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Volume 4, Issue 9, September – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Study on Effectiveness of Classroom Action

Research Workshop to Improve Teacher Research
Understanding in Balangan District,
South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Andi Ichsan Mahardika, Muhammad Arifuddin, Abdul Salam M, & Delsika Pramata Sari
Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Abstract:- Teacher competence is dynamic according to Regulation of the Minister of State for the Utilization of the
the development of science and technology. The demand State Apparatus and Reform of the Indonesian Republic
for teachers to always be creative and innovative in Bureaucracy[5] No: 16 of 2009 concerning Teacher
developing the learning they manage. Government of Functional Positions and Credit Numbers and the
Indonesia made a policy that aims to improve the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of
competence of teachers in carrying out duties as an Indonesia[6] No: 35 of 2010 Concerning Technical
educator in school, both competency pedagogy, Guidelines for the Implementation of the Functional
personality, social, and professional competencies. Position of Teachers and Their Credit Numbers. The new
Problems found in the field that teachers have difficulty rules will take effect on January 1, 2013.
doing educational research and making research
reports for professional development is due to the lack The Regulation of the Minister of National Education
of teacher understanding of educational research of Indonesia No: 35 of 2010 seems to be a policy that can
methodologies. Classroom action research workshops encourage the creation of quality education and quality
are seen as effective in increasing teacher understanding education outcomes. In the implementation of these rules,
of educational research. The subjects of the study in the the rules of credit numbers and promotion/ class space for
implementation of this class action research workshop teachers are required to develop sustainable profession as
were junior and senior high school teachers in Balangan an expression of teacher professionalism as educators.
District, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, Starting with the teacher with the first class of teacher class
totaling 14 teachers. To measure the effectiveness of IIIb until the main teacher class IVd must conduct research
implementation in increasing teacher understanding of or scientific publications for the development of
educational research, pre-test and post-test were professional competence and as a condition to meet credit
analyzed and analyzed using n-gain score analysis. scores. As a result of the implementation of the decision in
Based on the study it can be concluded that the general, teachers began to have difficulty proposing
classroom action research workshops given to teachers promotion.
by the methods of discussion, question and answer,
presentations, and assignments are effective in Efforts to further enhance the professionalism of
increasing teacher understanding of classroom action teachers in carrying out their duties, the government has
research in the medium category. also issued a policy of granting certification to every
teacher who has met the requirements. The consequence of
Keywords:- Classroom Action Research (CAR), Teacher the certification is that there is an award in the form of an
Competence, Teacher Research Competence. additional salary of one time basic salary which also
requires teachers as professionals to have innovative work.
I. INTRODUCTION Innovative works in the form of educational scientific
papers in the form of classroom action research (CAR),
Teacher competence is not something that is static, but Teaching Aids, Modules, Books, or Educational
dynamic in accordance with the development of science Technology Works.
and technology. This is in line with the demands on
teachers to always think creatively and innovatively in The results of discussions with several Balangan
developing learning and solving problems in the learning district teachers in South Kalimantan Province revealed that
they manage to improve the quality of education and teachers had difficulty in carrying out research activities
education outcomes[1,2]. and research reports in the field of education, this was due
to the lack of teachers' understanding of the classroom
The Indonesian government has carried out many action research methodology and analysis of class problems
activities aimed at increasing teacher competence in and solution methods. Classroom action research is a
carrying out their duties as educators in schools, both research method that can develop the quality of learning,
pedagogical, personal, social, and professional teaching and learning, skills or new approaches, solving
competencies[2,3,4]. One of them is the enactment of the problems with direct application to the learning process,

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Volume 4, Issue 9, September – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
flexible and adaptive, and does not interfere with the a workshop the average score of teachers' awards for the
learning process at school. classroom action research method was 80.71. For the
highest and lowest scores in the pre-test respectively are
One effort that can be done to help teachers to 55.00 and 32.50, this score has increased in the post-test for
overcome obstacles in making educational research reports the highest score is 90.00 and the lowest score is 75.00. The
is through workshops classroom action research. Lecturers increase in the score of teachers' understanding of the
of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, classroom action research method was also measured from
Lambung Mangkurat University jointly collaborate with the average n-gain score obtained by 0.67, this indicates
teachers in Balangan District starting from the that there was an effective increase in the teacher's
identification of learning problems faced by teachers, understanding of classroom action research in the medium
making action plans to address student learning problems, category.
implementing actions to evaluating and reflecting on
shortcomings that exist during the implementation of As for the ability of the teacher's understanding of the
learning, to reporting and writing scientific articles. classroom action research methods described based on test
indicators, the results obtained in the case of table 2.
Teacher's understanding of
To assess the effectiveness of classroom action Indicator research
research workshops to improve teacher research Pre-test Post-test
competencies, pre-test and post-test were carried out using
Basic concepts of 34.82 75.89
O1 X O2 pre-experimental design; where O1 is a test score
classroom action
before a class action research workshop, X is an action in research
the form of a class action research workshop, and O2 is a
test score after a class action research workshop. Classroom action 42.86 76.79
research cycle
Subjects in the classroom action research workshop Data collection 39.29 83.93
were 14 teachers at junior and senior high schools in technique
Balangan District, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The test is
Data analysis technique 47.32 84.82
given in multiple choice with four answer choices with
question indicators (1) basic concepts of classroom action
research, (2) class action research cycle, (3) data collection Data interpretation 41.07 82.14
techniques, (4) data analysis techniques, (5) data Table 2:- Teachers' Understanding of the Classroom Action
interpretation[7,8]. To find out the effectiveness of increasing Research Method Based on Test Indicators
teacher understanding in classroom action research the n-
gain test was calculated using the formula[9]: n-gain = [post- Table 2 above shows that all measurement indicators
test score - pre-test score] / [100 - pre-test score] with the have increased from pre-test scores to post-test scores. In
following categories: ( a) high category if n-gain ≤ 0.3; (b) the basic concept indicators of classroom action research
medium category if 0.3 <n-gain <0.7; and (c) high category the score obtained for pre-test was 34.82 while for the post-
if n-gain ≥ 0.7. test to be 75.89, in the indicator cycle of the classroom
action research the score obtained for pre-test was 42.86
III. DISCUSSION while for the post-test it became 76.79, the indicator for
collecting data technique scores obtained for pre-test is
Based on the test results obtained by the teacher's 39.29 while for post-test to 83.93, the indicator of data
understanding of the method of classroom action research analysis technique obtained for pre-test is 47.32 while for
in pre-test and post-test can be seen in Table 1. post-test to be 84.82, the interpretation indicator for data
obtained for pre-test is 41.07 while for post-test becomes
Teacher's understanding of 82.14.
Pre-test Post-test Improved scores of teachers' understanding of the
Average score 41.07 80.71 classroom action research method are due to the process of
Max score 55.00 90.00 action given to the trainee teachers. The action activities
Min score 32.50 75.00 given to the teacher are carried out by the methods of
Average n-gain score 0.67 discussion, question and answer, presentations, and
Table 1:- Scores of Teachers' Understanding of the assignments. This causes the teacher participants in
Classroom Action Research Method. addition to understanding the concepts are also able to
understand the classroom action research procedures. The
Table 1 above shows that there is an increase in material presented by the facilitator/ instructor includes,
teacher understanding of classroom action research among others, the basic concept material of classroom
methods. The average score before being given a classroom action research which includes urgency, the basic principles
action research workshop was 41.07 while after being given of classroom action research.

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Volume 4, Issue 9, September – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
In the implementation of the training, participants also mechanics test data for introductory physics courses.
obtained material, namely the class action research cycle, in American JP.Vol. 66. No.1.
that session the material contained components of the class
action research cycle, examples of activities from the
components of the class action research cycle. Other
materials provided during the training were data collection
techniques, in the session the teachers were trained to know
the types of research data, to know the types of data
collection techniques such as observation, tests, interviews
and preparation of data collection instruments according to
data collection techniques. In the data analysis technique
material, the teachers are trained to recognize and identify
data analysis techniques that are in accordance with the
formulation of the research problem, research data, and data
collection techniques. At this stage the teacher is trained
using descriptive and quantitative data analysis methods. In
the final material which is data interpretation material, the
teachers as trainees are trained to interpret the data
provided, make discussions and draw conclusions based on
the results of data analysis. By carrying out all stages of the
training, this has an impact on increasing teacher
understanding of classroom action research, this can be
seen from the increase in the pre-test average score of 40.07
to 80.71. When viewed from the average n-gain score
obtained is 0.67, this indicates that there is an effective
increase in teacher understanding of classroom action
research in the medium category.


Based on the Discussion Results above, it can be

concluded that the classroom action research training
provided to teachers by the method of discussion, question
and answer, presentation, and assignment is effective in
increasing teacher understanding of classroom action
research in the medium category.


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