by Max Barry

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by Leskya. . 209 reads.

Nafyite economics | .arkivoj

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    The economy of Leskya takes a complex form based upon cultural customs, localised necessities, and historic Desertist policies. Much of it is based upon the theory of communisation, which seeks to abolish property as a concept and establish a system of distribution based upon the principle of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."

    Unlike under a capitalist or lower-stage socialist system, the economy of Leskya is de-atomised, and relations to production are equal to social relations, "life's prime want"; productive activity is not separate from reproductive and home activity, such as consuming - inhabiting, eating, enjoying - but has become an equal and immediate activity. The political economy, then, has transformed the concept of need and want into non-synonymous, unlike within capitalism or lower-stage socialism. Many Leskyans argue this system is anti-economic, or a non-economy (Esperanto: neekonomia).


One who eats from his own farm is like an infant who is nurtured by his own mother’s breast. -- Rabbi Ahai ben Yoshaya

Visual map of a standard farm

    Agriculture plays an important aspect of economic and social life within Leskya, especially within communes.

    Within the Leskyan farming ethic, the concept of memfido (English: self-reliance, self-depedence, self-sufficiency) describes the relationship between the commune and its agricultural basis. Communal indepedence is seen as grounded in its ability to provide a reliable food supply of its own. Communes which cannot provide at least 2000 calories a day for every resident are considered ĉantaĝita (English: blackmailed, exploitable) or at risk of becoming ĉantaĝita. Such communes are unlikely to be afforded to enter into an exchange agreement or network, and depending on its desirability, may be abolished or flooded with newcomers who seek to aid in its memfido.

    Further, agriculture as a whole is part of the commune's microculture (see: manierofaritaj). The commune itself has the right to set its own agricultural management. Farming is an activity performed by nearly every Leskyan, to some extent, although certain communes may put special or lesser emphasis on such activities. Depending on the commune's location, culture surrounding the diet, and material capabilities (see: nutrado and ilhejmo), a commune may be more dependent upon exchange with other communes in order to meet its desired food standards; likewise, some communes may be entirely self-sufficient agriculturally.

    Generally, agricultural worktime is divided equally among a commune's residents, so as to continue to allow the commune's "realm of freedom" and avoid a division between labour producers/consumers. As a result, it is possible to say that, in Leskya, everybody farms, but no one is a farm-er.

    Leskyan farming is often acclaimed for its high-quality yield and sustainability. Food waste, artificial shortages, soil deterioration, and maldistribution have virtually disappeared from Leskyan society, primarily due to the wide social distribution of farming activities and a universal interest in producing and maintaining a good yield of agricultural products.

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    Naturkuniĝo describes the relationship between the individual, community, and the environment they utilise. The idea developed out of the abolition of producer/consumer divisions and specialisation of labour within social relations.

    Although difficult to grasp by industrial and post-industrial civilisations, naturkuniĝo is sometimes translated as "natural union", which can be understood as the lack of a concept of 'wilderness' within Leskyan culture. That is, within Leskyan society, 'nature' is seen as synonymous with agriculture, farming, and the 'wilderness', that is, 'untamed' or undomesticated land.

    Other translations of naturkuniĝo translate it as "nature-intercourse", a translation which attempts to convey the interactive nature of naturkuniĝo; inherently, humanity - including the individual and the community - are seen as part of the environment. Interacting within the environment, then, is somewhat akin to procreation, in the sense of 'becoming one' and the combination of both actors (i.e., the 'human' and the 'natural') through actions such as farming. This translation also conveys the mutualistic need of both actors - should one fail in their acts, or abuse the other, both will ultimately suffer and the relationship is strained or even broken.

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So let man see from what he is created. -- Quran at-Tariq 86:5

    Like agriculture, fabriculture and craft-making plays an important aspect of economic and social life within Leskya, and likewise, is highly dependant upon and reflective of a commune's manierofaritaj. As a de-atomised communist economy, specialisation is minimised within fabricultural industries of Leskya, and production is primarily based upon need.

    The principle of memfido of communes extends to fabriculture, though due to nature of production, it is primarily present within repair and maintenance activities. Partly due to memfido, and partly due to the collective ownership of means of production and lack of market forces, local craftworkers are disincentivised and disinterested from producing defective products or planning obsolescence. As a result, repairs and maintenance are rarer than in many industrial societies, and products are generally 'made to last' and possess high durability. Memfido and self-ownership within communes further cuts down on time and energy involved in industry activities, such as transport, maintenance and repairs, as individuals actors are already present within the locality.

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