Technology & DVC Department
ID:0 | 19/04/2024 |
Recipient: Guest
Originator: Guest
* Mandatory fields | 
Guest Info

Full Name *

Email Address *
Curriculum Vitae

Please upload your CV in PDF format no bigger than 10MB *

Please upload your covering letter in PDF format no bigger tha 10MB *
Application Information

Position applying for: *

Title: *

First Name: *

Surname: *

E-mail Address: *

Address: *

Address 2:

City/Region/Country: *

Postcode: *

Home phone:

eg 094810141

Work phone:

Mobile phone:

eg 0274810141 *

Teacher Registration

If you are a registered teacher in New Zealand please provide your registration number:

Teacher Registration Expiry:
Educational Qualifications

Please state your last secondary qualification: *

University and Qualifications *
Referees - 3 Referees

Referee 1

Name: *

School/Company: *


eg employer/principal *

Address: *

Work Telephone:

Home Telephone:

Mobile: *

Email: *

Referee 2

Name: *

School/Company: *


eg employer/principal *

Address: *

Work Telephone:

Home Telephone:

Mobile: *

Email: *

Referee 3:

Name: *

School/Company: *


eg employer/principal


Work Telephone:

Home Telephone:

Mobile: *

Email: *
Additional Information

Are you a New Zealand citizen? *

Have you ever had a criminal conviction?

(convictions that fall under the clean slate scheme do not have to be disclosed) *

If yes, please detail:

Have you ever received a police diversion for an offence? *

If yes, please detail:

Have you been convicted of a driving offence which resulted in temporary or permanent loss of licence, or imprisonment? *

If yes, please detail:

Are you awaiting sentencing/currently have charges pending? *

If yes, please detail:

In addition to other infomation provided are there any other factors that we chould know to assess your suitability for appointment and ability to do the job? *

If yes, please detail:

Have you had an injury or medical condition caused by gradual process, disease or infection, such as occupational overuse syndrome, stress or repetitive strain injuries, which the tasks of the job may aggravate or contribute to? *

If yes, please detail:

Do you have a current New Zealand drivers licence? *
Temporary Save

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