How You Can Get Your Child To Do Their Homework Without Shouting Or Sitting With Them

The stress of coming back from work and
getting your child to do their homework can be
exhausting honestly.

You just want to shower eat,
attend to some little things and sleep.

Then you remember your child has to do his homework and
you have to sit with or shout at him or her to do their home work.

I remember how my sister shouts at her twins to
do their homework when she gets back from work.
She doesn’t get to sleep early because she is
trying to make them to do their homework before
8pm, so they can go to bed early.

Sometimes I help her out if I’m not also tired but
it’s usually a serious battle.
Sometimes the twins comply but more
than half of the time they don’t

Our neighbor who is a teacher came in one day while
we were trying to make them do their homework.

She discovered we were yelling a lot, so she explained how
she doesn’t force her children to do their homework anymore.
According to her, her children now pick up their
books themselves and they do their homework before 7pm.

At the beginning of every term she discusses calmly
with them what grades they are expected to come out with
And also explain how to get the good grades by
doing their homework every day.

Also she made them know that there would be
consequences if they fail to do their homework.

Immediately after hearing this, my sister started
implementing what the neighbor had told her

First she discussed and agreed with the twins that
they were to do their homework 30 minutes after
they got back from school

Secondly she decided that the TV will be disconnected and
games will be seized until they finish their home work

The consequences was that anytime they didn’t do
their homework, there would be
no extra snacks to school the next morning,
Plus no TV and games for one week

First it was strange for the twins
But later they got used to it
And they started doing things by themselves
Most importantly, they started doing
their assignment without shouting or sitting with them.

My sister now had extra time to do other thing by herself
and their teacher also commented on how they have improved

The truth is that it’s not easy to start the approach of
expectation and consequences but
with time they will catch up

In my next article I will discuss how not to micromanage
your children so they would not have to depend on
you to get their school work done

Ps: It important to always introduce new techniques to help your children have a better education

The WAEC video lecture is a new techniques that will help your child to study easier ,better for his/her WAEC exam.

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