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Women Walking in Street
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Here’s a new idea for your holiday wish list: A trip to the plastic surgeon. Sound a little out there? Not according to New York City-based plastic surgeon Dr. Z. Paul Lorenc, who says he’s seeing a spike in consultations for certain procedures in the lead-up to the holidays, which millennials are apparently requesting as Christmas gifts.

The most popular ones that 18 to 25-year-old clients are requesting, he says: Lip filler; filler for dark under-eye circles and bag corrections; botox facial injections; stretched earlobe corrections (from wearing heavy earrings); and botox for sweat. (Am I the only one who didn’t realize that last one was such a popular thing?!)

Woman Getting Lip Injection
Getty Images

MORE: 5 Millennial Women on Why They Got Plastic Surgery

I guess it shouldn’t be so shocking that cosmetic procedures are making their way onto millennials holiday wish lists. After all, 1.4 million Americans a year (and counting) get plastic surgery, and millions more are doing it each year, according to some research. And it’s not just women! Male plastic surgery has surged by a whopping 325 percent since 1997.

If you’re unsure what to make of this trend, you can read about our own editors’ experiences doing some of these popular procedures, including botox and lip fillers. In their words: “What’s so bad about looking great?” That certainly seems to be the common sentiment among millennials asking for cosmetic procedures for Christmas, rather than clothes, shoes, or even plane tickets.

MORE: The Unexpected Criticism of Botox Among Millennials

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