30-Day Book Marketing Challenge

30-Day Challenge Calendar and Prompts for Authors

You are reluctant to post on social channels. Yet, you know social posts can spread your message to the world. So Why aren't you sharing?

Your audience is out there, online, waiting to discover you. How can they find you if you're invisible?

Most self-published authors focus on writing of their book. When no one reads their book, they are disappointed and discouraged. They forget about making their books easy to find.

So let me ask you this: "Are you using free social conversations to build and audience and elevate your brand?

If you answered "No," you are not alone. This is very common.

Start engaging with your readers

That's why I created the 30-Day Challenge for Authors.

Improve your social footprint

  • Reach more readers!
  • Pick one social channel
  • Post once a day to the same channel for 30-days
  • Track number of followers at the start
  • Track engagement
  • Note what attracts best
  • Do more of what works

I promise you will…

Get 30 Prompts &

Social Posting Calendar

Sign up now to get a calendar template you can customize

and 30 posting prompts for social posting.