Canon PowerShot SX620 HS - 20.2 MP (Budget Vlog Camera)

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Special Price ৳40,000.00 was ৳45,000.00
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  • Most Popular & Budget Vlog Camera
  • Original Canon Power Shot SX620 HS
  • Megapixel: 20.2 MP
  • Screen Size: 3 Inch
  • Optical Zoom: 25x
  • Canon PowerShot SX620 HS Camera in Bangladesh

    Canon PowerShot camera optimizes its settings for perfect images and videos with Hybrid Auto. Add a unique look to your photos with this Canon digital camera.The Canon Power Shot SX620 HS Digital Camera captures your life’s various moments with fabulous, life resembling picture quality. It clicks pictures with an incredible 20.2MP sensor. Is your subject of interest far away? No worries, you can click it in amazing crystal clear details from where you are with its 25x optical zoom. This small and thin camera easily fits in a pocket and offers a comfortable, one hand clickability.


    You can’t have a better device to freeze your celebratory moments than the Canon PowerShot camera. It has a superior 20.2MP sensor, which reveals the tiniest of details of an image and infuses it with real like colors along with increased sharpness and brightness. Shoot your toddler’s first steps, a festival celebration, or any other worth capturing scene in rich and smooth FHD detail. And to make sure your clicks and shoots less distorted and blurry, the camera is installed with Dynamic Image Stabilizer.

    Canon SX620 HS Camera in BD


    When you have the Canon digital camera, nothing can come between you and your subject. It features a big 25x optical zoom, letting you capture images spread far and wide without moving an inch from your place. It zooms in on the picture with crisp and distinct clarity. You can also shoot the entire landscape in one shot with the camera's 25mm ultra wide angle. And with the built-in HS system, you can continue clicking the shots in crystal clear quality in any lighting condition.


    Canon Vlog Camera

    This Canon SX620 HS camera features built-in WiFi with dynamic NFC to help you connect it to a compatible device. It works wirelessly and lets you share the clicked pics and videos with a simple tap. You can upload the pictures on social media through the Camera Connect app.

    Are you looking for Canon PowerShot SX620 HS - 20.2 MP (Budget Vlog Camera) Price, Review & Specifications in Bangladesh with home delivery? Then is a great place to buy the Canon PowerShot SX620 HS - 20.2 MP (Budget Vlog Camera) in Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet and all over Bangladesh and with Cash on Delivery. Online Shopping in Bangladesh for Genuine products, awesome customer support, easy returns and really fast deliveries. Besides, there are a bunch of reasons why our customers keep coming back to our Online Shopping BD.

    Product ID 107567
    Brand Canon
    was ৳45,000.00
    Free Shipping Yes
    Special Price ৳40,000.00

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    What is the price of Canon PowerShot SX620 HS - 20.2 MP (Budget Vlog Camera) in Bangladesh?

    The letest Price of Canon PowerShot SX620 HS - 20.2 MP (Budget Vlog Camera) in Bangladesh is ৳40,000.00 you can buy the Canon PowerShot SX620 HS - 20.2 MP (Budget Vlog Camera) Online in Bangladesh at best the price from our website and get home or office delivery or you can pickup directly from our Office. Here you will also find the honest user Review about the products, Releted Questions & Answer about Canon PowerShot SX620 HS - 20.2 MP (Budget Vlog Camera) that will makes you more comfortable to take your final decision to buy this Product from our Online Store.

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