Pelvic Floor Muscle Training in Mumbai

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Pelvic Floor Muscle Training in Mumbai


What are pelvic floor muscles? These are the muscles which support your pelvic organs i.e. uterus, urinary bladder, small intestine and rectum. These are levator ani, the coccygeus and the associated connective which span the area underneath the pelvis. In women, they provide support for the baby during pregnancy and assist in the birth process. They work with the abdominal and back muscles to stabilise and support the spine. Having strong pelvic floor muscles mean good control over the bladder and bowel. Weakened pelvic floor muscles mean the internal organs are not fully supported and you may have difficulty controlling the release of urine, faeces or flatus.


What can make these muscles loose /weak? Pregnancy and childbirth for women, straining on the toilet, chronic coughing, Heavy lifting, high impact exercise, age, obesity, lower levels of esterogen after menopause,

some form of surgeries which require cutting the muscles, growing older are some which make these muscles weak. 

Symptoms of weak pelvic floor muscle: - Leaking of urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing or running. - Failing to reach the toilet. - Reduced sensation in the vagina - Tampons that fall out - Passing of flatus when bending or lifting.

Pelvic floor exercises Pelvic floor exercises are designed to improve muscle tone. A pelvic floor muscle training exercise is like pretending that you have to urinate, and then holding it. You relax and tighten the muscles that control urine flow. 

How can I strengthen these muscles? The first thing you need to do is identify your pelvic floor muscles before moving into a regular pelvic floor muscle exercise program. To find out how to find and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, see below. 1. Sit or lie down with the muscles of your thighs, buttocks and stomach relaxed. 2. Squeeze the ring of muscle around the back passage as if you are trying to stop passing urine. Now relax this muscle. Squeeze and let go a couple of times until you are sure you have found the right muscles. Try not to squeeze your buttocks. 3. When sitting on the toilet to empty your bladder, try to stop the stream of urine, then start it again. Do this to learn which muscles are the right ones to use – but only once a week. How do I do my pelvic floor muscle training?

For performing pelvic floor exercises, follow these steps: 1. Begin by emptying your bladder. 2. Tighten the pelvic floor muscles and lift them UP inside. Feel a sense of “lift” each time you squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and hold for a count of 10. 3. Relax the muscles completely for a count of 10 and let them go and relax. You should have a distinct feeling of “letting go”. 4. Repeat “squeeze and lift” and let go. Do 10 repetitions, 3 to 5 times a day (morning, afternoon, and night).

5. You can do these exercises at any time and place, while lying down or sitting in a chair. You will notice some improvement after 4 to 6 weeks. It may take as long as 3 months to see a major change.     

While doing pelvic floor muscle training: keep breathing; only squeeze and lift; do NOT tighten your buttocks; and keep your thighs relaxed. Keep your abdominals, buttocks and thighs relaxed. A woman can also strengthen these muscles by using a vaginal cone, which is a weighted device that is inserted into the vagina. Then you try to tighten the pelvic floor muscles to hold the device in place. If you are unsure whether you are doing the pelvic floor muscle training correctly, you can use biofeedback and electrical stimulation to help find the correct muscle group to work. Seek a professional help for this.

Do your pelvic floor muscle training well Fewer good squeezes are better than a lot of half-hearted ones! If you are not sure that you are doing the squeezes right, or if you do not see a change in symptoms after 3 months, ask for help from your doctor, physiotherapist, or continence nurse.

When to seek professional help If you do not find any improvement in 3 months of following the pelvic floor muscle exercises, seek a professional. Like all exercises, these are most effective when individually tailored and monitored. Women's health or pelvic floor physiotherapists specialise in pelvic floor muscle exercises. They can assess your pelvic floor function and tailor an exercise program to meet your specific needs. They can also prescribe other treatment options such as biofeedback and discuss relevant lifestyle factors with you.

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