Emmarcat dins de l’estratègia CATALONIA.AI de la Generalitat de Catalunya i coordinat pel centre tecnològic Eurecat, el CIDAI és una iniciativa publico privada que compta amb l’Ajuntament de Barcelona, el Barcelona Supercomputing Center, el Centre de Visió per Computador, NTT Data, la Fundació i2CAT, Microsoft, SAP, SDG Group, IDEAI-UPC i Huawei.


Una de les tasques del CIDAI consisteix en la detecció d'iniciatives, projectes i activitats que s'estan duent a terme a nivell global i que posen de manifest l'impacte de les tecnologies de dades i IA com a factor d'innovació i motor de transformació. 


Les notícies es recullen en el mateix idioma de la font original a través d'una eina de vigilància tecnològica parametritzada amb els interessos estratègics del CIDAI.


Benestar i Salut  |  Agroalimentari  |  Educació  |  Indústria 4.0  |  Indústries culturals  |  Llengua  |  Mobilitat  |  Energia i sostenibilitat  |  Ciberseguretat, privacitat i ètica  |  Transversals

Benestar i Salut
Cómo la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) impactará en el sector salud en el Tech Spirit Barcelona 2021 
Tech Spirit Barcelona ha vuelto a movilizar al ecosistema startup y tecnológico de la ciudad. La segunda edición del encuentro quiere convertirse en el evento de referencia de la comunidad innovadora local con mirada y ambición global.
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Machine learning identifies likelihood of developing dementia
Machine learning algorithms have been trained to predict the likelihood of a person developing dementia with 92 per cent accuracy, a study has concluded.
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Owkin and Amgen use AI to improve cardiovascular risk prediction 
AI startup Owkin and Amgen have announced the results of a three-year project to use artificial intelligence to more accurately predict cardiovascular risk.
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Cancer-spotting AI and human experts can be fooled by image-tampering attacks
Artificial intelligence (AI) models that evaluate medical images have potential to speed up and improve accuracy of cancer diagnoses, but they may also be vulnerable to cyberattacks.
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Machine-learning system flags remedies that might do more harm than good
Sepsis claims the lives of nearly 270,000 people in the U.S. each year. The unpredictable medical condition can progress rapidly, leading to a swift drop in blood pressure, tissue damage, multiple organ failure, and death.
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Kvarøy Arctic Is Using Blockchain Tech and AI To Make Fish Farming More Sustainable 
We’ve recently written about land-based aquaculture and cell-cultured seafood, two high-tech production techniques that could help to satisfy rising seafood demand while reducing environmental impacts.
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AI soil sensors to help farmers curb fertiliser use
Bioengineers at Imperial College London have developed a smart sensing technology that could help farmers to use fertiliser more effectively and reduce environmental damage.
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AI in Agriculture: A Look at Automated Vertical Farms
Swegreen’s indoor farms utilize IoT sensors as well as a digitalized control platform and AI-based cloud system that manages and optimizes the crops’ growth.
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A Groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence Teaching Tool for Elementary Students 
Photon Education is launching a first-of-its-kind AI Discovery Kit, which is distributed exclusively in the US by leading K-12 professional learning organization Eduscape.
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AI and education: Enabling the ideal learning environment
The pandemic has in no doubt super-charged the need for the education sector to embrace the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom. New technology can help to educate children, based on their specific needs, as well as to assist educators in providing the best opportunities and environments for their students to learn.
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The Future of EdTech is Automation 
Much of the world may be well aware of the growth of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), but the growth of edtech has been nothing short of emphatic as we continue to transition towards a more remote society. 
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Les universitats tecnològiques líders defineixen a Unite! com serà la formació en enginyeria que ha de respondre als grans reptes europeus
Més de 200 persones entre representants de la indústria, estudiantat, professorat i responsables de l’estratègia universitària europea i dels governs s'han trobat, en format on line i presencial, a l’Auditori del Vèrtex (plaça Eusebi Güell, 6, Barcelona) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
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Indústria 4.0
Advanced Factories busca candidatos para sus Factories of the Future Awards 2022 
Advanced Factories organiza de nuevo su certamen Factories of the Future Awards para la edición 2022 en un evento que pretende premiar la excelencia y el liderazgo transformador en la industria.
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AI Comes Alive in Industrial Automation
Artificial intelligence is finding its way into manufacturing, from the cloud to the edge to the innards of the robot.
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Ideko sitúa la inteligencia artificial y la precisión como ejes prioritarios de I+D para los próximos 4 años
Con el objetivo de adelantarse a las transformaciones de la fabricación y dar respuesta a las necesidades de la industria, el centro tecnológico Ideko ha definido las líneas estratégicas que marcarán su nuevo plan de investigación para los próximos cuatro años.
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Indústries culturals
Mapping the musical mind 
Researchers used magnetic resonance imaging to study the brains of secondary school students during a task focused on musical observation.
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Characters for good, created by artificial intelligence
As it becomes easier to create hyper-realistic digital characters using artificial intelligence, much of the conversation around these tools has centered on misleading and potentially dangerous deepfake content.
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Combating patient loneliness through conversational AI 
With disinformation and confusion about COVID-19 on the rise, effective patient engagement is taking on an even greater role. Studies have shown that engaged patients show improved health outcomes and that effective tools can enhance service delivery. 
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RETRO, la pequeña IA de lenguaje de DeepMind que iguala a los gigantes del campo
En los dos años que han pasado desde que OpenAI lanzó su modelo de lenguaje GPT-3, la mayoría de los laboratorios de inteligencia artificial (IA) más prestigiosos han desarrollado sus propios imitadores de lenguaje.
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Engineers teach AI to navigate ocean with minimal energy 
Engineers at Caltech, ETH Zurich, and Harvard are developing an artificial intelligence (AI) that will allow autonomous drones to use ocean currents to aid their navigation, rather than fighting their way through them.
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Machines that see the world more like humans do
MIT researchers have developed a framework that helps machines see the world more like humans do. Their new artificial intelligence system for analyzing scenes learns to perceive real-world objects from just a few images, and perceives scenes in terms of these learned objects.
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Energia i sostenibilitat
Light-Powered Robots Can One Day Help Clean Up Oil Spills 
Researchers at the University of California Riverside (UCR) developed the film, powered by light and fueled by water, that not only could be deployed on the ocean to clean up oil spills, but also remove contaminants from drinking water.
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AI driven APOLLO predicts processor power consumption
Computer engineers at Duke University have developed APOLLO, a new AI method for predicting the power consumption of any type of computer processor over a trillion times per second. 
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Ciberseguretat, privacitat i ètica


La inteligencia artificial no existe
Como soy filólogo y poeta, resulta inevitable que mi manera de pensar las cosas se haya enredado en algunas páginas que forman parte de mí y que me han enseñado, entre otras cosas, que las metáforas son un arma de doble filo. Al invitarnos a mirar el mundo desde una perspectiva determinada, nos pueden hacer más libres y justos o más siervos.
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Artificial intelligence that can discover hidden physical laws in various data 
Researchers have successfully developed artificial intelligence technology that can extract hidden equations of motion from regular observational data and create a model that is faithful to the laws of physics.
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A system for designing and training intelligent soft robots
Let’s say you wanted to build the world’s best stair-climbing robot. You’d need to optimize for both the brain and the body, perhaps by giving the bot some high-tech legs and feet, coupled with a powerful algorithm to enable the climb.
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IOT Solutions World Congress reúne a los líderes en la transformación digital de la industria
IOT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC), evento internacional sobre transformación de la industria a través de tecnologías disruptivas, regresará al recinto de Gran Via de Fira de Barcelona del 10 al 12 de mayo de 2022.
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