamble, the sidelines of the NFL and the civil rights movement to illustrate this understanding of  human nature.

How Will You Measure Your Life by Dr. Clayton M. Christensen

This book by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen began as a conversation with his students, which he converted it into a piece for the Harvard Business Review, then subsequently expanded into a book. Dr. Christensen challenges his students and his readers to apply the same theories they developed in their business ethics course to every sphere of their life: personal, professional and spiritual. This book asks you to reflect on not just what will help you have a successful career but what will help you forge your own path to a fulfilling life.

And Still I Rise by Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou’s third collection of poetry is an encapsulation of resilience and self-love. This book is a celebration of hard won confidence after overcoming heartbreaking obstacles, written with the humility, empathy, soul and strength only Angelou can impart. The collection includes iconic poems such as “Still I Rise” and “Phenomenal Woman.” It is a book graduates can turn to when they need encouragement.

Becoming by Michelle Obama

The autobiography of the former First Lady of the United States chronicles the experiences that shaped her, from growing up on the South Side of Chicago to being one of the only black students at Princeton to balancing her executive position with motherhood to her journey to the White House. She discusses her learning experiences, disappointments and achievements in detail. She imparts her inspiring story and encouragement to young people with soul and a sense of humor, and it is the perfect gift for a graduate who is searching for meaning in their life and work.

Leadership: In Turbulent Times by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin examines the grit of four great American presidents, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson and how their values and qualities equipped them to lead the country through some of the most precarious moments in history. Goodwin clearly hopes to inspire aspiring young leaders by regaling them with stories of revered presidents, and hopes they apply some presidential practical guidance and moral teachings to their own lives.

The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art Of Decluttering And Organizing By Marie Kondo

Teaching graduates the joy of simplifying and organizing their home early in life will serve them for the rest it Kondo promises in her book, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” Kondo preaches and a clean and uncluttered home reflect a clean and uncluttered life. Graduates will learn to purchase items and store them intentionally, will lead to a more thoughtful, fulfilling life that is filled with more meaning and fewer things.

Barefoot Contessa Back To Basics: Fabulous Flavor From Simple Ingredients by Ina Garten

Transitioning from a dorm room microwave and mini-fridge to a proper kitchen can be daunting leap for a new graduate who does not know how to cook. If you’re looking for a practical gift for someone who may need a guide around the kitchen, this Ina Garten cookbook is an excellent starting point for a beginner in the kitchen.