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Mind of a Survivor

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***Shortlisted for the Great Outdoors Book of the Year*** Surviving in the wild takes a great deal of strength. Often faced with frozen tundra, sweltering deserts, humid jungles, perilous mountains and fast-flowing rivers, Megan Hine is no stranger to perilous conditions. Whilst leading expeditions and bushcraft survival courses and in her work on television shows such as Bear Gryll's Mission Survive and Running Wild , she has explored the corners of the globe in pursuit of adventure. Faced with the toughest of bad weather; lack of food and being in the presence of predators, is the ultimate test of character and often the biggest challenge to overcome is in the head. In these situations, the human brain is simultaneously the greatest asset and biggest liability. Not everyone is suited to the great outdoors and when danger calls many aren't as well-equipped to survive, no amount of top of the range kit will save you if you don't have the right frame of mind. Here Megan Hine examines the human ability and instinct for survival, showing us how others have developed the attitudes and attributes to thrive in the most dangerous situations, and how those same attitudes and attributes help them confront problems and obstacles at work and at home. Being chased through the jungle by armed opium farm guards, abseiling past bears and lighting fires with tampons, Megan has seen and done it all. In Mind of a Survivor she takes you along for a series of life-and-death adventures and shows you what happens to people when they are pushed to their limits. Inspirational rather than instructional, Megan examines the human ability and instinct for survival sharing the life tools that she uses and showing how they can as easily be applied to more domestic everyday life - from careers to relationships, from overcoming adversity to decision making. Filled with her own experiences, Mind of a Survivor is packed full of adventure and can help people survive in any situation and cope with whatever life throws at them.

256 pages, Paperback

Published January 1, 2017

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About the author

Megan Hine

2 books3 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews
Profile Image for Paul.
2,174 reviews
September 13, 2017
Surviving anywhere takes intelligence and guile, but surviving any length of time in the wild takes a great deal of strength. Taking people out of their comfortable urban lifestyles into jungles, up into the mountains and onto the tundra and steppes of our world is another level up. Megan Hine is unusual in that she sadly is a rare female presence in the male dominated world of adventure and outdoor pursuits. However, do not let looks deceive you, she is as tough as the guys too, as surviving requires as much mental strength and rapid assessment of a situation as it does physical ability. Hine is held in such high regard that she has consulted and assisted on various TV shows including Mission Survive and Running Wild by Bear Gryll's.

This in no way makes her any less formidable, she has honed these skills from a lifetime spent outdoors in a variety of hair-raising and frankly terrifying situations. She gets alongside those she is working with to guide and instruct in the best way to survive and even thrive in the circumstances that are presenting themselves. In fact, she goes on to argue, that the most expensive kit may help, but when it comes to surviving that your biggest asset, your brain, will be the crucial element. It is just a shame that can also be your biggest liability…

She is an advocate in getting more out in the wild, not only because the natural world does you the power of good and enriches the soul but the skills you can acquire when outdoors can be hugely beneficial to everyday life at home and in the office. It is a really good book about the power of mind over matter and taking time to assess and make the correct decision, even when that judgement must be made very quickly. She writes very well, mixing her background story with anecdotes of perilous events in the wilderness and combines it all with solid practical advice.
Profile Image for Catalina.
130 reviews11 followers
August 14, 2023
Other self help authors: “To illustrate my point about being calm under pressure, I once had to liaise with some difficult colleagues in the auditing business…”
Megan Hine: “So I was trekking through primary jungle when we stumbled across an illegal opium poppy field and the mafia opened fire on us, and that’s why you should stay calm under pressure, kids”

This book was gripping, easy to read, and fascinating. While not entirely original in its ideas, by looking at them through the lens of wilderness survival, she brings them together in a whole new light.

At its core, this book is about resilience. What makes a resilient mind? How can you build resilience? What does resilience look like in the wild and how can it be applied at home? These are the questions that are answered in this book.

I felt like I learned so much. I hadn’t heard of the author but I’ve got so much respect for her from this book. She’s grounded and chock full of good stories and common sense. 11/10 would recommend this to anyone.
27 reviews
February 5, 2019
I really enjoyed this book. Not a typical autobiography but a thoughtful way to tell the tales of her experiences. I’m a big fan of Megan Hine. She’s not boastful or in any way bragging. She’s had a huge amount of experience and tells it like it is. She is confident in her abilities as a leader and I love that. I like adventure tales and it’s very refreshing to read from a female perspective without the bravado & ego trips that many male adventurers write about.
Profile Image for Ana.
88 reviews21 followers
January 23, 2022
This book made me wanna pack up and go off on an adventure! Megan is both impressive and inspiring. A lot of what she writes in this book is also relevant to everyday life, so I would recommend this book even if you're not into adventuring and survival.
Profile Image for Dale Erdmier.
210 reviews13 followers
May 11, 2021
I listened to this and really enjoyed it. Practical advice and really cool experiences to learn about.
Profile Image for Bonney.
7 reviews
September 17, 2023
A great read about human behaviour and psychology in relation to extreme survival experiences.
Profile Image for Carter.
201 reviews14 followers
September 26, 2018
"You have to accept you are not going to get everything your own way...acceptance enables you to ditch your emotional baggage and think more clearly because you are no longer sapping your energy fighting reality...it's about not blaming anyone (including yourself) so you can start to think your way out of trouble" (Hine, 2017, p.54).

Megan Hine's book details the aspects of resilience from the perspective of a survivor, combining two powerful concepts and presenting the information in such a way that it is insightful and motivating. She uses anecdotes and psychological concepts, which makes the content interesting and memorable. She also leaves room for personal reflection and consideration of how the concepts may apply to the reader in real life, providing different perspectives and encouraging the reader to be more mindful in every area of life. With her concepts fresh in my mind, I feel a renewed sense of excitement, admiration, and awe for everything the wilderness can teach us. Now to head out with my pack and experience this for myself!
Profile Image for Tracey Ellis.
263 reviews2 followers
August 7, 2022
You know it’s a good read when you find yourself telling everyone stories or excerpts from a book, and even though I’ll never come close to attempting the type of expeditions Megan does, I found her stories, advice, and perception fascinating, practical, and eye-opening.

If I ever find myself on the edge of a cliff, I might just remember what do (stay calm, firstly!). You don’t have to be an intrepid adventurer to enjoy this book, many survival tactics she discusses can apply to any challenge in life. As a bonus, her female viewpoint was refreshing as well as insightful and interesting to anyone woman who wants a solo adventure. Hats off to her, what a brave woman.
3 reviews
December 8, 2021
Captivating, educational, interesting. I really enjoyed this book. It is entertaining and easy to read, and at the same time very deep and can teach you a lot of actual skills and important stuff to go out in the wild. It also helps you reflect on yourself and your own personality, while sharing a ton of great anecdotes and stories. I highly recommend it, whether you like the outdoors and adventures or are just looking for some inspiring stories.
Profile Image for Mrs K E Tong.
1 review
February 8, 2018

I feel I deserve a medal for surviving to the end of this rather weak lesson in survival! This is a book of tales of overcoming challenges and exciting adventures with anecdotal evidence sometimes in support but whilst interesting was not the deep psychological insights I was anticipating. A brave girl no doubt but better to hear her story over a beer one night.
26 reviews
May 26, 2021
I always feel like an adventurer at heart but reading this book makes me realise I am not quite there. It was refreshing that the mind of a survivor is not all positive thinking and tenacity but much more complex than that. It made me think of the skills I have used and know others have used in various situations and gives me a little hope (although still worried about bears).
June 14, 2018
fascinating and insightful account from a humbling adventurer. Megan reflects on her own experiences and both psychological and physical challenges she has faced in difficult terrains. she also links these adventures and the resilience gained to every day life. AMAZING.
Profile Image for Richard Burley.
319 reviews3 followers
June 18, 2019
Very insightful with great examples from Megan's own life and experience. Though she says the book is written for women, I thought it helpful for anyone who reads it. And, also it is written from a survival stand point but I think it applies to life in general.
9 reviews
April 24, 2023
This book led me to where I am today. It helped me find out there was a future for me in the outdoors. It helped me find my degree, fuel my fire for the environment and discover that I judt need to be my authentic self in what I do.
Profile Image for Irfan Khan.
5 reviews
May 8, 2023
The thing which makes this book unique is it just doesn't emphasize only on physical side of a survival situation but its main emphasis is on the mind.

It is said that when you calm your mind the soul starts to speak. In any emergency you should have a calm mind to do timely and precise decisions.
22 reviews
January 15, 2024
Good book and an easy read but it didn't really feel like there was much new information for me, being a psychology professional, however her ancestors were interesting, I just wish there had been more of them!
February 21, 2019
Absolutely BRILLIANT!!! Girl power to the max without being too in your face about it. Finished in two days. Flows beautifully...
1 review
December 24, 2019
A thought provoking read

Very good reading, makes you question what you would do yourself
In a perilous situation. Very good book worth reading.
Profile Image for Nat.
3 reviews
March 10, 2020
Great book,with great stories shared by Megan Hine's experience. Well worth reading.
Profile Image for Millie Fraser.
18 reviews
April 7, 2020
Amazing. Totally inspiring. Definitely worth reading even if your not 'outdoorsy'.
1 review
June 4, 2020
Great book, I loved the psychological aspects of survival & applying these in every day life. Her own experiences and examples are fascinating to read.
8 reviews
January 9, 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed the motivation and strength this woman has. The comparison from the wild to everyday life isn’t as far apart as I first thought.
Profile Image for Sphinx.
49 reviews
March 25, 2022
This was a weird one. The survival stories were great. The armchair psychology less so. Made me want to watch one of her series, so I guess thats good.
Profile Image for Jared Parsons.
3 reviews
November 21, 2022
Some brilliant and unbelievable stories with timely wisdom throughout. Megan has an amazing balance of grit, skill, sensitivity and situational awareness.
Profile Image for Pieter Morten.
47 reviews4 followers
November 23, 2017
A book filled with analytical thinking and observations of people people and adventure down through the years. An enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Sarah Cotter.
119 reviews1 follower
October 2, 2020
It is neither an autobiography or a self-help/business book. Because it is neither, it fails at both. It’s such a shame. It’s clear from the snippets of life experience Hine uses to illustrate her musings she is a skilled, remarkable woman but the book itself is “meh.”
Profile Image for Kirstie Gillon-Wood .
49 reviews2 followers
June 1, 2024
You can count backwards from five, or high-five yourself in the mirror every morning like self-help guru Mel Robbins would have us do.


you can read "Mind of a Survivor" and be ACTUALLY inspired and motivated by Megan Hine. Faced with frozen tundra, sweltering deserts, humid jungles, and perilous mountains, Hine has encountered the toughest of conditions, testing both her physical abilities and mental fortitude.

What sets this book apart is its exploration of the human ability and instinct for survival, highlighting how our mindset can be the difference between life and death in the wilderness. Through a series of adrenaline-fueled adventures, Hine shares her own experiences of being chased through jungles by armed guards, abseiling past bears, and lighting fires with tampons. These riveting tales serve as powerful illustrations of how individuals can thrive when pushed to their limits.

Hine delves into the psychology of survival, examining the attitudes and attributes that enable people to confront and overcome adversity. Drawing upon real-life examples and personal insights, she offers invaluable life tools that can be applied to everyday challenges, from career decisions to relationship struggles.

While the book is filled with heart-pounding adventure, it's also deeply inspirational, reminding readers of the resilience of the human spirit and our capacity to endure and overcome even the most daunting obstacles.

I find greater value in reading books such as these, which offer genuine insight and depth, rather than the superficial and exploitative content peddled by contemporary self-help gurus who often capitalise on the vulnerability of their audience.
Profile Image for Isabella Fray.
264 reviews4 followers
December 4, 2017
Quick and interesting read! Megan has a very pleasant and straightforward narrative style and I liked the frequent injections of her experiences within the broader lessons and themes she talks about. Rather than focus on individual trips and what she learned during those, she uses those as evidence for her own observations about survival psychology.

The only thing I would have liked is some sources near the end of the book. I'm a bit obsessed with the subject of survival/disaster psychology and have read a lot of books on the subject. She touches on the tendency of civilization to rapidly disintegrate during disasters, but that contradicts several other sourced books I've read that argue that this chaos is actually more dramatized than what really occurs. She mentions how she potentially fears sexual assault if she's in a group of men on an expedition and how those fears would increase the longer they were isolated, citing reports of rampant rape from the stadium of people stuck after Katrina. I can't remember which book it was but I recently read that the reports coming out the stadium of debauchery, gang rape, and theft were falsified for drama. Once the survivors left many said that only a couple of people died and that was because they were really old or ill. Everyone else was either neutral or actively helping. This is a subject I would do further research on.

So overall a highly enjoyable read. I made some notes for further reference but definitely a good addition to my collection of books on this subject.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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