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HomeNewsBSC Bulletin 335 -ELEXON’s internal IT systems have been impacted by a cyber attack  
MAY 2020
BSC Bulletin 335 -ELEXON’s internal IT systems have been impacted by a cyber attack
Originally published by Neil Thomas on 14/05/2020 11:57:17
Tags: bulletin

What is happening?

We are advising you that today that ELEXON’s internal IT systems have been impacted by a cyber attack. BSC Central Systems and EMR are currently unaffected and working as normal. The attack is to our internal IT systems and ELEXON’s laptops only. We are currently working hard to resolve this. However please be aware that at the moment we are unable to send or receive any emails. 

Do I need to take any further action?

We will send you further updates as soon as possibles but in the meantime if you have any questions please contact our externally hosted help desk on 0370 010 6950 or via email