How AI is changing the Enterprise Testing World

Raj Subramanian

One of the biggest problems with UI based test automation is “Maintenance”. A lot of effort is spent on maintaining the tests than writing actual tests.  A recent study suggested that about 30% of testers time is spent on maintenance. This leads to wastage of valuable time and effort by teams and this time would be better spent on exploring the actual application. This problem of maintenance is not something new and has existed for the past several decades. There have been many tools, frameworks and approaches that have come up to try solving this problem but none have been…....

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About Me!

Raj Subramanian is a former developer who moved to testing to focus on his passion. Raj currently works as a Developer Evangelist for He actively contributes to the testing community by speaking at conferences, writing articles, blogging, making videos on his youtube channel and being directly involved in various testing-related activities. He currently resides in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected] and on twitter at @epsilon11. He actively blogs on and his website . His videos on testing, leadership and productivity can be found here –

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