Your back plays an important role when you run—you need a strong back to support and stabilize your core, spine, and pelvis. But when you’re dealing with the aches and oftentimes debilitating soreness of lower-back pain, there’s a good chance all you want to do is stay in bed and not log any miles. Yet research published in JAMA found that any kind of exercise—whether it’s core strengthening, aerobic exercise, or stretching—is the best way to ease pain and reduce the risk of another back pain attack.

The nice thing about gentle stretching is that it's feasible to do when you're in pain—and often provides the fastest relief, says Jamie Costello, fitness director at the Pritikin Longevity Center + Spa, who recommends these five stretches for the next time back pain strikes.

💡A few tips to keep in mind before you get started💡

  • Try to hold each stretch for at least 10 seconds and preferably 30 seconds or longer. The pain-relieving benefits will increase the longer you hold these stretches.
  • Rather than rush through the moves, Costello recommends turning on soothing music and using this stretching time as a chance to relax and renew.
  • Don’t forget to breathe. It may sound silly, but it will help with any feelings of discomfort.

Child’s Pose

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This common yoga posture gently stretches the muscles of the low back, which are likely contracted if you’re in pain.

How to do it: Begin on your hands and knees on the floor, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Reach out directly in front of you, extending your arms and placing your palms flat on the floor. Slowly sit your hips back toward your heels, dropping your head and chest downward as your arms extend further. If this stretch is too much, place a pillow under your belly to prop yourself up a bit and lessen the stretch of the low back muscles. Stay here 20 to 30 seconds or even longer.

Cat/Cow Stretch

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This dynamic movement moves the low back muscles in two directions, building on Child’s Pose to help lengthen contracted muscles and soothe soreness.

How to do it: Begin on your hands and knees on the floor, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Your spine should be parallel to the ground in this position. Then, round your back, stretching your mid-back between your shoulder blades—similar to how a cat stretches by rounding its back. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax and let your stomach fall downward as you gently arch your low back and hold here for 5 seconds. Repeat these movements for 30 seconds or longer.

Lower-Back Twist

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This movement not only helps to stretch your lower back but also your glutes, which can tighten when you're experiencing low back pain, ultimately causing more pain.

How to do it: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Extend your arms out to the side in a “T” position. Keep your shoulders on the ground as you gently roll both knees to one side. Stay here 20 to 30 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. If the stretch is too much for you, place a pillow or stack of blankets under your knees when you twist to each side.

Knee-to-Chest Stretch

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Similar to the other stretches here, this move lengthens contracted low back muscles.

How to do it: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bring your hands to rest either behind your knees or right below your kneecaps. Slowly bring both knees toward your chest, using your hands to gently pull your knees. Hold here 20 to 30 seconds, then return to starting position.

The Pelvic Tilt

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When you're suffering from lower-back pain, you might feel as if your entire pelvic area is immovable. This stretch can help you start to bring some movement back to this area gently.

How to do it: Begin by lying on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Try to relax your low back, keeping it in a neutral position (which means you should feel a slight curve in your low back if you place the top of your hand under your back). Turn “on” your core muscles and then flatten your low back against the floor by slightly tilting your pelvis upward. Repeat 12 to 15 times.

From: Prevention US