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Resources for Christians and seekers

Explore Our Curriculum Offerings

Click here to access our digital catalog, where you'll find in-depth descriptions of all of our curriculum offerings.
5 Tips for Choosing Curriculum
  1. Consider the age of the group and what needs they have. Do you need something for children? Youth? Adults? Make sure the curriculum you choose is going to meet those needs and is age appropriate.
  2. Look at the theology of the curriculum. Buying from The Thoughtful Christian means that you can trust your curriculum.
  3. Get a sample session of the curriculum. The Thoughtful Christian offers samples for free! You can find these in the description of each product. Reading through a sample session will give you an idea of lesson plan flow, the "personality" of the curriculum, and the ability of the curriculum to fit the needs of the people you are serving.
  4. Review your options with others. Once you've made your top selections, take time to review these with others, such as your Christian Education committee or team or even your session.
  5. Ask us if you need help. We are here to provide support. If you have questions about choosing a curriculum, contact us by emailing our curriculum specialist, who can help you with your specific needs.