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舊版載點 - Gilisoft Private Disk



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個人私密虛擬硬碟 - Gilisoft Private Disk,利用AES 256位元加密演算法,建立副檔名為GPD的虛擬硬碟檔(最大支援2TB)儲物櫃,然後自動掛載為虛擬硬碟,儲存於之中的檔案被自動加密保護,也可以將GPD移植到USB隨身碟,隨身攜帶加密的機密檔案,另外,還有檔案或資料夾隱藏功能,資料夾偽裝功能,可以將資料夾偽裝成資源回收筒、印表機、網路撥號、網路芳鄰、控制台、管理工具。(阿榮

GiliSoft Private Disk protects information with the strongest encryption algorithm known today – AES 256-bit. Besides offering state-of-the-art, trustworthy and reliable AES 256-bit NIST certified encryption, GiliSoft Private Disk provides additional protection for your confidential information by employing its innovative Disk Image Hide method. The Disk Image Hide protects your data by application, ensuring that no viruses, trojans, spyware or any other malware will harm or steal your valuable information. It also protects data on USB flash drives – you can work with the encrypted files on any computer without installing the software locally.