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EXCLUSIVE | Free Training From Claire & James:
"5 Strategies To Drop The Mid Life Belly Fat, Feel Good Naked & Regain Control of Your Life

Without Making Huge Sacrifices

Thursday 29th October, 7pm UK time
  • ​5 life changing secrets to help you achieve the long term health, body and life you want without restrictive eating or crazy workouts
  • Understand the one thing that's ALWAYS held you back and sobataged your success
  • Discover what your mid life body needs and how to future proof it
In this training Claire & James reveal their top five strategies that will empower you to regain control of your mid life body, mind and future.

They’ll help you drop stubborn belly fat, free you from unhealthy habits, self sabotaging behaviour and the ‘all or nothing’ approach to diet and exercise.

Hundreds of Claire & James’ mid life clients have followed these practical strategies to drastically improve the quality of their life. What’s more - it's a fad free zone. What they teach is easy to implement consistently - without stealing precious time, money or happiness.

It’ll give you instant steps that put you back in the driving seat of your life so you can reclaim balance and positivity about the future.

Are you ready? We hope so. 

Because your life is waiting for you to create it on your terms.

So save your seat now.

You really don’t want to miss the chance to learn how to create freedom, success, health in body and mind and a deeper sense of connection to yourself and others.

“I had a big goal to get to for my 40th birthday, I had a certain look and feel I wanted to get to. Claire was my rock… I was able to reach my goal which was to be in the best shape I’ve ever been in. I was able to walk into my 40th birthday feeling radiant and fabulous… Claire and James are fabulous, really unique, really fun. I completely recommend working with them, they’ve been a game changer in my life.”

“I just wanted to say thank you, I realise before I met you I was in denial about my fitness… The way you communicate things is motivational, inspirational, scientific, factual. It gets into the core of you because you bring love… Thank you very, very much I’m looking forward to the future.”
“They are completely different from anyone I’ve met before… They helped me change my mindset… They are so knowledgeable, so passionate about health and fitness being a part of your life. So if that’s what you’re looking for honestly working with these guys is exactly where you need to start.” 
100% No Cost - Seating is limited to 100 attendees!

Love Stories

Clients aren't just satisfied. They get real, sustainable results.
Rated 5.0 Stars from nearly 100 client reviews.

claire & james are proud of the transformations
they've had the privilege to be a part of

"Claire & James have been fantastic. It's been a complete lifestyle change for me and I love it. They provide you with so much encouragement and support. What sets them apart is their attitude, their friendliness, being down to earth. It's all about balance and mindset and nutrition. They're just so supportive."
“I love working with Claire, it’s like working with a friend… she has so much energy…I lovedfeeling energised and motivated. Claire has given me tools for my life… taught me tricks that took 3 minutes in the morning and would total revolutionise my day and leave me feeling happy all day long. Totally recommend.”
“I  wanted to get back into fitness again and get some weight off. I've wowed myself with how much I could do. They've coached me along...it spurs you and so do Claire & James. I realise I can do so much on my own. I don't need a gym. I can do everything myself. I can motivate myself. I feel pumped. I've thoroughly enjoyed all of it."
100% No Cost - Seating is limited to 100 attendees!
“What made me choose Claire was her positivity, her her ethos to always help her clients no matter what and her belief and willingness to want to change people. She gave me techniques on how to deal with stress and how to believe in myself which I still use to this day. I couldn't be happier."
“We've been Kickstarted into a whole new healthy lifestyle! We are so happy for this, we have been put on a new path”

“I had a fantastic experience…it was about resetting your mind and habits and I would never have thought when I started this that even when travelling 10 weeks afterwards, I would be waking each morning and doing HIIT and making better choices. I loved the approach. Absolutely fantastic."
100% No Cost - Seating is limited to 100 attendees!
“Claire & James get you restarted and get you going with new habits and techniques you can implement into your daily life! The time with them has been absolutely amazing!”
“What an amazing experience. I hadn’t been exercising for 6 months and didnt know what to expect.. wow!
 I have muscle, I can eat, I feel regular, I feel happy, I've got energy.. My mindset is now slightly different, instead of being in the same old rut. I'm going to continue this work, and I'm going to smash it!”
"Learning about their personal understanding of holistic wellbeing is life changing - There is no reason not to recommend working with James & Claire"
100% No Cost - Seating is limited to 100 attendees!
100% No Cost - Seating is limited to 100 attendees!
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DISCLAIMER: The results mentioned above is our (Claire & James) personal health and body transformations. Please understand that our results are not typical, we are not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). We have the benefit of practicing mindset transformation, physical health and fitness since 2011, and have established a following as a result. Many people who buy any "how to" information get little to no results. We are using these references for example purposes only and to illustrate that change is possible. Your results will vary and depends on many factors.
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