Download historical data (to 14 December 2020) on the daily number of new reported COVID-19 cases and deaths worldwideArchived


Please note that this file is no longer being updated.

ECDC switched to a weekly reporting schedule for the COVID-19 situation worldwide and in the EU/EEA and the UK on 17 December 2020.

ECDC’s decision to discontinue daily data collection is based on the fact that the daily number of cases is frequently subject to retrospective corrections, delays in reporting and/or clustered reporting of data for several days. Consequently, day to day variations in the number of cases does not constitute a valid basis for policy decisions. ECDC continues to monitor events and reports of concern through its epidemic intelligence, and will disseminate important information arising from this activity as and when relevant to inform public health action.

Hence, all daily updates have been discontinued from 14 December. Weekly updates on the number of cases and deaths reported worldwide and aggregated by week are published every Thursday. The weekly data is available as downloadable files in the following formats: XLSX, CSV, JSON and XML.

How is the data collected? ECDC’s copyright policy.

Disclaimer: Population data in the database is taken from Eurostat for Europe and the World Bank for the rest of the world.

Disclaimer: Countries that are not listed in these databases have reported no cases to WHO and no cases were identified in the public domain.

The formula to calculate the 14-day cumulative number of reported COVID-19 cases per 100 000 population is  (New cases over 14 day period)/Population)*100 000.

Download the data in more formats:

Download in CSV

Download in JSON

Download in XML

Script for downloading the CSV file into “R” software

Make sure that you have the “utils” package installed.

#these libraries need to be loaded

#read the Dataset sheet into “R”. The dataset will be called "data".
data <- read.csv("", na.strings = "", fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM")

Page last updated: 14 Dec 2020

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