Ricky A. LeBlanc, Managing Attorney, Sokolove LawLegally Edited and Fact-Checked by:
Ricky A. LeBlanc, Managing Attorney, Sokolove Law

Cancer Victims Are Filing Lawsuits Against Allergan

Over Recalled Breast Implants

Allergan Breast Implant Lawsuit

Studies have shown an increased risk of cancer, specifically BIA-ALCL, linked to Allergan’s now-recalled manufactured textured breast implants and tissue expanders.

Hundreds of women have been affected by these recalled implants — some even developing breast implant cancer. Lawsuits are mounting against Allergan and other potentially responsible parties.

The FDA and the World Health Organization (WHO) have distinguished BIA-ALCL as a type of cancer that can develop after breast implant surgery.

Through lawsuits, some victims are requesting, at a minimum, that Allergan pay for the cost of removing and replacing their breast implants. While compensation for the surgery may be helpful, it does not remove the trauma of dealing with the painful symptoms associated with these recalled implants, undergoing invasive surgery and other treatments, and possibly living with the uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis.

Legal action may be the last thing on your mind if you had breast implant surgery with now-recalled implants. But an Allergan breast implant lawsuit may help lighten your load — both financially and emotionally — during this difficult time.

Sokolove Law has over 45 years of experience handling personal injury cases, and we would be honored to help you too. Reach out to our Allergan breast implant law firm today for a free case review.

Recent News About Allergan Breast Implant Cancer

In 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first reported a potential connection between breast implants and cancer of the lymphatic system.

Since then, hundreds of women have been diagnosed with breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) — and some of these cases have been fatal.

  • July 6, 2019: The FDA receives a total of 573 reports of BIA-ALCL to date. 481 of these cases have been attributed to Allergan breast implants.
  • July 24, 2019: Upon request from the FDA, Allergan announces a worldwide recall of manufactured textured breast implants and tissue expanders.
  • September 2019: An Illinois woman files a proposed class-action lawsuit against Allergan, claiming the company knew about the link between its textured implants and cancer long before the implants were recalled.
  • October 2019: Two Florida women file a lawsuit against Allergan. The Allergan breast implant lawyers involved in the case are requesting that the company compensate the women for the costs associated with surgically removing and replacing their textured implants.

If you had breast implant surgery and the implants that were used have since been recalled, you may be eligible for financial compensation through an Allergan breast implant lawsuit.

Allergan Textured Breast Implants Are to Blame

Approximately 36% (12 out of 33) of cases involving BIA-ALCL-related deaths have been attributed to the product manufacturer Allergan. Research from the FDA indicates that Allergan textured implants are the culprit, and smooth (non-textured) implants have not been linked to this cancer.

According to recent lawsuits, plaintiffs are claiming that the company knew of the risks of their textured implants long before they recalled select products in 2019.

The company began selling implants in 2006 and issued several long-term tests to assess their safety and performance. However, plaintiffs claim that Allergan did not report safety concerns to the FDA through proper channels.

It wasn’t until more rigorous reporting requirements had been implemented and the FDA requested a recall that Allergan withdrew their products. But by that time, thousands of women were placed at risk for cancer.

Get Legal Help for Allergan Breast Implant Cancer

The Allergan breast implant attorneys at Sokolove Law are currently investigating cases involving Allergan’s recalled textured implants.

If you or someone you love was diagnosed with BIA-ALCL or if you’ve had Allergan textured breast implants removed due to the recall, you may wish to file a legal claim against the product manufacturer. If you have a case, you may be able to receive compensation.

To learn more about filing an Allergan breast implant lawsuit, contact Sokolove Law today for a free case review. Our team of Case Managers is ready to listen and answer any questions you may have.