Bodycam video shows shootout between Daytona Beach officers and man

A newly-released body camera video shows the moments when police say a man started a shootout with Daytona Beach police officers.

A Daytona Beach neighborhood had a rough start to the week, waking up to sirens and gunshots. Police said that a single gunshot was heard on Piccadilly Drive, close to Westside Elementary School, while on patrol just after midnight. The sound brought officers to a location behind some nearby homes.

Soon, police said that they spotted Joseph Jaymes, who fired several rounds at them. A bullet can be seen flying just feet in front of the officers. Fire was returned back, hitting Jaynes in the leg. He crawled to his truck from there, prompting a standoff. He eventually called 911 and was taken into custody.

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Over the weekend, prior to this incident, police said that they were called to the same neighborhood several times to handle arguments between Jaynes and his roommate.

Those flashes of gunfire are seared into Teresa McMillan-Ward’s mind. 

"I saw that body footage. I got all emotional again because I said ‘oh my God, that’s what was happening outside my home,’" said McMillan-Ward.

She didn’t sleep Monday morning and instead stayed in her safe space as SWAT members stood in her yard and garage. 

"My home was a part of the gunfire, so technically my home was a crime scene on Monday, something I do not wish to relive in my years of living."

FOX 35 News also showed this footage to Willie Williams, the president of the homeowners association for the neighborhood. "Wow. Pretty scary. My gut reaction watching that, it’s definitely shocking," said Williams.

He said since this happened, Chief Jakari Young has reached out and is planning to speak to neighbors at the next HOA meeting. 

"Waking up at midnight and my daughter came running over, and my wife’s like ‘hey, you’re staying here with us.’ This community, to be very honest with you, we’re just traumatized by that."

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