Your Duties as a Citizen|Paragraphs On Your Duties as a Citizen|

Your Duties as a Citizen

A citizen has certain rights but he also has some duties towards society. A citizen is free to travel throughout his country and carry on any trade and business so long as he does not harm the interest of the people or the state.

Senior Citizen feeding Ducks
Senior Citizen feeding Ducks
He is given protection and has a right to express his grievances to the relevant authorities so that he can live in peace. But it is also his duty to co-operate with others to create a healthy atmosphere, prevent pollution of all sorts, obey the rule and regulation of the country and encourage others to act and think positively. Thus a soldier should defend his country, a doctor should selflessly help the sick, a teacher must educate neglected people all the more, and so on. Every citizen must work sincerely in creating an environment where the good will become better and the bad things will come to a speedy end.

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