How to participate in “Mithril token burn-Burning Man Edition”?|怎麼參加秘銀幣安鏈火人季燒幣計畫?

Attention all MITH BEP2 holders!

VAULT wallet


In celebration of the Mithril community, along with the community spirit of Burning Man, Mithril will hold this event on the same date when the Man burns on August 31, 2019.

Stake before 2019/08/30 2pm (UTC+8) and burn will take place on 2019/08/31 2pm (UTC+8).

You can find the details below:

VAULT will support Mithril Token Burn event!

If you’re wondering how to participate in “Mithril token burn- Burning man edition” with MITH ERC20/ BEP2, please note that the VAULT team is happy to guide you through the process!


為了慶祝秘銀社群的廣大支持,秘銀幣安鏈火人季燒幣計畫將於 2019/08/31 2pm UTC+8(台北時間)執行。

秘銀持有者在 2019/08/30 2pm UTC+8(台北時間)之前打入 BEP2 MITH,持有者將分別在半年與一年後獲得 10%30% 的回饋。


為支持 VAULT 用戶參與秘銀幣安鏈火人季燒幣計畫

若想使用 VAULT 內的 ERC20/BEP2 MITH 參加燒幣活動的 VAULT 用戶


