Post-Webinar Survey - No Budget Confidential - Weaver Brothers - 8/27/20
Thank you for giving me your honest feedback on this presentation. Your input will be incredibly helpful to me as I work to improve these for the future. This form is completely anonymous.
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Overall, did you find the information useful? *
No, not at all
Yes, definitely
As far as your expectations for this session, did it meet your expectations, exceed them, or fall short? *
If your answer above was that it fell short, please explain what you were expecting and how it didn't meet that expectation.
Would you recommend these sessions to a friend on social media? *
Yes, definitely
Absolutely not
What part of the converstation did you like the most or get the most out of? *
What part of the conversation did you like the least or find the least useful? *
What was missing that you hoped to hear about? *
Did you think the Zoom platform worked for this type of thing? *
Was there too much interaction with attendees or not enough? *
Too much
Not enough
What did you think about the mix of what was presented on screen:  the three of us on screen together, the filmmakers or me on screen alone, clips and stills on screen without seeing the speaker? *
How would you value answering questions in a presentation like this? *
How would you prefer asking questions? *
Do you have suggestions for how to better utilize the Chat feature? *
What did you think of the Poll? *
How was watching the clips? *
How did our audio sound? *
What did you think of the clips & stills used? *
Added a lot of value to the converstation
Any suggestions to improve these sessions going forward? *
Any suggestions to improve the Zoom experience? *
Any suggestions for future guests and/or films to discuss? *
What online classes might you be interested in taking from No Budget Film School? (please check all that apply and/or suggest one) *
In general, if you took a paid class, would you prefer to take shorter classes (say, 2 hours), or longer, more in-depth classes over several days? *
What time of the day would you prefer to take Zoom classes, assuming we get back to normal? *
Any final thoughts or comments you'd like to add?
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