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姓名: 吳宏璋 Hung-Chang Wu (19/20)

男高音/吳宏璋 Hung-Chang Wu

畢業於義大利Pescara音樂研究所,師事國際名演唱家Aldo Protti教授,研究高級的聲樂及歌劇演唱,同時師事演唱家Angelo Marenzi,並隨梵蒂岡音樂總監Pablo Colino教授,研習合唱指揮。於2005年、2006年率高雄市國樂團赴美國『紐約林肯中心』、澳洲『雪梨歌劇院』演出,並擔綱獨唱。



He passed the entrance examination of Accademia Mu-sicale Di Pescara, and studied under the world- famous vocalist, Professor Aldo Protti, on advanced courses of vocal music and opera performance. At the same time, he also studied under the tenor, Angelo Marenzi, , in Italy.

In addition, he also learnt choral conducting and religious choral music from the music director and famous choral conductor of Vatican Rome, Professor Pablo Colino.

In 2005 and 2006, he led the Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra to perform at the New York Lincoln Center in the United States and the Sydney Opera House in Australia, where he acted as the solo tenor.

In 1992, he founded the Taiwan Chorus, dedicated to publishing, recording local lyrics, composer albums, and recording the history of Taiwanese chorus music. For more than 20 years since 1998, he leads the Taiwan Chorus as the representative of Taiwan to perform in Europe, America, and Asia for international music exchange, which has won the high appraisal of international music circle.

In May 2004, at the inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic of China, he performed with the National Symphony Orchestra and was appointed as the tenor. In 2005, he was awarded the honor of "Outstanding Alumni Model" for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of National Taiwan University of Arts. He had been the head of the Kaohsiung Chinese Orchestra and is currently the head and conductor of the Taiwan Chorus.