The Ins and Outs of Yoga

This session we're looking at ways you can switch up your workout routine. Today's activity of interest? Yoga!

What is it?

Yoga is a practice that focuses on connecting the body and mind by connecting thoughts, feelings, and breath with movement. There are many types of yoga, all of which are quite different. Some classes focus on breath or meditation, while others focus on on posture and alignment or bringing your heart rate up. With so many options, you're bound to find an option for you.

How will you benefit from it?

Turning upside down can help you:

  • Relax and unwind

  • Reduce your stress

  • Improve your flexibility

  • Increase your strength

  • Enhance your mood

  • Better your balance

Are there any risks?

Although yoga is a low-impact activity, since a lot of bending and stretching is involved, pulled muscles are a risk. Since poses are also sometimes held for longer periods of time, pain, specifically lower back, wrist, and neck pain, is also common. To avoid injury, your best bet is to listen to your body. You should feel a stretch in poses, but not pain.

Get started today!

Sign up for a yoga class at a gym or a local recreation center. Alternatively you could try a workout DVD or find a video on YouTube.

We've put together a few basic moves to help you get started. Try holding each of these for 10-30 seconds. If you're feeling confident, repeat the sequence 2-3 times.

1. Mountain pose


2. Downward facing dog

3. Upward facing dog

4. Tree pose

5. Child's pose
