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eCommerce Brand Owners & CEOs
Are You Ready To HYPER-ACCELERATE The Growth of Your Facebook Ad Revenue in The Next 90 Days?

$7K/mth to $100K+/mth in 30 days... (August 2020)

$14,551 generated with $1,260 on ad spend, 11x ROAS (June 2020)

Hear It From Our Clients...
"Honestly it was the best decision we've made for the business to date. Within two months we grew that $25,000 mark to $95,000 per month, on only $17,000 of ad spend! If you're someone that's just on the fence, do not hesitate, just jump right in. I recommend GrowBiz to everybody"
Brett Nobles
Founder, Your Income Space

Over the last 12 months we’ve generated in excess of $3.5M in client revenue through Facebook & Instagram Ads, supercharging growth for eCommerce brands to revenue levels they had only dreamed about…
We’ve been in the trenches day-in and day-out staying on the pulse of the ever-changing landscape of Facebook & Instagram Advertising – testing, validating and optimizing our strategies.
Why? So, we can deliver maximum ROI and accelerated growth for eCommerce brands like yours.
This is what we LIVE & BREATHE.
We’re here to help you skyrocket your revenue and take your business to the next level…
Are YOU Ready?
Please Note: We currently have an intake of 3 new clients per month and carefully screen all enquiries to ensure that we can deliver. To find out if we’re a good fit, Secure your Free Consultation Call with us today.
“I would highly recommend GrowBiz Marketing Agency. We were a brand new online store and within three months Growbiz Marketing has built our store to the Top 9% of all online stores who opened the same week. This is a remarkable achievement and one we are very proud of.”
Tracey Winberg
Founder, Miranda Jewellery
We Could Tell You How Good We Are, But We’ll Just Let The Results Speak For Themselves…
eCommerce: Women's Fashion
This UK based women’s fashion eCommerce store is specialized in affordable & high-quality women’s clothing. The brand’s customer avatar was ‘stylish modern mature women age 30-55, who appreciate high-end items. 
The biggest challenge for us was to sell the items to a group of fashion-conscious women in a short period of time.
How We Did it:
We tested more than 13 cold audiences types based on Interests and Lookalikes through Facebook Advertising.
We then identified the winning combination of audience, creatives, ad copy, headline and offer. Plus the Winning placement of Desktop Vs Mobile, Facebook Vs Instagram.
Segmented the audience according to their intent and nurture properly before driving them to take the desired action.
This UK based women’s fashion eCommerce store is specialized in affordable & high-quality women’s clothing. The brand’s customer avatar was ‘stylish modern mature women age 30-55, who appreciate high-end items. 
The biggest challenge for us was to sell the items to a group of fashion-conscious women in a short period of time.
How We Did it:
We tested more than 13 cold audiences types based on Interests and Lookalikes through Facebook Advertising.
We then identified the winning combination of audience, creatives, ad copy, headline and offer. Plus the Winning placement of Desktop Vs Mobile, Facebook Vs Instagram.
Segmented the audience according to their intent and nurture properly before driving them to take the desired action.
eCommerce: Men's Fashion
OVER $222,807 IN SALES @ 2.89 ROAS 🚀
This case study is from an e-Commerce that specialises in creating practical high-end men’s bags. We used videos extensively on top of funnel educating the audience about the bags - what they are made of (e.g. leather sourced only from Europe) and the practicality of the bags (e.g. very light due to less water content in the leather). We then introduced a retargeting campaign as well as introducing ads with testimonials for social proof on bottom of the funnel which worked astonishingly well.

This case study is from an e-Commerce that specialises in creating practical high-end men’s bags. We used videos extensively on top of funnel educating the audience about the bags - what they are made of (e.g. leather sourced only from Europe) and the practicality of the bags (e.g. very light due to less water content in the leather). We then introduced a retargeting campaign as well as introducing ads with testimonials for social proof on bottom of the funnel which worked astonishingly well.

eCommerce: Graphic Clothing & Accessories
OVER £13,387 IN SALES @ 5.72 ROAS 🔥
 This case study is from an e-Commerce specialises in creating unique graphic clothing (e.g. t-shirts, kinky accessories etc). This e-Commerce was able to achieve 5.72 ROAS by engaging our services. Through the use of social proof tactics and DPA we were able to engage the very specific young female audience and compel them through to purchase.

eCommerce: Home Decor Products
OVER $404,571 IN SALES @ 8.89 ROAS IN 5 MONTHS 😱
eCommerce: Hawaiian Koa Rings
We Grow eCommerce Brands
We are a growth agency helping eCommerce brands crush their revenue goals – we work with eCommerce brands that have demonstrated product-market fit and are prepared for massive growth.
We let entrepreneurs focus on their zone of genius by taking the whole process off their hands. We'll establish your targeting, put together your ad creative, and then monitor and test it all until we crack the results you're after! 
We Grow eCommerce Brands
We are a growth agency helping eCommerce brands crush their revenue goals – we work with eCommerce brands that have demonstrated product-market fit and are prepared for massive growth.
We let entrepreneurs focus on their zone of genius by taking the whole process off their hands. We'll establish your targeting, put together your ad creative, and then monitor and test it all until we crack the results you're after! 
Are you ready to accelerate your growth?
Hit the link, book a call, and get ready to discuss the strategic details of what you need in place to make your vision a reality!
Please Note: We currently have an intake of 3 new clients per month and carefully screen all enquiries to ensure that we can deliver. To find out if we’re a good fit, Secure your Free Consultation Call with us today.
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Please note: This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
Earnings Disclaimer:  Unique experiences and past performances including testimonials do not guarantee future results. Testimonials herein are unsolicited and are non-representative of all clients and we are not associated with Facebook. The sales figures stated above are sales figures from (personal results, client results). Results are not typical. We are not implying that you will be able to duplicate these results and are using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on various factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as consistent effort and action.
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