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Roof Spikes, Chimneys and the Tower of the Screaming Bell.

Roof Spikes, Chimney Options, and The Tower of the Screaming Bell are available to download for those who chose the Cities of Ramshackle Bundle or The All-In Ramshackle, Ruin, and Port Bundles. To Download Roof Spikes Chimney Options Tower of the Screaming Bell To download, please ensure you are logged in and then process the product through the cart: the… Read more

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The last few hours – a preview of the City Foundations OpenLOCK pack

As we enter the final hours of our latest site campaign, I am excited to see how well it has been received. Your support has made this campaign successful and pivotal in how we bring our products to you. This direct approach enables us to deliver STL files to you more swiftly and efficiently, bypassing… Read more

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3d printed Swamp Dragon and Prisoners

More downloads are ready, and the Swamp Dragon & Prisoners add-on has been released.

Fantastic news, we have 1075 so far customers, and as a result, we’ve unlocked even more free models for you guys! We also have the next release of files available for download, which you can find by clicking on the ‘models’ tab. You can add them to your cart and download them right away.  Today,… Read more

2 Comments on More downloads are ready, and the Swamp Dragon & Prisoners add-on has been released.

Introducing the Latest 3D Printable Models: Blasted Trees, Meteor Craters, and the Ruined Longboat. New stretch goals were also added.

Download the latest 3D Printable Models Blasted Trees, Meteor Craters, and the Ruined Longboat. Create a blasted battlefield with our newest collection of 3D printable models! First, explore the mysterious Blasted Trees. How did they get blasted? Who or what blasted them, and why? Next, impact your scenery with our Meteor Craters. These ‘city street’… Read more

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3d Printed Fishersmans Scatter

Thanks to your incredible support, it’s been an epic campaign so far!

What an epic campaign it’s been, all thanks to your incredible support! With 31 stretch goals unlocked, we’re now setting our sights even higher. Introducing a fresh set of stretch goals aimed at reaching 950 customers, and who knows, perhaps beyond! Ramshackle fences stand as essential additions to every wargaming table, adding depth and authenticity… Read more

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Pirate Witcher Warband STLs

The Witcher Warband Released – Featuring Swappable Weapons

Today, we’re revealing the Witcher War Band! You can find these awesome miniatures at the bottom of the model’s tab on our Campaign Page. There are nine unique minis in total, each featuring two dynamic poses. The fighting pose includes swappable weapons, allowing for customizable play and display. Each mini is meticulously designed and expertly… Read more

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We have unlocked 28 models to add the bundles – City Foundations work in progress

We have unlocked another stretch goal today, the city in expansion. This will give you an alternate City Inn simply by swapping around the two lower floors and printing a few extra parts. Next week, we will be showcasing the OpenLOCK City Foundations. These will be an extensive OpenLOCK set. The City Foundations will include… Read more

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