Are you making investments based on design trends and fads and losing sight to the basic 101 Real Estate Investment points?

Do you ever wonder why so many SF homes, TH and even Condos and apartments have the GRANITE countertops and STAINLESS STEEL appliances? Which BTW (by the way) is already trending out!

That is because once the new home builders have to start a new design trend, the resale market follows. The sellers know that will sway a buyer to buy their place over another home without it. The fact is the OTHER house may actually be a MUCH better investment when looking at the most important parts of buying. Such as we all know; the LOCATION is first and foremost.

But what about the LOT itself? Is it the worst lot in the neighborhood; with no views, sunken lot (prime for flooded basements), backs to a busy street etc etc>?

What about the community, is there one? What about amenities, are there any? Or is this big flashy home sitting on a very busy street, likely not safe for a young family or pets for sure. But you think the fancy kitchen makes it worth that choice over a more suitable neighborhood just because you might have to change a bathroom to suit your style, or add gas cook top instead of electric,or switch the carpet color, or add wood floors, or paint?Those items JUST ARE EASY TO CHANGE and main reason I say this?? Because they CAN be changed. The land/lot,the bones, the area CAN NOT be changed. Is that not a fact?

So what about the house itself? Are you looking carefully at the BONES of the home?? Can a few changes make it more to your taste but basics fit your style better, or does the current fad of granite and stainless steel appliances keep you from looking at that? Private sellers and professional investors know that it does. Same with a new builder's model home, the glitz sways you to buy.

Now don't get me wrong,there is something to be said for work already having been done. But you, as an investor, MUST look at the big picture when for many, this is the biggest investment of their life.

So ask yourself next time out looking at homes to buy, what really is important here to me, to us? Have a checklist. Feel and see the space in its entirety. Not like a first time gambler at a casino looking at all the flash! Spend your money wisely. You will smile later and enjoy your home for years to come. And when time to sell; you will have invested wisely.

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