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New DICJ Director Adriano Ho pledges to “serve with integrity”   

The inauguration ceremony for the new Director of Macau’s Gaming of Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ), Adriano Ho, was held on Wednesday, with the former security advisor pledging to “serve the public with integrity” while monitoring and supervising Macau’s gaming industry.

The ceremony was officiated by the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Lei Wei Nong. The Secretary expressed his confidence in the new DICJ Director, underlining the fact Mr Ho brings with him extensive experience and professional competence in monitoring gaming activities.

Ho, a key advisor to Macau’s Secretary for Security, Wong Sio Chak since 2014, was previously head of the Macao Sub-Bureau of the China National Central Bureau of INTERPOL from 2004 to 2010, head of the Judiciary Police Criminal Investigation Department from 2010 to 2012 and head of the Gaming-related and Economic Crimes Investigation Department from 2012 to 2014.

He promised at his inauguration to implement the SAR’s governance, to strengthen the application of information technology in his daily works to enhance efficiency, and to further improve the internal management of the department.

SJM appoints Frank McFadden as new Chief Operating Officer

SJM Holdings has named long-time executive Frank McFadden as its new Chief Operating Officer.

According to an internal memo sent to SJM staff, McFadden, who has served as the company’s President of Joint Ventures and Business Development since 2006, will replace Louis Ng who stepped down from the role on Tuesday.

A former amateur boxer and professional rugby union player, the 63-year-old Irishman first landed in Macau in late 2004 to run Sands Macao before being lured to SJM just two years later to oversee the launch of Grand Lisboa.

He has since established himself not only as a key member of SJM’s senior management team but one of the highest ranking Macau-based westerners in the industry.

His new role will see him take overall responsibility for casino operations at SJM’s peninsula properties Grand Lisboa, Casino Lisboa, Ponte 16 and Jai Alai.

The appointment of McFadden as COO comes as somewhat of a surprise given rumors that he may have been considering retirement. However, having already navigated the complexities of SJM’s inner machinations for well over a decade – and earned the respect of his peers in the process – he could also prove the perfect elixir for a company in desperate need of a spark.

Having seen its share of Macau GGR fall from 21.7% just five years ago to a new low of just 13.3% in the most recent quarter, SJM also finds itself facing boardroom uncertainty following a January 2019 power play by Pansy Ho, daughter of company founder Dr Stanley Ho, that saw her take command of a controlling interest in parent company STDM.

Dr Ho passed away 15 days ago aged 98.

In a boardroom boasting a Chairman (Daisy Ho), two Co-Chairmen (Angela Leong and Timothy Fok) and a Vice Chairman (Ambrose So), perhaps McFadden is seen as the one candidate able to provide some clarity to the marketplace in this time of immense uncertainty amid the backdrop of COVID-19.

Lui Che Woo hoping borders reopen this month as Galaxy’s daily expenses reach US$2.8 million

Galaxy Entertainment Group Chairman Lui Che Woo has expressed his desire to see border restrictions between Macau and Guangdong Province eased within a month as losses for the Macau resort operator and its peers continue to mount.

While Galaxy is considered to be the healthiest of all six Macau gaming concessionaires when it comes to available liquidity, the company revealed that daily expenditure during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has seen visitation into Macau slow to a near standstill due to mandatory quarantine measures imposed upon anyone crossing back into Guangdong Province, had reached US$2.8 million.

“The suspension of casinos surely impacted our business greatly,” Lui told Hong Kong media following GEG’s annual general meeting for shareholders.

“It is hard to calculate our loss during the pandemic, but we must follow and respect the government policies in preventing the spread.”

Lui admitted that Galaxy had previously expected border restrictions to be significantly eased on 7 June before an outbreak in Hong Kong forced a delay to implementation of an anticipated “travel bubble” between the three jurisdictions, including Macau and Guangdong. In the meantime, said Lui’s son and Galaxy Vice Chairman Francis Lui, the group was prepared for borders to open in the near future and was doing its best to control costs. Construction work on Galaxy Macau Phases 3 and 4 is continuing, he added.

Asked whether the Macau government should consider extending the gaming licenses of Macau’s concessionaires, all of which are due to expire in June 2022, due to the impact of COVID, the elder Lui replied, “I believe the Macau government understands the current situation in Macau and will deal with it fairly.”

On the topic of the controversial new National Security Law proposed for Hong Kong by mainland China, Lui – who is also Chairman of Hong Kong property development giant K. Wah International Holdings Ltd – said he hoped it would not harm the city’s stable economy.

“Hong Kong is a city of economic prosperity and politics is a concern for very, very few people. General people just want to sustain their lives,” he said.






澳博任命高管Frank McFadden為新任營運總裁

據澳博發給員工的內部備忘錄顯示,麥輝霆(Frank McFadden) 將接任週二卸任的吳志誠擔任營運總裁(COO)。麥輝霆自2006年以來一直擔任該公司合資及業務發展總裁。















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