Fairfax County Asks Residents to Follow State’s Stay at Home Order

coronavirus (COVID-19) update from Fairfax County

Posted at 3:30 p.m.

Fairfax County strongly urges residents to follow the stay-at-home order issued by Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam today. 

This order is critical to help slow the spread of the coronavirus as cases continue to climb across the state with 225 confirmed cases in the Fairfax County Health District. Social distancing is the most effective method to limit the disease’s transmission. 

The governor’s action, which currently remains in effect until June 10, means that residents should stay in homes with only a few exceptions for essential activities, including: 

  • Getting groceries or medicines. 
  • Caring for a sick family member or friend. 
  • Getting medical care for yourself .
  • Going outside for exercise for yourself or pets (although not in groups larger than 10 people). 
  • Getting essential social or government services.
  • Traveling to and from work or place of worship. 
  • Traveling required by court order or to facilitate child custody, visitation, or child care.

Do not go out unless you need to go out.  

“To date, this has been a suggestion to Virginians,” said Northam. “Today it’s an order.” 

As a result of the new order, Fairfax County Government is examining our services and locations to see if there is any additional impact beyond what was announced last week.  

The governor’s previous directives also remain in place, including the closure of recreational and entertainment businesses like movie theaters and gyms and restaurants and bars except for take-out or delivery. 

The governor said that the state will continue to enforce the ban against gatherings of more than 10 people. 

Stay Informed


195 responses to “Fairfax County Asks Residents to Follow State’s Stay at Home Order”

  1. Hidden says :


    • Anonymous says :

      What do you suggest they do differently?

      • K D says :

        8.8 Million Virginians. 1020 cases .008%
        and those in rural Va. need to hide? Just wash your hands…

        • Anonymous says :

          Yes, those in rural VA, too. This isn’t brain surgery. Just stay home.

        • Kittenjunky says :

          The goal is to protect rural areas as well. Let’s say I am an asymptotic carrier. I drive though your area on my way to stay at my my family in their rural home, till this blows over. Now I stop for gas.
          and a bathroom break. So I touch the gas pump nozzle , the pin pad, the door going in to the station the bathroom door, the toilet the sink, I wash my hands of course but as I walk out of the bathroom I unconsciously rub my hand against my noose because my seasonal allergies are acting up. Then I decide to grab a bottle of water and some chips. So now I’ve touched the fridge, the counter top at the register and the key pad. The cashier doesn’t disinfect after I leave, because why would she the sick people are in the city right? And her boss was to selfish or lazy to explain how she needs to protect herself. Now let say 10 people come to that gas station, I’ve touch all the most touched surface and left tracing of 🦠 on them. Now those all those 10 people have a virus propagating in their bodies . So then they take it home and expose others. 6 of those people will likely never know they have been exposed 2 will think it’s allergies or a spring cold. The other 2 will get very sick and 1 will have to be hospitalized and will die because their isn’t enough life saving equipment, because it’s in use by other sick people. No those 6 people that never knew they were exposed have gone home and exposed their parents, spouses and children. And of course some one carries it to the local grocery.

          The problem is NOT people not washing their hands. The problem is people thinking this doesn’t affect them. I spend my work days covered in cleaning agents and water I still managed to get bronchitis in December and a nasty Flu in January.

          • Anonymous says :

            Well said! I’m a dental hygienist that haven’t been working for 2 weeks. My office is only open for emergency only(i.e. tooth infection). Even with extra precaution in protecting myself and my patients, the close proximity to my patients when I work will increase my risk of getting Corona. To protect our love ones and everyone around us. As healthcare providers, the dental field is aware of the potential risks and have been practicing social distancing 2 weeks before the mandate. I have four kids to feed and bills to pay…we are struggling financially. I just received my first unemployment check and it 1/4 of what I normally get, I know though that if I and everyone can practice social distancing and stop the spread of the Corona virus, it will end in 2-3 weeks and save lots of lives. We need to work together to end this. The Corona viruses will end when the last infected person keep him/herself isolated and not infect anyone else.

          • Cathlin says :

            Rural Virginia has zero ICU beds capable of helping rural residents recover and rural Virginia also lacks staff trained in the use of respirators. Its important for everyone to just stay put.

          • Anonymous says :

            your cats gave you bronchitis. since you refuse to shower or wash, put on some house gloves when you go out.

          • Anonymous says :

            Very well said and explained

        • Tim says :

          1200 cases of the 12,000 completed tests.

        • Anonymous says :

          1484 cases since you posted this. Still think just washing your hands will stop this?

      • Anonymous says :

        Not subject us to 75 days. 45 days more than any other state. Politicians trying to prove a point getting their stats up at our expense. VA is not an at risk state. Why punish us for an extreme length of time??!!

        • Anonymous says :

          If you’ve been watching NY’s #s/density of population… we’re on track to experience just as horrific circumstances, medical staff, testing, hospital beds, respirators just as they’ve been suffering. It’s a small sacrifice to stay at home than risk getting the virus or becoming a carrier and go socializing, giving it to anyone you come in contact with!

          • Anonymous says :

            we are NOT “on track” in any way shape or form to become like New York. Yes, this is a very serious disease, but New York’s issue is their proximity to each other by way of the number of Apartment’s and Condos. We have Apartment Complex’s, but we still have more single family homes then Apartment complex.

        • Tammy says :

          How are we going to pay our bills for 70 days if we are not working?

          • Anonymous says :

            Dead or broke?

            • Anonymous says :

              Broke can lead to death. Unemployed have a much higher risk of death than those gainfully employed. Stress leads to lots of health challenges. This is not a black and white issue. We are choosing lives either way. It’s a tough decision…lose lose, but people should not be naive to think that just staying home will mitigate a tragic impact from COVID. We are already seeing strain and stress in our third week for those unemployed and underemployed. They have now missed their first paycheck.

        • Anonymous says :

          Please go look in the mirror. You will see a stupid shit.

        • Anonymous says :

          What makes us immune? A few weeks ago people were thinking it was Europe and Asia’s problem.

        • Anonymous says :

          Google for the following terms

          coronavirus covid-19 arcgis

          The first entry should be “Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) – ArcGIS Online for”

          Click that link. Now however you want to, zoom in on that map til you can see Virginia clearly.

          You see all those little red dots all over “rural” VA? Those are COVID cases. They’re grouped by county or something like that so you don’t have a clue where it actually is, just somewhere in the area.

          This isn’t punishment.

          This is trying to keep YOU safe.

          THINK! What’s going to happen the second the stay at home order is dropped? What’s going to happen? Everyone who has been staying at home is going to start spreading out all over the place. People in “rural” VA are going to start going into towns and cities to get their business done. People in NVA are going to start going everywhere else, trying to see family and friends, trying for a bit of vacation before they get back to work, whatever.

          Boom. “Rural” VA now has COVID even worse.

          Paste these thoughts into your head.

          “The governor is trying to protect me.”

          “I don’t want to give this to family and friends.”

          “I don’t want family and friends give this to me.”

          “I don’t want some yahoo from NVA coming out here for a ‘vacation’ and giving it to anyone I know.”

          And as far as the additional 45 days? I think every governor with a functioning brain is going to do the same thing. Why? Because it’s the *SMART* thing to do!

          • Anonymous says :

            I suppose the liberal governor thinks it’s ok for 100 people to be in Lowes but two people can’t be in a mom & pop business. Or 150 cars can be in a parking lot at Walmart but 75 cars can’t be at a local park. People can think for themselves but the government, especially liberal government cannot grasp that and I’m a government employee.

        • Anonymous says :


        • Anonymous says :

          To keep us safer

    • Nancy Howe Despeaux says :

      No it isn’t

    • Anonymous says :

      Not outrageous. It’s following common sense

    • Anonymous says :

      Stay home they are trying to save life’s. What’s wrong with you!

    • Anonymous says :

      Why do you think this is outrageous?

    • Anonymous says :

      If you think this outrageous then you really are clueless. This is the only way to stop the spread. Otherwise Millions of people will become infected and hundreds of thousands people will die in the U.S. Don’t be so ignorant and stay at home.

    • Anonymous says :

      your a moron.

    • Pablo Escobar says :

      Virginians need to wake up and realize this is real, this is a serious reality. This isn’t a joke this isn’t “outrageous.”
      This is legitimate. Also, the authority’s need to be in stores as well. I’m tired of going to stores seeing people stock the whole shelf in their shopping cart. SET SOME STORE RULES.

      • Mama to a lot says :

        What should
        You do? Go continuously to the store or buy what you can all at once? Some have large families. They need to be fed.

    • AndJusticeFor All says :

      What is wrong with you? Took long enough.

    • Anonymous says :

      And you’re the exact reason why we need something like this in place!

    • Anonymous says :

      It is what it needs to be done. Because of people not following rules many people will die.

      • Anonymous says :

        Absolutely. If people were following orders we wldn’t have to make this mandatory,

      • Anonymous says :

        The ones that are dying are the ones that already are old weak and sick or the young who are weak and sick. Reality is Mother Nature and natural selection. They are the few that are keeping the world hostage

        • Anonymous says :

          You’re an idiot

        • Tom says :

          Be careful. You’re letting your stupid show…
          We have healthy, young people going down as well. Please pay just a tiny bit more attention to what goes on around you. A smidge of compassion might serve you well too.

    • Anonymous says :

      We have all heard how many people will die IF we follow all the rules. Thank God the president is listening to the scientists. This will save a lot of lives. But only if people adjust their behavior, if not, the models will change as well!

    • Anonymous says :

      If you think this is outrageous then that tells me that your decisions and behavior are already putting yourself, your family, and others (including me and my family) at life-threatening risk due to ongoing transmission of an out-of-control for which we have neither vaccine nor cure. Nothing about this shelter in place order is ridiculous, it has historically worked before when nothing else did. You may decide to put yourself at risk if that is your choice but you do not have the right to put others at risk. Do the right thing.

      • ZTownMom says :

        This is NOT a shelter in place order. It is a Temporary Stay at Home Order.

        Read the entire document of the Executive Order at governor.virginia.gov

        There are nine categories where is is permissible to leave your home. One of them is to be a Volunteer with an organization that provides charitable or social services. I hope all who are able will take advantage of this provision and lend a clean, helping hand.

        • Cathy B says :

          This is NOT a time to be LOOKING for ways to TAKE ADVANTAGE of the order just so we can leave the house. In the UK, where my cousin is from, they are only allowed to leave their homes to take exercise, one hour a day, and they have drones telling people to go home. We are lucky we aren’t under such orders. Do the right thing. Stay at home. You can infect even if you THINK you are well. Let’s just all assume that NONE of us are well.

    • Anonymous says :

      It’s a shame that the US was that ill prepared. There are many outstanding scientists who had warned of another respiratory virus coming for sure, for a long time . You can still find their interviews online.

    • Anonymous says :

      The stricter the isolation in the beginning, the faster it’s over. If you wait with strict measures until it’s wide spread, people still sacrifice and have to stay home, but it takes longer and more people die. VA is doing the right thing. We aren’t doing this because we are enjoying it, we are doing it because it’s necessary.

    • Anonymous says :

      It’s all good, just act like it’s snowing out. It’s not like there nothing fun to do in Va.

    • Anonymous says :

      It isn’t outrageous , let’s be more responsible , stay home !!

      • Anonymous says :

        I agree! Honestly, if there were stricter rules from the beginning, we wouldn’t have to be isolated for so long. People still won’t take it seriously but we all need to

    • Vivian says :

      Hope you are 1st to die stupid….

    • Anonymous says :

      I Agree. My family has been basically already doing this. I’m out of work. Filed for unemployment which is humiliating!! Trying to feed my family. Doing this til June 10 is unacceptable. As pointed out only 0.08% of VA population has been affected. I’m tired of picking up the d sad lack for those who don’t use common sense and those that are physically weak and sick.

      • Cathy B says :

        It should NOT be humiliating to file for unemployment. You paid insurance to have the benefit when you need it. Ridiculous to stigmatize unemployment that way.

      • Cathy B says :

        And it’s disgusting that you talk about “picking up the slack for those who are physically weak and sick.” It must be so wonderful for you to be perfect, employed and strong and healthy. Get out of here.

    • Anonymous says :

      Totally agree. 30 days ok. 75…SERIOUSLY!!!

    • KR says :

      What you are not understanding is that the world is a very small place, and we humans are all connected in so many ways. What is done by one, can ripple out to many. So many people are so blind and selfish and attached to what they want that they cannot see this simple truth. President Kennedy and Martin Luther King tried to redirect people to not think of what other could do for them, but what they could do for others. The lesson has not changed. Our Government leaders are doing the best they can. Be part of the solution. Stop being part of the problem. The faster we can slow down the infection rate, the faster we all can get back to our lives, and the short-sighted selfish people can go back to thinking only of themselves.

    • Steve says :

      No, it is most definitely not. While I firmly believe that we need to be civil with one another, I can certainly understand some of the hostility that this ridiculous comment has generated. A person who would react this way is a person who is likely already endangering the lives of people around them.

      You need to stay home except when it is absolutely necessary that you go out. Period.

    • Anonymous says :


    • Anonymous says :

      I suppose the liberal governor thinks it’s ok for 100 people to be in Lowes but two people can’t be in a mom & pop business. Or 150 cars can be in a parking lot at Walmart but 75 cars can’t be at a local park. People can think for themselves but the government, especially liberal government cannot grasp that and I’m a government employee.

      Thanks for screwing up Virginia Ralph and local Dems.

  2. Anonymous says :

    I’m glad they’re taking this serious and making people take precautions! Kuddos VA!

  3. Sarah greenwood says :

    What about construction industry?

  4. Anonymous says :

    My family refuses to comply despite my best efforts. They will continue visiting and having parties.

  5. Anonymous says :

    i am a food delivery driver, can i still going to work?

  6. Dora says :

    I have been using this time to teach my son how to drive. Can we still continue to do if we have no contact with people? We just drive around. TIA

    • Terry says :

      I’m sure everyone could come up with a semi emotional story about why they need to be out (need a present for Becky’s 60th birthday etc).. but then everyone would be out and it would end up killing people. Set a good example for your son, not a bad one

      • Anonymous says :

        Terry, I think you are responding to the wrong post. If not, read it again, “No contact with other people.” They are isolated in a car. How is that any different than being isolated in a house? Since we are still allowed to drive to the store, bank, post office, even go make a beer run to the liquor store, I am sure just driving around without contacting other people at all is ok. But it is a good question.

    • Anonymous says :

      I don’t see why not. We can still go out in nature, so why not a drive?

    • Anonymous says :

      I was wondering the same thing. It’s just the two of us in a car, we drive around and go right back home. I would think one could do that since the whole point is to limit contact with others. Being in the car driving is no different than being at home and sharing germs.

  7. Sierra says :

    Have to put the order out for those that don’t know better!

  8. Anon says :

    Outrageously reasonable. Everyone should do their share. Suck it people, unless you want to be italy

  9. Lea shuba says :

    How can you ban gatherings of more than ten but allow church? Has no one read about the Presbyterian church choir gathering outside Seattle which caused dozens of cases if covid-19 infections and two deaths so far?

    • Anonymous says :

      This allows churches to hold funerals (with fewer than 10 in attendance).

    • Anonymous says :

      You, obviously don’t go to Church in VA.
      Churches in Virginia already closed for public services
      a couple weeks ago. It’s painful, but
      we’re complying especially as Holy Week and Easter approach.
      Some churches are open
      for private prayer, but no more than 10 people are
      allowed in at a time and must observe the social distancing
      standards. A number of local Churches are offering services online,
      live-streaming as an alternative or on TV. One Church in Spotsylvania or
      Prince William Counties was offered the use of a farmer’s field, where people drive up,
      park as directed like at an old drive-in outdoor movie theater and the Ministers
      set up a stage and sound system where the minister could preach to those assembled
      in their cars and the 2-3 musicians could lead them in hymns. Everything was done outdoors,
      keeping more than 6 feet apart and with no touching. 29 cars came the first week,
      79 came the second week.

    • Aj says :

      Don’t go to Church God is working in hospital wearing white coat

    • Anonymous says :

      All church gatherings are and have been banned for a while. Maybe use your brain before you type for once.

  10. Anonymous says :

    THANK YOU!!!!! This has to be done to slow the spread. And because if those who refuse to believe how serious this is.

  11. Anonymous says :

    I believe it is critical for all of us to look out for each other and just stay home. I is just selfish to go out and possibly cause someone or yourself to be infected. Just stay home!

  12. Anonymous says :

    It baffles me to understand why even allow for max of 10 people. It takes an infected person with no symptoms to spread the virus. We should all be acting as if we are all already infected and taking the measures the CDC is asking us to do.

  13. Amy Woosley says :

    The limit of 10 people per business is more dangerous because people are in a line waiting to get into the store. Recommend one person per 36-50 square feet of customer use space instead, where persons = employees plus customers. This would allow people to be further apart, Businesses to be more efficient, and perhaps I could get into and out of the hardware store in less than an hour rather than waiting in line for an hour hoping no one coughs on me.

  14. Mjet says :

    I think is grate. it was time but please don’t start going crazy and go buy the all store, you still can buy what you need when you need it, one person for family can do the grocery shopping or whatever you need, stop following everything you see on social media, people love to make drama about everything, like the toilet paper 😒😒 if we buy everything like before everyone will have some…. and please stay home keep your distances, if you sick ask someone to buy stuff for you let put this thing down.

  15. Anonymous says :

    Suppose you have a long time lover 50 miles away in a different state and you always get together on weekends. Or not just a lover but a spouse?

    • Stephen Stills' wife says :

      Follow Stephen Stiils’ advice (Love the one you’re with)

    • Catherine Eisenhart says :

      Ok, question can the kids say have a neighbor friend in our community over. if they are practicing Social Distancing? I know lots of other parent’s also have had this question and debate.

      I am a medical professional and so have to keep my home contained and do with lots of sanitizing and safety measures.

      God Bless you all! This is not a punishment this is for everyones safety. Also allows us to get to and from work easier to help others has been a blessing. Stay safe and healthy you all! Praying for everyone to be healthy!!!

      • Mary Mallon says :

        You’re a medical professional and you’re asking this question?
        You should be ashamed of yourself

    • Anonymous says :

      If you love the person that much, surely you can stay away from them for a while to keep them safe.

  16. Anonymous says :

    Effective tonight (3/30) at 11:59 pm or tomorrow (4/1) at 11:59 pm? Prior announcements provided a day’s notice.

  17. Carl Deiderich says :

    People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma COVID-19 is a new disease and there is limited information regarding risk factors for severe disease. Based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
    That’s me 64 years old. Staying Home because of severe not controlled😟 Asthma, Doctors Orders. How can I save my Job and Medical insurance or should I retire early. Did not want to leave until Full retirement at 65 years old that is one year away..

    • AllieJ says :

      Have you tried to arrange things with your workplace? I’m sure there will be safeguards in place preventing them from terminating you because you are protecting your health.

    • Not Very Far@nearhere.com says :

      You have Doctor’s orders to stay at home, and I trust you showed that to your employer or get a written statement immediately from the Doctor. Ask for accommodation to figure out some way to telework or suggest, to shift to a position that has that flexibility. Find an attorney, who might be able to assist, there are non-profit legal aide offices available. Also, contact the city/county or location of the location of your office, and suggest that they promote accommodations, and priority to senior workers with conditions, to allow them to do alternative work, or telework, or to come in the office, only, say on Saturday and Sunday or at a time where there are no other people in the office. If you’re in a service industry that requires that you be around other people, I’m sorry to say, that this becomes more difficult, but ask for a transfer, or a position change. Another alternative is to ask for extended leave (likely, perhaps their business may also be lessening) until the situation is past which might be a long time. Consider that your company may do layoffs, or lessen hours, so do not retire until you determine if that is the situation, since there may be severance packages, or you can get limited unemployment, and cobra.

  18. Victor MAREL Andrade says :

    What time today tho

  19. Essential Worker says :


    • Anonymous says :

      Violation of the order is a Class I misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine.

      • Anonymous says :

        The governor does not have the right to pass laws, the legislature does. The Governor also can’t mandate common sense, which there seems to be very little about the urgent need to slow the spread is COVID-19.

        • Matt says :

          The section of Virginia code the governor cited in his stay at home order permits the governor to classify it as a Class 1 misdemeanor to violate an emergency executive order. But that provision of the law also requires the governor to explicitly say that it will constitute a class one misdemeanor, and the Governors order did not do that.

  20. Anonymous says :

    I think all daycares should be closed too.

  21. Anonymous says :

    It’s not outrageous. We need to control this virus as much as possible. If that means telling people what to do so be it! Following instructions seems to be hard so suck it up so we can get back to normal soon!

  22. Zia says :

    The whole country should quarantine. Not just health care workers, but the whole country needs to wear masks. Until we have enough supply to protect ourselves, people really need to practice physical distance. I know these ideas seem extreme, but we are living in really dangerous situation.

    • aobrien1 says :

      Masks aren’t effective and are needed mostly by health care workers. If people try to buy and hoard them, then the medical people who really do need them don’t have enough.

    • Jim says :

      I agree completely

      • Chris says :

        Masks are effective, otherwise nurses would not use them. I understand they have priority over them, in that case make your own. There is plenty of help to do that online!

  23. Anonymous says :

    This is not outrageous, you all have deny the social distancing and put us all at risk. This order is legitimate to make you realize how serious this $*** is. If you want
    , go out and get sick. But just know you’re putting yourself at risk and thousands of people who aren’t trying to get sick. Ok? Grow a set.

  24. Anonymous says :

    I think the plan will be enforced by unleashing a den of lions on the streets. It’s working well for Putin.

    • Anonymous says :

      I think the lions den should have been released to the spring breakers who “hate old people” and Mardi Gras goers and the like!

  25. Anonymous says :

    In a plague why would one expose them selves. If not for work and then while working to cover up. Sleep read eat healthy. Survive. Taken this issue serious the government wouldn’t be involved if it weren’t.

  26. Nancy says :

    How do they plan to enforce this? I agree that we need to hunker down, but what’s the penalty if you don’t?

  27. Anonymous says :

    It is about damned time. Took him long enough

  28. Justin Raynor says :

    Is The Herrity Building finally going to be closed or open. Or do I still have to go in? Since I can’t tele work

  29. Anon says :

    Mandatory is the most extreme policy
    And probably a good idea even if weeks
    Late. However, it remains to be seen how
    Well. It can be enforced. As noted by other
    Governors, it smacks of police state
    CDC doc also made reference to its
    Severity and enforceability and main
    Reason a “strongly advise” order was issued

  30. Anonymous says :

    June 10th is a long time ?

  31. Anonymous says :

    Come on sheeple! Follow Gov Blackface’s strict order or he’ll allow the purposeful killing of innocent babies. Oh, wait, he already does that. Amazing how people willingly give up their freedom and liberties. Best place to be today is outside in the ultra-violet light. Use common sense and protect yourself. And watch the Govt crash our economy and put us in a long, deep depression that will kill more than a virus here today and soon a Zika, Ebola, HN1N (swine) virus.

  32. Shornaly Ahmed says :

    Okay and what about all our bills are they going to put a freeze to that? Where do we need to go to ask these questions?

  33. Anonymous says :


  34. Christina says :

    My daughter lives in Maryland and I was wondering if I could go and bring her food?

  35. Tricia says :

    If it was a CAT 5 HURRICANE or a BLIZZARD of 30 inches of snow, you would be at home!!! This is a MEDICAL PANDEMIC we are dealing with. You have to think of others at this time. Stop being so selfish!! PLEASE help stop the spread of this virus and shelter in place!! I am a healthcare worker and have to be at work. God help us at this time to be strong and unite as a community and a nation!!

  36. Anonymous says :

    Sounds like a plan Stan!!! It’s about time the state should have done this weeks ago!! Suck it up, put your big boy/girl pants on and be responsible and respect the order!! The reason this is spreading is because idiots won’t stay home! Cry me a River!!

  37. Suryavathi ch says :

    Okay ma’am bible Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation is past

    26:21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain I believe the bible

  38. Anonymous says :

    Groups of 10 are still too large. That should be ok if those are family members that live together, but sticking with 10 leads to “running” and “walking” groups.

  39. K. Blue says :

    Has there been a widespread problem with people still gathering? I have not seen any such thing. The roads are empty. Everything is closed. Church is on YouTube. Classes are on Zoom. I don’t see the point of an order except for the governor to appear to be taking action. And maybe to cause a second panic at the grocery and drug stores.

  40. Anonymous says :

    I donated my 11 niosh 95 to the ER at GW to be dispersed amongst those on the frontline. Hidden will cough up your name when asking to be intubated. Hopefully there will be a ventilator for not so Hidden. I pray for you and those exposed to your frivolity.

  41. Suryavathi says :

    Hi bible Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. 21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

  42. David Jones says :

    I am a (child) survivor of WW2 in the UK, being bombed. We needed to endure a “police state” then. We are now at war again!. Please accept the restrictions, to help to keep us all safely.

  43. Carl says :

    Non Essential Worker says When will they Let the Fairfax county Government workers stay Home and safe so we can come back to work when its safe.Follow State’s Stay at Home Order

  44. Anonymous says :

    Is this the governor who dressed in blackface, or a Klan hood? Or the one who wants to leave newborn babies to die? I’m sorry, I just can’t keep up with these things.

  45. Suryavathi says :

    2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.i Believe bible

  46. Anonymous says :

    Welcome to Virginia’s version of the Soviet Union.

    What each of you – and the governor – don’t realize is that this encourages people to hoard, which in turn has caused stores to require that people actually come in for certain items rather than delivering (with no guarantee that they’re in stock) – causing more otherwise unnecessary trips. Just try getting toilet paper, paper towels, tissues (Kleenex), cleaning supplies, sanitizer or chicken. Went to one store today where folks were ordered to stand in a 30-minute line, with breeze blowing breath (and aerosol of your breath) and then they didn’t sanitize carts.

    I’m over 60, therefore “at risk”.

    This has not been well thought out. But hey, we can destroy the economy so there’s no money to pay for health care and we can cause shortages. And put people MORE at risk at the same time. No common sense at all.

    • Anonymous says :

      If this were the Soviet Union, idiot, you would be in KGB custody right now and on your way to the gulag, or to be shot!

  47. Not a Political Elitist says :

    Does this mean the County Government is Closed yet ??? Funny I tried to walk in the Government center and it was closed.
    The fine men and women of FairfaxCounty Public Safety
    are working in Hazardous environments,
    Spending hours away from there families, while the county government is really closed, but not really Closed according to our Executive. At least we can see what a lack of leadership really looks like.
    If public safety gets the Covid-19 we are sent home, so we can infect our families.
    Our Country Executive and the board of Supervisors
    are play silly political and childish games with words. The County Executive
    Sits at his multi million dollar home and teleworks From his comfy office. These essential
    Personal are busting their tails ends for nothing. Must be nice to be
    A political elitist in Fairfax County. This is Shameful and despicable.
    The Elitist County Executive needs to stop being coward and step up.
    Since the County Executive and the Board have all this free time the should do ride on a medic unit, fire engine or with the police and really so their fake support. Are they too scarred.

    Let’s do a pole, who thinks the County Government is closed

  48. David Jones says :

    Dear Anonymous,
    Thank you for your opinion! Others have different ones. It is called freedom of speech!

  49. Suryavathi says :

    Bible Zephaniah 3:17 —18

  50. Anonymous says :

    And yet many of the county staffers aren’t essential are still going to work everyday? How does that make sense?

  51. Anonymous says :

    What about everyone in the county still going to work for things that aren’t vital?

  52. Michelle says :

    Is it legal for my mowing company to continue my mowing services?

  53. Anonymous says :

    hope that Fairfax county has the capability to enforce the order

  54. Fred says :

    Hi, Just a clarification, Executive Order 53 says: ‘Restaurants, dining establishments, food courts,
    breweries, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, tasting rooms, and farmers
    markets may continue to offer delivery and take-out services. ‘ and Executive Order 55 says ‘Obtaining foo, beverages, goods, or services as permitted in Executive Order 53’. So, the statement that says ‘Getting groceries or medicines’ is a bit more expansive.

  55. Teresa Kamar says :

    …if someone refuses, call the police. If we would have done this from the beginning we would be clear by now. JUST GET OVER IT AND STAY HOME…!

  56. Anonymous says :

    Why are there fines/punishment being discussed for violating the order when it’s not entirely clear about who can go out for work? Nowhere does it read “essential businesses and services” can remain open but all others must close. It reads “Traveling to and from work” is allowed, which means anyone whose job is still functioning can go to/from work, correct?
    I run a small online & local biz and need to run to my storage unit a few times/week to pull stock to ship out. If my selling stops, so does my income. All of it. And thanks to our so-called reps in Congress, entrepreneurs like myself who didn’t show income last year (hardly any biz turns a profit in years 1-2) am NOT ELIGIBLE for the upcoming payouts!

  57. Sarah says :

    This is very good and Pragmatic decision. But i want to high light one point which is undermining all this effort of remaining home and Social Distancing. Despite such desperate times Car Dealerships in Virginia are still working in full swing. While Government is asking the people to stay home they are alluring them with offers like Zero Percent APR for 84 Months. Just check the Phone logs of Chantilly Autopark or Tyson Corner Dealerships, or Springfield one would find thousands of calls to the people to come and benefit from the offers. It is pertinent to mention here that Car purchase is not an essential purchase like medicine or grocery, secondly since its a big purchase people tend to go in the form of groups and spend at least two to three hours at a dealership before going out with a car. Just imagine that all the customers are using the same tables and chairs, test driving the cars with the sales persons who use to spend time with different customer that is the reason that the number of cases of coronavirus is on increase in fairfax County. Its time for the Government to issue explicit directions for shut down of all Car dealership across the State. This will definitely help in curtailing the spread of the disease. May god helps us all.

  58. Dee Carter says :


    C-Span has videotape of the 1957 Asiatic Flu “Reel America” for you to watch & Get information.

    FYI, here is what the Experts stressed to fellow Americans:
    1) Stay Home, if not Essential
    2) Get Bed Rest, if Sick
    3) Take Aspirin, if have Fever
    4) Call & go to your Doctor, if persists

    Does this sound familiar to you? Can this be applied to the entire USA at the time?

    Please take heed to the above advice.

    This Flu could come back in the Fall with vengeance like the 1918 Influenza,
    as a result, we must be very careful.

    I had a Great-Great Aunt died from the 1918 Flu pandemic two days
    after youngest daughter was born, she had graveside service with immediate
    Family at the site.

    Stay Safe!!!!

  59. Marie says :

    What happens if you are a renter and your lease is up in May, but you do not want to renew and now cannot move due to the restrictions? Can the landlord kick you out or will the County support the renter by mandating a month to month rental agreement until the stay at home order is lifted?

  60. Anonymous says :

    And the governor gave an example of a permissible activity – golfing – as long as the group is no larger than 10 people. So much for driving home his earlier points. Not too bright.

  61. Anonymous says :

    From Dee

    Watch C-Span “Reel America” 1957 Asiatic Flu

    Experts told Americans the same information we are receiving today
    1) Wash Hands thoroughly
    2) Stay Home, if not Essential
    3) Get Plenty of Bed Rest, if Sick
    4) Drink Plenty of Water & Fruit Juices, stay hydrated
    5) Take Aspirin, if Fever
    6) Call & Go to Doctor, if illness persists

    Please heed this advice.

    Stay Safe!!!!

    This eventually will subside, but be careful, the 1918 Influenza returrned
    in the Fall & Winter with a vengeance. My Great-Great Aunt died during this time
    two days after her youngest daughter was born. They had graveside service only
    with immediate family.

    Today, Use Walking as a form of Exercising & Stay 6 feet from others
    Do not go to the Gym
    Do not play Basketball at Outdoor Parks
    Use “Hand Sanitizer or Clorox Wipes w/Alcohol” to clean Car Interior often
    and Car door knobs
    Use your own pens to Sign receipts & papers
    Use a mask at all times to cover face
    If sneeze, use your Arm afterward spray areas with Lysol
    Watch movies, concerts, & TV some are free
    Watch C-Span & Smithsonian Channels, if you have cable
    Watch PBS…they interesting historical things
    Play family games
    Clean House, Garage, Closets…get rid of things too small or don’t use

    Please add things to do while home

  62. Anonymous says :


    You become a month-to-month renter until this event changes at which you give your landlord 30-60 days notice of moving out.

    Please read your LEASE carefully.

    From a Realtor

  63. Anonymous says :

    Are we still required to get Virginia State auto inspections?

    • Anonymous says :

      From March 20, “ Governor Ralph Northam has directed the Virginia State Police to suspend citing drivers for expired motor vehicle safety inspections stickers for 60 days due to the potential spread of the coronavirus.”

    • Anonymous says :

      Good question, my feeling like almost everything else, not essential

  64. Anonymous says :

    What is the matter with people? One person voiced an opinion that the length of time to “Stay-at-home” is “outrageous” and people jump in and call them an “idiot”? What is the matter with you people?

    A. That is his opinion.
    B. It is your opinion that this order going out to 10 Jun is a good idea…Were you called “idiots”?
    C. I do not believe are questioning the severity of the disease, nor the stay-at-home order…but the length of time out to 10 June.

    I am one of them who believe 10 June is ridiculous. If you listened to the Governors speech, he spoke about Richmond and Virginia Beach. Glossed over the remainder of the state as if Richmond and Virginia Beach are the entire state.

    Yes, we should Social Distance.
    Yes, we should “stay-at-home”
    No, we should not put that in affect for over 2 months. It is perfectly acceptable to put the order in place for 30 days at a time, and re-evaluate before it expires.

  65. Nope says :

    While something like this might be entirely necessary, it violates the constitution. It also sets a precedent for just ignoring the constitution when its convenient rather than taking the necessary steps to legally bypass it during a time of emergency.

  66. Anonymous says :

    If I drive from my home in Alexandria to a house I own near Richmond to do home repair/yard work and do not stop in transit, am I violating the order? I rented a dumpster to clean up yard debris and need to finish filling it before it is hauled away but don’t want to violate and get fined or go to jail.

  67. Anonymous says :

    Ok ok ok it’s a dark horizon, however the three musketeers were”all for one and one for all” the whole country country should be “ all for one, cause the faster we stop the spread the faster we all get back to work. My business in in the toilet right now but complaining and be selfish won’t help you or me. Call your boss, bank lenders, credit people and explained the hardship…. which, be the way their in it as well, try to work it out. I find myself a few times a day stopping and taking three deep breaths….. it helps. This country needs to work together and we will embrace soon laugh and have a drink at are fav bar/ restaurant ✌️The sun will sun again.

  68. Mark Smith says :

    Is the supervised visitation program closed.

  69. Anonymous says :

    Everyone is doing their part except for the county. There are non-essentials still working in offices, I have already heard of 2 cases within the zoning department. Batten down the hatches, our government are the ones allowing covid-19 to spread.

  70. Blanca Baldeon says :

    My neighbor’s kids are riding bicycle every day, and others are walking their pets…….

  71. Jay says :

    Virginia is one of top ten states with lowest percentage of testing on per capita. It is 0.18%. Not sure we are not doing enough testing.

  72. Arif says :

    Where are COVID-19 testing sites in Fairfax Virginia? And how can I get tested?

  73. Teresa says :

    The groups of 10 makes no sense. If just one person out of the group is positive, they have now exposed the other 8. They all go out and meeting up with their own groups and now you have multiple people exposed. People just need to stay home for a bit as much as possible. I saw a bunch of teens playing basketball in my neighborhood…..they just don’t get it.
    And it’s not just about hand washing. It’s about staying home if you’re sick and not coughing or sneezing into the air.

  74. Arif says :

    How can I get tested for COVID-19 ? My primary care is not responding, so what other options are there?

  75. Anonymous says :

    Can you go outside to just take a walk if you are stressed at home?

  76. GovernResponse says :

    It is sad that the government has to get to this point for us to stay at home…..

  77. Anonymous says :

    How about dental office?