Early Bird Bonus

Access To Leverage Your Money Language Webinar ($300 Value!)









Do you wish you had more money but can never seem to save or earn enough?

Are you dreaming of abundance but living from pay cheque to pay cheque?

Have you tried to change your money story but stay stuck in the same cycle?


I have been in a position where my money story and identity were controlled by others. My money DNA growing up was not a glorious one. Because of my limiting money beliefs and blocks, I adopted other people’s disempowering money stories, believed them, and made them my own – money doesn’t grow on trees; I’m not made of money; You can’t have love and money, etc.

I’ve invested in myself and have done work on my subconscious level to integrate and shift those stories and this is exactly why I am so passionate about helping people like you gain conscious awareness around your money blocks so that you can bust through them to up-level your “receiving” of money.


Confidently transform your relationship with money in 30 days

So you can UPLEVEL your mindfulness around money, own your worth, ditch your money blocks, and finally start treating your money circulation with understanding, respect and consciousness.

What is MINDFUL MONEY 101?

Mindful Money 101 is a 30-day group program designed to facilitate a healthy balance between money circulation and your mindset. Vibrationally tested and intuitively guided, this program is not your typical cookie-cutter curriculum.

What can MINDFUL MONEY 101 do for you?

Each of us have our own unique money DNA and it is important to know this to help you better understand what motivates you when it comes to working and making money. The program will help you discover the three core money inhibitors so that you know how to recognize it in our daily activities. 


In the program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create willingness for growth and change
  • Build gratitude muscles
  • Uncover current money blueprint
  • Discover your money identity
  • Create flow with action
  • Nurture your money relationship
  • Create an abundance plan with new goals

Who is MINDFUL MONEY 101 for?

This 30-day group program is for people who are:


  • Ready to work through and conquer their money blocks and self-limiting beliefs
  • Connect with their money-making strengths and treat their money circulation with understanding, respect, and consciousness
  • Uplevel their mindfulness around money

The program was fun, insightful, and enlightening. I was truly surprised by some of the emotions and physical reactions I had when completing some of the balances and goal statements. It was also interesting to hear how others in the group had similar experiences to mine. I can’t wait to see my numbers and look forward to moving forward to the next level. Thank you so much for providing me with the opportunity and the tools to create a more positive outlook and future!

PS: I picked my brand new ride! My first new car in 30 years! So happy and know that I am deserving of it!


If you’re ready to transform your relationship with money, while avoiding the stress and angst, you can join Mindful Money 101 in two ways:


(Investment $297)

As an INTRO Participant, you’ll get access to all the activities, balances, videos and work plus full pre and post-assessments

[et_pb_paypal_button pp_item_name=”Mindful Money 101: Intro Access” pp_amount=”297″ pp_return=”221595″ pp_cancel_return=”221537″ use_custom=”on” button_text=”GET INTRO ACCESS NOW” admin_label=”INTRO ACCESS” _builder_version=”4.10.6″ _module_preset=”default” custom_button=”on” button_text_size=”22px” button_text_color=”#FFFFFF” button_bg_color=”#0E97A6″ button_border_color=”#0E97A6″ hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” pp_currency_code=”CAD” sticky_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_paypal_button]


(Investment $497)

As an INSIDER Participant, you’ll receive everything from the Intro Plan PLUS the individual targeted work and releases specific to you (this level becomes individualized and real-time and therefore not cookie cutter). You will also receive a couple of extra PDF forms (11 Day Money Gratitude Prompts + Top 7 Money Power Questions)

[et_pb_paypal_button pp_item_name=”Mindful Money 101: Insider Access” pp_amount=”497″ pp_return=”221601″ pp_cancel_return=”221537″ use_custom=”on” button_text=”GET INSIDER ACCESS NOW” admin_label=”INSIDER ACCESS” _builder_version=”4.10.6″ _module_preset=”default” custom_button=”on” button_text_size=”22px” button_text_color=”#FFFFFF” button_bg_color=”#0E97A6″ button_border_color=”#0E97A6″ hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” pp_currency_code=”CAD” sticky_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_paypal_button]

What’s included in the program?

?A UNIQUE PRE-VIBRATIONAL ENERGY ASSESSMENT – Your beginning measurements in prosperity so that you can understand your level of resistance with money and be able to gauge your progress throughout the program.

 ?A PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP – Available support and motivation from a like-minded community of individuals ready to uplevel their mindfulness around money

 ?LIVE TAKE CHARGE WELCOME VIDEO WITH Q&A – A live interactive welcome video to prepare you to get the most out of the program in the most effective and efficient way. You’ll have access to pre-program content and prep work before the program starts. An understanding of the assessment parameters and the use of additional resources

 ?CLEARING AND BALANCE STATEMENTS – Daily clearing and balance statements with implementation work and content delivery, plus personalized support from Christina and Lisa as needed

 ?A UNIQUE POST-VIBRATIONAL ENERGY ASSESSMENT – At the completion of the program, a follow-up assessment is performed to highlight the areas of complete transformation

    Before joining the program, I was constantly worried and my mind wouldn’t settle. Many things were completely out of my control and anxiety would be my end result. When I joined the program, it challenged me to truly look at myself from a different perspective. It has given me inspiration to journal and discover what is concerning me or making me happy and grateful for what I have. Letting go of negative thoughts and focusing on what is controllable has brought me inner peace


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How is the program delivered?

    Every weekday from Monday to Friday, in the private Program Facebook Group, a new Clearing and Belief Statement Exercise will be posted with the required activity for you to complete. Messenger will be used to communicate necessary information while the program is in progress

    Q: When does the program start?

    Mindful Money 101 will start on  Friday, October 8th, 2021 until Saturday, November 6th, 2021.

    Q: What is the time commitment?

    Approximately 10-30 minutes may be needed with a consistent average of 20 minutes per day.

    Q: What if I get behind?

    This can happen. There is a lot on your plate (that’s why you’re leaning in this close for the program) The greater your commitment, the greater your success. It has been proven and experienced that as ‘everyone’ moves forward at the same time, the greater the transformation and connections for all participants. The information and balances will remain in the group until a set date after the program completes. It’s easy to get caught up, with a little bit of focused time and energy on the weekends.

    Q: I’m a private person, do I have to share, or will people know my issues?

    No, not at all. The only expectation I have is to know you have completed the exercise for each day in the appropriate order by posting a celebratory acknowledgement.

    I know in my heart that the exercises in this program had a lot to do with the shifts and transformations that happened in my life recently. I already was thinking about all the changes that needed to happen in my life… but this program actually empowered and motivated me to act on the intentions and impulses that would set in motion the transformations I was hoping for. So WIN WIN here all the way through.  I wanted to thank you for helping transform my life in such a magically profound way. I believe your program is valuable and worth way more than the tiny investment I made. Please keep doing your amazing work!! I wish you much future success and abundance in the rest of your “Transformation” projects!! I know that you will change lives with your gifts and skills! Looking forward to future programs you offer! I’m sure they will be as amazing at this one!


    You can begin your transformation now


    Back to settling for less than you’re worth, staying at a job that’s misaligned, and not making the life-changing income from your business that you deserve.

    Back to wrestling with the worry that you’re not good enough to make money doing what you love, struggling to get well-paid clients, and feelin’ all frantic about how you’ll make more.

    I understand all these things because I was you.

    If you read into my story you’ll uncover that I struggled with money for years, got into debt, and made hardly enough in the early days (despite the fact I was working like crazy).

    Then, I became mindful about my money mindset and learned the tools and strategies I’ll share with you in this course. And it was truly the catalyst that turned my whole life around.

    This all started with the decision to transform my money mindset.

    Now, I want to help you do the same.

    You're in! An email with the details of the challenge is on its way to you!